ずっと真夜中でいいのに。『正しくなれない』MV(ZUTOMAYO - Can’t Be Right)

ずっと真夜中でいいのに。『正しくなれない』MV(ZUTOMAYO - Can’t Be Right)

2020/12/17 19:00に公開 4分1秒
# Data
最高順位 9位
最低順位 34位
増加再生回数 +1166604回
ランクイン日時 2020/12/18 12:00
ランク圏外日時 2020/12/20 11:45
急上昇継続時間 1日23時間45分
再生回数 563958回
※再生回数, コメント数, 高評価数, 低評価数, 評価数合計, 高評価割合は初回ランクイン時の数値
Canvas not supported
日時 順位 再生回数
2020/12/18 12:00 13位 563958回
2020/12/18 14:30 14位 609321回
2020/12/18 15:15 13位 623707回
2020/12/18 15:30 14位 628154回
2020/12/18 15:45 18位 632989回
2020/12/18 17:00 17位 656334回
2020/12/18 17:45 18位 674081回
2020/12/18 18:00 16位 680813回
2020/12/18 18:30 19位 694446回
2020/12/18 19:00 18位 721406回
2020/12/18 19:45 14位 753621回
2020/12/18 20:00 15位 759420回
2020/12/18 21:00 14位 782991回
2020/12/18 22:45 13位 838603回
2020/12/18 23:00 12位 847390回
2020/12/18 23:30 13位 865619回
2020/12/18 23:45 14位 875481回
2020/12/19 0:00 13位 883302回
2020/12/19 2:30 14位 986882回
2020/12/19 3:00 15位 1004223回
2020/12/19 4:15 14位 1033961回
2020/12/19 10:00 13位 1090992回
2020/12/19 12:00 12位 1141056回
2020/12/19 13:00 10位 1171400回
2020/12/19 13:15 9位 1180313回
2020/12/19 15:30 34位 1249307回
2020/12/19 16:15 33位 1272099回
2020/12/19 17:15 32位 1306799回
2020/12/19 18:45 31位 1364283回
2020/12/20 2:45 30位 1614598回
2020/12/20 3:15 31位 1628285回
2020/12/20 3:45 30位 1638358回
2020/12/20 4:15 31位 1647085回
2020/12/20 6:00 30位 1665448回
2020/12/20 6:30 31位 1668712回
2020/12/20 6:45 30位 1670060回
2020/12/20 11:00 29位 1712920回
2020/12/20 11:45 29位 1730562回

(ZUTOMAYO - Can’t Be Right)
Lyrics & Music & Vocal - ACAね
Arrangement – 久保田真悟(Jazzin’park), 100回嘔吐, ZTMY
Piano – Nao Nishimura
Drums - Yoshihiro Kawamura
Bass - Ryosuke Nikamoto
Guitar - Takayuki "Kojiro" Sasaki
Strings – Yu Manabe Strings
Rec & Mix Engineer - Toru Matake
Mastering Engineer - Takeo Kira
Sound Direction - Kohei Matsumoto

MV - 安田現象

「その楽園から脱獄せよ。 私たちの未来のために―。」

■出演:浜辺美波 城桧吏 板垣李光人 渡辺直美 北川景子
©白井カイウ・出水ぽすか/集英社 ©2020 映画「約束のネバーランド」製作委員会

2nd FULL ALBUM『ぐされ』
2021.2.10 RELEASE
※収録曲は全形態共通 (DELUXE盤のみ オフボーカル(インスト)入り)

¥9,900(税抜¥9,000) / UPCH-29381
・[ランダム1000枚限定封入]ACAね 直筆サイン入りポストカード

¥6,380(税抜¥5,800) / UPCH-29382
・オンラインライブ「NIWA TO NIRA」2020.8.6 完全収録(幻のアンコール「暗く黒く」含む) [約60分]
・ACAね ASMRの旅 滝と焚火編 [約60分]
※プレイパス(R)対応 (Blu-rayの映像をスマホで簡単にストリーミングもしくはダウンロード再生することができるサービスです。)

¥3,300(税抜¥3,000) / UPCH-20570

2020年11月28日(土):東京 東京ガーデンシアター
2020年11月29日(日):東京 東京ガーデンシアター
2021年01月13日(水):横浜 KT Zepp Yokohama
2021年01月14日(木):横浜 KT Zepp Yokohama
2021年01月20日(水):大阪 Zepp Osaka BaySide
2021年01月21日(木):大阪 Zepp Osaka BaySide
【席種 / チケット料金(税込み)】全席指定 ¥6,900

【ずっと真夜中でいいのに。 'ZUTOMAYO' 'ZTMY'】
Official Twitter : https://twitter.com/zutomayo_staff

