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ランクイン日時 2022/11/20 10:00
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再生回数 737736回
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2022/11/23 7:15 37位 1512398回
2022/11/23 10:15 38位 1523936回
2022/11/23 11:45 38位 1533002回
31th Single「ここにはないもの」2022.12.7 RELEASE!!

乃木坂46 31th Single「ここにはないもの」のミュージックビデオを公開!

プロダクション:North river、Needy Greedy

- 商品概要 -
SRCL-12330~12331/ 1,900円(税込)

SRCL-12332~12333/ 1,900円(税込)

SRCL-12334~12335/ 1,900円(税込)

SRCL-12336~12337/ 1,900円(税込)

SRCL-12338/ 1,100円(税込)

1: full blossom 2022/11/19 12:57
💘 Obrigado Asuka pelo seu dedicado e apresioso esforço, sei que você ensinou as novas gerações como agir adequadamente nesse ambiente de trabalho.
Nunca pensei que você iria graduar, nunca consegui te ver fora do grupo, mas quando você liberou um perfil do instagram eu vi uma outra versão sua, feliz e ainda a clássica idol Asuka Saito(Ashurin), sendo feliz na atuação e sendo modelo.

💓 Acho sua personalidade única e digo isso de coração, você é muito linda, parece ainda ter 13 anos mas você amadureceu bastante ao percorrer desses 11 anos como idol, eu respeito você, apoiarei e acompanhei seus futuros trabalhos como modelo e atriz. Obrigado por tudo Ashurin, te amo! Se cuida <3 🌸 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
2: Iwan Setyawan 2022/11/19 21:46
I have to admit that I don't really enjoy the last few A-sides. But this one is lovely. The song is at the same time uplifting, nostalgic and sad.. the video is excellent and the costume is perfect. An excellent send-off to one of the best members of the group. Sayonara, Asuka-san! You'll be sorely missed.
3: rabosrabo 2022/11/19 19:38
4: Quang Phung 2022/11/19 23:37
Thank you, Asuka. Just truly thank you. What a historic run she had. What an era. One of the greatest idol careers ever, top greatest Nogizaka46 members of all time. Carried the group for quite some time. Asuka is my #1.
This MV feels like Sayonara No Imi... They really gave her that Nanamin treatment 😭 Beautiful full-circle moment. This is EXCEPTIONAL!
5: Fabians Faisal Dinelsa 2022/11/19 22:12
やばい😱💧 This MV is lit. The part where asuka solo dances, it is charming. I like it.
6: nikonosekai 2022/11/19 16:07
Thank you Asurin and Nogi for non stop create an empowering MV and songs. Asurin will always be my idol
7: あばばばば 2022/11/19 20:10
8: ねむいぱんだ 2022/11/19 21:18
9: ri shiina 2022/11/19 21:00
10: Pecinta Kenikmatan Indomie 2022/11/19 21:39
The first time I saw Asuka in Aitakatta Kamoshirenai MV (2012) and since then I have liked her as an idol. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the group. We love you Asuka!

And congrats to Runa-chan for becoming senbatsu for the first time. You deserve it!
11: jamielynn rojas 2022/11/19 13:01
Que bonita canción.
12: Takumi 2022/11/19 23:13
MVしっかり拝見しました。ただただ感動。普段あまり泣かないんですが、今回は一気に涙腺が緩くなりました。どのメンバーも本当素晴らしかったですが、やはり飛鳥がダントツ。ソロパートのダンスも、非常にキレがあってカッコよかったですね。そして最後の”いってきます”ですよね。涙腺崩壊! あれはやられました。単純な一言ですが、その一言に次への一歩を踏み出す覚悟、次世代を担う3期生以下の後輩に対しての期待が感じられましたね。
今回のシングルで飛鳥が卒業しますが、いよいよ乃木坂も新しいフェーズへ入っていきますね。”乃木坂46 vol.2”みたいな感じで、新しいグループ像がまた紡がれていくんじゃないでしょうか。
13: ノルウェーサーモン 2022/11/19 20:36
14: 須崎朱莉 2022/11/19 21:40
15: stephl 2022/11/19 21:10
Thank you Asuka for all these years you gave us, I hope your future is bright! We will always support you.
16: Chini uke 2022/11/19 16:29
omedetou asqa chan ♥️ what a beautiful song wish you all the best in the world. you are the first member that i know in the group. my first and last kami oshi 🥺. you are the reason why im a big fan of nogizaka now. im not a jpop fan before, but when i saw you on your movie im totally hook and started searching your name everywhere then i met nogizaka46. a group of girls that full of dreams and inspiration. im gonna miss you so much performing on stage with the members. hope all of your dreams came true. sayonara 🥺💔
17: Taichi 2022/11/19 21:48
18: ゆうか 2022/11/19 19:54
19: SHIKESHIN@SA 2022/11/19 22:57
20: 板チョコアイス 2022/11/19 20:41
21: Kenryo Budiman 2022/11/19 13:32
This is an exceptional graduation commemoration masterpiece that emphasizes the power of friendship, their encouragement for Ms.Asuka's trip towards her dream. Detailed review follows:

1. Overview
Before we go into the depth of this song, it's recommended that you listen to this song, understand the whole meaning of each sentence, and watch the MV as well.
This MV has smooth progression and mood changes. As you can see, up until 1st chorus, Ms.Asuka is seen to be not confident enough on what she has dreamt, ending up ditching it.
The 2nd pre-chorus part starts perfectly where somehow fashion show out of nowhere shows up and makes Ms.Asuka get fascinated real quick.
Thus it leads to 2nd chorus where Ms.Asuka finally gets the visualization of she is dancing with full of satisfaction and joy wearing the dream dress she designed earlier.
The bridge between 2nd chorus and final chorus consists of other members' preparation and dedication on making the grand finale, which leads to final chorus: the proper farewell for Ms.Asuka.

