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♪Kizuna AI - Touch the Beat!♬
Oculus Questストア殿堂入りVRリズムゲーム!ぜひ遊んでみてね!


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1: Ami Yamato 2021/12/05 0:16
You deserve a break. Enjoy your time! 🤍
2: Wei Chih Liu 2021/12/05 0:56
最早入VTUBER這個坑就是因為愛醬的關係,也因為如此愛醬是我唯一有訂閱(筆誤修正、是加入會員)的VTB。從剛開始只有幾位V~>始皇帝+四天王~>分身問題到後來的個人勢。無奈到現在有權可作主時已經需要面臨一堆VTB的挑戰了..大概很多早期VTB都會面臨這個問題吧,也辛苦妳們這些先驅了。 如果不是妳們努力的開拓市場,VTB也不會有現在的榮景在。 希望在未來的某一天、還能看到愛醬再度回歸、給大家帶來更多的歡樂😭
3: tang roro 2021/12/05 2:53
"I'm no that rare anymore"
Please don't say that Ai, you'll always be unique and irreplaceable
4: oh ho∆【SSRB】【百鬼組】【桐生会】 2021/12/05 1:40
1.雖然我今年學業方面真的太忙碌了 再加上我的時間對不上AI直播的時間 所以很少可以跟上直播/看影片/留檔 但我會一直支持AI的!
2.當我看到AI用一個很正常的語氣說自己已經不特別的時候 我的心刺痛了一下 我覺得就算每個Vtuber的皮都一樣 但每個人的靈魂、“演繹”的方式都不同 所以AI在我心中是一個非常特別的存在!
3.當我知道AI將會無限期停止活動的時候 我的心情是很復雜的 但我覺得如果AI開心我就開心 如果AI可以休息一下我也不會反對的 我在這個留言的一開始就説了我會一直支持AI的!
最後 感謝AI這5年的付出 希望AI可以好好休息 做自己想做的事情 要開開心心的~
傳奇隕落不代表這個傳奇的一生結束 也不代表她的時代終結 更不代表她不會續寫屬於她的歷史 或許這會是一個新的開始
5: Trung Thiều Quang 2021/12/04 22:31
Even though there are 3 more months until that day, this news still hit me as a shock. I know I shouldn't cry or sad, since Ai-chan will be back, she just needs a long rest and ofc she have all the reasons in the world to do so, but man I'm actually sobbing right now.
But in the end, she'll return, stronger than ever, even more energetic than ever, and I'll be there welcome her back, along with many Kizuners out there. Thank you AI-chan, for all the laughs you brought me all these years. Rest well, looking forward to seeing you soon!!!

Also, viewers out there, let's get her to reach 3M before her hiatus!!!
6: 彭迎哲 2021/12/05 0:28
看到2:35那句話出來的瞬間,我眼淚真的潰堤了,我是在一年半前認識HOLO的,然後才因此了解開山始祖絆愛和其他四天王,我並非主推絆愛,但看到他講出這句話時真的有種莫名的悲傷感,但往好處想,沒有絆愛他們,或許其他VTB不會走的那麼順暢,也不會因此而流行,已經成功地讓大家了解到有 virtual youtuber 的存在了!!期待日後絆愛的歸來!!Hope to see you soon!!
7: ギズモ 2021/12/05 0:40
8: cae76825 2021/12/04 23:24
非常感謝愛醬這5年來的努力和付出 正是因為有了愛醬才有現在豐富精彩和活力十足的各種VTUBER們 希望愛醬在演唱會後好好休息後 等愛醬充電完之後再出發 期待日後的再相遇 會一直應援的!!
9: nischay 2021/12/04 23:03
Been watching you for 3 and half years, AI-chan helped me during my worst years, I should've known about you before.
There's still a lot of content i need to catch on and been learning Japanese to understand most of it.

AI-chan you are strongest girl I've ever known, and thanks for providing us with some strength.

Thanks You, Kizuna AI the original Vtuber. Let's connect again someday.
10: Lord Volsung 2021/12/04 22:39
Can't believe I teared up even knowing that you'll be back. Thousands of vtubers today stand on your shoulders. You paved way for vtubing as it is today. Newer generations may become bigger than you, but you will always be the legend that started it all. Cheers to the last 5 years, and more years to come for our favorite Super A.I.