#ずとまよ #個人制作アニメーション #約ネバ
1: ずっと真夜中でいいのに。 2020/12/17 19:31

正しくなれない 霧が毒をみた
偽りで出会えた 僕らは何一つも

僕ら育ってゆくみたい 愛されるみたい
今日を 今を選ぶ 澄んだ朝色

今日を 受け入れてゆく
喜びあった日々を 忘れはしないけど

知れば 知り得るほど

正しくなれない 霧が毒をみた
偽りで出会えた 僕らは何一つも

今 心を閉ざさぬように
腰眈々と 訓練を続けよ
枯れ木に 笑顔だけ
君の肉体 本心全て


君だけが見る 夕焼け風鏡 
僕でもいつか 解る日まで 
偽りで出会えた 撓る枝分かれよ

大したもんじゃない 無駄なもんじゃない
視野は脳裏を 寛大にしていくように
ずっと もうずっと 茶化されようが 

可能性が 見逃せるならば
可能性を 諦められないから

正しくなれない 君が僕をみた
偽りで出会えた 僕らは何一つも

2: ずっと真夜中でいいのに。 2020/12/14 19:08
3: Al Gallero 2020/12/17 20:08
Damn, I feel like ZUTOMAYO REALLY outdid themselves this time. Like the animation/movie was especially good this time (lol 144p), but the song though... It hits me so hard in so many different ways. I think they just might've properly captured the feeling/atmosphere of Promised Neverland.

(Long message ahead cause I'm high on caffeine at the time of writing this)

I especially loved the bass in this particular song. Normally it'd be going crazy for most of the duration of the song, but that clearly wasn't the case this time. I think its precisely because of that that when the bass does go slapp-mode, it stands out so much and gives you so much goosebumps. Though that might just be me that focuses a lot on the bass when listening to ZUTOMAYO, lol.

The music overall though... It's really good. Like curse-levels of good (I just don't want to do that here cuz' it might be negatively interpreted by JP-bros.). This song is probably gonna be one of my examples of AMAZING synergy/harmony between all instruments, including the vocals. In the chorus and for most of the song, no instrument blocks out and overpowers another. They all just... work together SO well that they end up combining and mixing together into one absolute masterpiece of a song.

Personally when I listen to ZUTOMAYO, I'd have to get used to the lead instruments or the ones that stand out most before I actually start to notice all of the instruments in one song. Take for example "MILABO"; it took me so long to even notice the brass instruments. Also for "Study Me", it took me way too long to notice how good the violin was. But in this song, every instrument was given a chance to stand out and so it made the chorus stand out even more for me since I was able to tell which instruments were playing which note. Also, I think most of the time ACAne's singing is overpowered by the instruments, but, as I've implied so many times now, that wasn't the case for this song. I have no problem with ACAne's singing not being the spotlight most of the time, in fact I personally think it works out better. There are lotsa songs out there where they highlight ACAne's vocals, and amazingly, this one also does. I don't know how that works, but it does. I actually even think that the singing is highlighted the most in this song. Also the violin, MAN is it good. I'm just gonna be general and say that all instruments are just amazing, ALL OF THEM.

Special mention though: the acoustic guitar. It sets up the mood so well for me. Kind of like a calm before the storm? I don't understand, but it does. Like I said, all instruments just work unbelievably well together.

The more I listen to the song the more I can confidently say that ZUTOMAYO *did* outdo themselves this time.

If you read the whole thing, I just wanna apologize for wasting your time (lol), and also have a Merry Christmas!
4: Mega Jax 2020/12/17 20:17
æ some good musik

Edit: holy shit the animation is smooth af
5: ゆり 2020/12/17 21:27

"君が僕をみた" になってるの
すきすぎる 😭
6: ミントくん 2020/12/17 20:04
白い百合の花言葉 「純粋」

7: 安田現象 2020/12/14 19:43
8: 五条悟 2020/12/17 21:44
9: ぴよやま 2020/12/17 19:54
3:05の「考え続けたい」 は1番、2番のと違って突き抜けていく感じがして
10: ルル 2020/12/17 21:20
11: きなこもち 2020/12/17 20:04
12: Yewon 2020/12/17 19:34
13: ライトofホタル 2020/12/17 23:28
どの曲聴いても良いと思うのは ずと真夜が一番かも、、、感動ですよ、、
14: だつを 2020/12/17 21:46
15: あるく# 2020/12/17 20:54
16: ちゃばちゃば 2020/12/17 20:20
17: みかづき 2020/12/17 20:19
18: みくる 2020/12/17 21:46
19: Tendy Oi 2020/12/17 19:53
20: きうい 2020/12/17 20:00
21: よしp 2020/12/17 22:22
1:37 1回演奏止まってからベースのカッコいい音するの最高
22: にこ 2020/12/17 21:27
23: 夢と魔法 2020/12/17 20:28
24: 虎徹&桜 2020/12/18 0:25

25: Hodoh Bobo 2020/12/17 19:46
It's pretty interesting how this music video has certain elements of Zutomayo's previous music videos.