11: 佐藤洋 2021/12/04 22:53
12: 漆黒乃カラス 2021/12/04 23:52
13: 온덩E 2021/12/05 3:40
未熟な日本語の実力を持っている韓国のファンですが、心がこもったレスを書きたくて勇気を出して書いてみます。 初めて映像がアップされた5年前、16年12月からずっとAIちゃんの映像を見てきました。 大変だった時代に私にいつも力をくれたし, 大変な時期を経ましたが, たまに行く途中で疲れて倒れる時もあなたの映像はそんな私に力をくれたりしました。 今までも苦しい時に聞くようになるあなたの歌は, 今までそうして来たしこれからも私に力になってくれると思います。そんなあなたに小さな気持ちでも伝えたくて、メンバーシップに加入したのももうすぐ1年になります。 なのに、今まで私を喜ばせてくれただけの逆風で私を悲しくするなんて。 この知らせを初めて接した時、思わず泣いてしまいました。 悲しいときに、思わず涙が流れるようなことを経験したのですね。 でも、それでもこんな悲しむ姿を見せたくないので笑う姿であなたを送ろうと思います。 そして、『引退』ではなく『休息』ではないか。 無期限という前提がついているが、休息なので私のために。 いや、私たちのために、後日、きっとお帰りになると信じております。 いつになってもいつもあなたの映像を見たり思い出したり、歌を聴いたりしながら記憶します。 数多くのV-Tuberが生まれているが、私たちにはいつもあなただけだということ。 ぜひ覚えてください。 終わりは新たな始まりなので、くれぐれもお体にお気をつけて。
14: Grey Whale 2021/12/04 22:22
Ai-chan, you helped me through the pandemic. I feel like a piece of me has gone. I will wait for that piece to come back to me. Rest well Ai-chan. Thank you for all these years.
15: Israel Martin 2021/12/04 22:46
La sigo desde que regresó del ban (recién la conocí), y me suscribí a la membresía desde hace casi 2 años; por supuesto que la voy a esperar, es la bestowaifu
16: Lucas Leong 2021/12/04 22:47
It really shocked me when I first saw this. I have to admit, I did not watch AI-Chan that often. But still, I am very thankful to you for being the significant leader in this industry and showing the whole world how amazing it is to be a Vtuber. There is not much I can say, I hope you can find the connection you want in the real world, cuz you helped me find mine. I wish you the best and looking forward to your return !!!!!
17: ブルースカイ 2021/12/04 23:16
18: Dorian Scott 2021/12/05 1:14
Take as long of a break as you need to, Ai-chan. You have brought many smiles and laughs upon most fans of yours over the past 5 years. We will always support until the day that you're gone for good. Not to mention, without you, VTubing would never be as huge as it is now. You're a VTuber pioneer that will always have the deepest respect from your fans.

Congratulations on making through 5 years, rest well, and just know that you're the best VTuber out there and we will wait as long as we have to until you decide to return.
We love you, Ai-chan!!💗
19: x fourzeooo 2021/12/04 22:31
20: M 2021/12/04 22:37
I never skip any of your vids for years. You're the only vtuber i really really support. Now that i have a job. I'll definitely buy the merch that is still available to show my gratitude to you. I love you. I wish for your comeback to be as great or much greater than before. Before that. Be careful and have a great days
21: Rikka_lxn 2021/12/04 23:05
22: たなぼたさん 2021/12/04 22:45
23: 元素反叛者爆雷帝實況主 2021/12/04 22:54
想當初還以為真的有這麼厲害的AI w
不過身為一切的起源 我會獻上最大的敬o7
24: Carlos Hidalgo 2021/12/04 22:37
🌟Felíz Aniversario - Kizuna Ai🌟 y que lo disfrutes a lo grande 💝
25: D3athstrike 2021/12/04 22:36
Thank you for the last five years! 🎀 ✨
You've worked so hard and we understand that you have to take a break sometimes~
Let's make great memories until the best live ever!!!
Every morning video tweet you did was so energizing, we'll keep looking forward to them
26: Albert Zych 2021/12/05 0:39
Well, that was 5 years when Ai-Chan gave happiness and optimism to us. Her gaming, music videos, quality content and more that prepared to us.
So, I hope after long rest come back as stronger, better Ai-Chan and for the new concert which also starts.
I know was thousands of VTubers which also has entertaining content but Ai-Chan still deserves to be legend, pioneer and the best one.
So, I always can respect her full happiness she gave to us.
Love ya, Queen Ai-Chan and I would to see yourself what will happen after long rest... ❤
27: 大聖 2021/12/04 22:39
28: 魔天人matento 2021/12/04 22:28
29: アッサム 2021/12/04 22:39
30: Stephen Kyle 2021/12/04 22:48
I have not mainly watched Kizuna but I know that she's one of the reason why Vtubers is big in this day. We all know that she will return in the future but it's still hurts that we only have 3 months with her until the sleep. My heart hurts when a vtuber graduate and this feels the same I can only hope that the update goes fast and we can have our OG vtuber back! We love you Ai-chan! Goodluck on your update and future plans we are all behind!!!!! GANBARE!
31: Grant 2021/12/05 12:07
I still recall this summer, she played RE8, cried in the end when Ethan is dead, and said she cannot not wait to play Rose’s story in the future. I also imagined how RE9 gonna be like and how she’s gonna play it. I guess that day will never come. Nothing last forever I guess, 一期一会,thanks for the 5 years of happiness you brought to us. I wish you the best for your future…
32: Pyro18 2021/12/05 6:09
This is some heart wrenching news to wake up to. While I haven't been able to watch as frequently as I'd like to, she is still the OG! Her influence changed the internet. A real icon. It's really sad to see her go and I will miss her, but I hope she does return and becomes better than ever.
33: SAI 2021/12/04 22:11
34: ともみ 2021/12/04 22:43
35: iarloy (simplemente una cuenta random) 2021/12/04 22:57
Definitivamente voy a estar ahí, te mereces un descanso, gracias por haberte esforzado tanto, realmente aprecio los buenos recuerdos que tuve con tus vídeos desde 2017.
36: V.I.P. PyroTM 2021/12/04 22:43
Thank you so much Ai-Chan for being one of the few VTubers to bring up the trend for the past 5 years!
You've always been so amazing and for that, we are thankful....
It's kinda sad that you'll be sleeping indefinitely, but hopefully; you'll come back!

Let's make more memories, Ai-Chan!
We await for your return from the Big Update! ❤❤❤❤
37: c6猫 2021/12/04 23:02
38: ヘラーHeller 2021/12/05 8:49
May the update be as successful as it could be, fully believe in AI-Chan! Take a good break and be back better stronger smarter than ever! Really looking forward to that day to come!
39: Mu Mogusa 2021/12/05 8:31

40: Hiki clonen 2021/12/04 23:33
41: Paul Chen 2021/12/04 23:55
I’ve followed her when she just began her journey, and there were times when I would stop watching following months of Kizuna Ai addiction. There were ups and downs, and life has had a dramatic change for me, but I will never forget what you’ve accomplished and I will always wait for you.
Your songs give me hope, and I listen to them whenever I needed enough energy to continue with my day. Although I shouldn’t, I think I might have my heart broken the moment I heard you announce this, which I was never expecting to ever possibly happen. I will miss you, and I will never forget you too, and thank you for what you’ve did for me and everyone else.
42: P2K9 2021/12/05 11:18
I've been watching Ai-chan from the start and will do so until the end. Lets enjoy the next three months and then Ai-chan can take her well deserved rest.
I'm sorry I couldn't do more to support you.
Ai-chan is really an amazing talent. Her singing and dancing are great. Her videos are quite different from other vtubers, the comedy and the topics covered are quite unique. I've enjoyed so many of her videos and her many, many lives. I've experienced many different emotions while watching. Its early to say this, but I will await your return.
Kizuna AI will forever be Oyabun.
43: Drasyah 2021/12/04 22:44
I believe in you, hope you are doing great on your sleep, Thumbs up for all your hardwork, Ai-chan!!
44: SOMEONE Mee 2021/12/04 22:38
Thank you Kizuna Ai for the 5 years.
It will be sad when you are not around but I will wait for your return after your sleep!
Thank you for introducing me to the amazing world of Virtual-youtubers!!!
45: out3nicyおツリニシ 2021/12/05 2:08
im still feeling down because bora graduation and now this...hit me again
ill try my best to always be happy during your break!
46: Nguyen 2021/12/04 22:26
This will be an ultimate challenge for me knowing you will be asleep when the concert is over. I’m not sure if I can do this. I’ve know you only on 2019 and it was a very great year when I get to get into the VTuber Universe! One of my greatest turn of my life! You gave me hope. You gave me happiness. You gave me laugh. I’m very glad I get to know you and become a Kizuner! Now it’s time to enjoy the last moment of the year and then........we move forward what happens next! I love you My Favorite VTuber in the world! You always be number 1 in my heart Kizuna Ai! Have a great year!
47: AlphaCentauri 2021/12/04 22:41
Thank you for everything the past 5 years Ai-chan! You're the one who introduced me to everything about vtubers all the way back in 2017. I have so much respect for all the hard work you've put in over the years. Please rest well and take as much time as you need, we'll be waiting for your return!!
48: LargeBlackBear 2021/12/05 4:29

You've been working very hard these past 5 years! Discovering your shenanigans through DuoLingo, gaming, through your shows, and through your singing has been an enormously enjoyable experience! Seeing the people you've inspired as well, it's crazy how much of an inspiration you have become, and in many ways, continue to be!

When your break comes, I hope you get a great amount of rest, and experience the world in a way you haven't before! Can't wait to hear your stories when you return! Here's to having a grand amount of fun until then!

49: decre 2021/12/05 0:26
Thank you for everything Ai chan. You make millions of people in this world smile every day, and will continue during your sleep. Please enjoy your rest, you and your team deserve every bit of it. We love you and we'll be waiting for your return. Oyasumi 🎀💕
50: エル 2021/12/05 7:57
ただ、0からたった1人で頑張ってきたアイちゃんに、安心して自分を託せるといえるような仲間や、帰ってくる物理的(バーチャルだけど)な居場所ができたことを改めて感じてすごく嬉しくなりました。KizunaAI inc.の皆さん、アイちゃんをどうかよろしくお願いします。