Similarities between this MV and Teiketsu Bolt (or 'Fastening') -
- MC is being monitored by a man in a velvet seat
- Shovel motif and a masked person with a shovel
- MC and the shovel person have a vaguely antagonistic relationship which is usually resolved at the end.
- MC keeps trying to hurt herself by throwing herself off the building and shovel person always saves her.

- Shovel person is implied to be MC's alter ego, or some other person who's always there to save her from her predicament.

My interpretation leans towards the person being her alter ego, and the constant battles with it representing some sort of internal struggle with herself. At the end, she manages to overcome it with her own strength, which usually results in the alter ego disappearing and merging with the MC in some way. In this MV, the shovel person disappears and the MC starts using a shovel instead of a bat.

As for similarities with 'Study Me' -
- MC lives in a time loop and only liberates herself from it at the end.

And with 'Ham' -
- MC is haunted by the memory of a man who was close to her and saved her in some way. The man is usually implied to be dead.

It's quite nice how the animator of this MV paid homage to sakiyama's flower motif too.

Most of Zutomayo's videos are also really, really similar in terms of general plot structure, characters and themes from Byoushin wo Kamu a few years back all the way to this new MV. They are usually stories of either freedom or being trapped, sometimes in relationships (in older songs) and sometimes within the confines of one's own mind (in newer songs). I wonder if this is, Acane's personal story but told in different ways, depending on the animator.
26: あやの 2020/12/17 21:45
27: 男popo 2020/12/17 22:27
28: rose anne 2020/12/18 5:00
The animation is **chef's kiss**
29: たくみたくみ 2020/12/17 22:16
30: お前が飛べるなら俺も飛べる 2020/12/17 19:13
3:36 ( ・w・)\
     ○| ̄|_
31: うの花さぶれ 2020/12/17 21:45

32: #おまつ 2020/12/17 21:03

33: Rimi 2020/12/17 23:28
34: キヨ奇跡をアレな男 2020/12/17 21:56
35: ずとまろ 2020/12/14 19:24
36: Lester Galang 2020/12/18 0:25
English Lyrics:

I can't get it right, the fog has poisoned me
I want to check from one end
I want to keep thinking
We met in a lie
I haven't been robbed

It’s like we’re growing up, it’s like being loved.
Read the warm waves
Choose today, clear morning color
As many times as you ask

We're liars, we have both feelings
Weeping and laughing until it withers
Accept today
I will never forget the days when I was happy

I'm happy if I don't know
The more you know, the more you can know

I can't get it right, the fog has poisoned me
I want to check from one end
I want to keep thinking
We met in a lie
I haven't been robbed

Don't close your heart now
Continue training with all your might
Only a smile on a dead tree
All your body and soul
I won't let you do anything in vain

Hey, it’s happier to know
Can I get there?

Sunset wind mirror that only you can see
Until the day I understand someday
I want to keep thinking
I met with a lie, a flexible branch
guided by

It's not a big deal, it's not a waste
The field of vision should be generous in your mind
It’s going to be tea for a long time
Unbreakable sand trap

If the possibility can be overlooked
Because I can't give up the possibility

I can't be right You saw me
I want to check from one end
I want to keep thinking
We met in a lie

Even if you dislike everything
I haven't been robbed
37: つーぴ 2020/12/17 22:15
38: rio miya 2020/12/18 7:14
39: Mark Gienrey 2020/12/18 9:19
Imagine being so bored that you found my comment, lol
40: - 2020/12/17 19:07
I swear in every MV that little hedgehog is there. It just makes my day.
41: mocha 2020/12/17 20:37
ここからちょっとリズムが出てきて後ろでビャンビャンビョンビョン?聴こえてくるの好き(๑ ˙൧̑ ˙ ๑)ツタワッテ!!
42: Denden 2020/12/17 20:00
前回: ヤバい
今回: ヤバい
次回: ヤバい(確信)
43: キューピーマヨ 2020/12/17 20:44
44: cordisホテ 2020/12/17 21:55

45: 光蝕むゴア・マガラ 2020/12/14 19:28
46: コアラのマーチ 2020/12/17 21:57
47: るな 2020/12/17 21:54
48: Maelstrom 2020/12/17 20:02
2:38 😭 This is so endearing, holy sheit the violin and the bassline RRR
49: ? 2020/12/17 20:53
50: のあ 2020/12/14 19:31