2. Technical
As expected from Nogizaka46, each MV sequence starts and ends in sync with the lyrics precisely.
The only visual technic that stands out here is Selective Focus, which generates Depth-of-field (DOF).
It successfully blurs out every unnecessary elements on the video so viewers can focus on the plot, what the members do along with their facial expressions, emotions and body gestures. Very nicely executed.
It's very important not to overuse VFX in this kind of emotional dramatic songs like this one, as it might cause viewers to lose focus quickly, and I love their minimal VFX applications here.

3. Audio
This part is reviewed by only listening to the song without watching the MV at all.
Although the verse part consists of quite long sentences that must be sung on time, the members' pronunciation is clear.
Those long sentences are necessary to build up emotions and it's still concise that the messages are pretty straightforward.
While the musical instruments usage increased gradually from verse to pre-chorus to chorus, it's escalated to ideal level that it doesn't seem on par or even overlap members' voice.
I like the transition in the bridge to final chorus where it escalated from piano-only to "the grand stage of all musical instruments".
The song ends with quite common, typical J-Pop pattern outro.
Honestly, I'm glad the difference of the musical instruments intensity between parts of this song aren't too big. The balance between the music and the lyrics sung by the members' is well-maintained.

Congratulations on your graduation, Ms.Asuka Saito. Wish you all the best, all the fortunes on your trips towards your dream.
Looking forward to your every step, every good news, every achievement that you will make in the future.
22: ぱんポコ 2022/11/20 7:08
23: まゆたんしか勝たん 2022/11/20 0:26
歌詞も振り付けも全てがThe 乃木坂ってのがすごく伝わってきます
24: 飛鳥推し 2022/11/19 20:54
MVのストーリー性 曲調 衣装も乃木坂らしい清楚な感じで飛鳥ちゃんにすごいあっててめっちゃ好き
25: あばばばば 2022/11/19 21:22
26: bellamario 2022/11/19 12:56
Asuka, I’m so proud to have been a fan. What a beautiful send off song. Wishing you the best in future endeavors, thank you for being an idol and being such a core member of nogizaka.
27: ぬくもり 2022/11/19 21:57
28: 微笑の白鷺 2022/11/19 20:21
29: 日花 2022/11/19 22:54
30: 素直に生きたい 2022/11/19 23:22
31: chandlerping 2022/11/19 13:36
I really like this. I feel like it's been a while since the last story driven a-side MV.
Asuka is just beautiful in this, and I think the empty apartment at the end is a nice touch. Going to miss Asuka being in the group so much, and she will always be my no.1 favorite.
On a side note, Rentan was stunning when she came off the escalator, not a lot of screen time but she made a mark in my opinion.
32: 西村 2022/11/19 21:02
儚げていて優雅なダンス 白い衣装
33: りな 2022/11/19 21:55
34: 41サイ 2022/11/19 19:52
35: 北海道はでっかいどう 2022/11/19 20:20
36: m4imaimai 2022/11/19 12:22
The song touched me as it's so beautiful, the outfits, the choreography and most of all Asuka presence in Nogizaka! Thank you so much for everything, i hope we can all enjoy these upcoming days before the graduation as one of Nogizaka's legendary members 🤍
37: うのさん 2022/11/19 21:15
38: Hello Youtube 2022/11/20 8:51
Time flies so fast, it feels like yesterday that they released Sing Out! Single. Now we have arrived in the time she has to graduate. Thank you Asuka-san
39: Nogizaka 46 2022/11/19 21:54
40: 永遠旅人 2022/11/19 21:32

41: gallo 2022/11/19 14:58
Asuka-san, felicidades por tu graduación. En los últimos 11 años has sacrificado mucho por el grupo.
Debutando a la temprana edad de 12 o 13 años, extraño muchas cosas en mi vida..
Han pasado 11 años.
Espero que encuentre la felicidad haciendo otras cosas que ama.
42: キムテヒョナ 2022/11/19 20:44
43: りんちゃん 2022/11/20 0:14
44: T Tomy 2022/11/19 20:05
45: ミスター 2022/11/19 23:20
46: barlow 2022/11/19 12:33
I am very sad. The only ones left from when I first knew Nogizaka are Asuka, Manatsu and Ayane. But parting is a necessary step for her and us. Thank you for staying for this long, thank you for helping build this wonderful group and thank you for all the memories. I love Nogizaka46 will continue to support them. I love Saito Asuka too and will support whatever you choose. May you find happiness wherever you go. We love you! From all around the world, your fans love you!
47: ミュウ 2022/11/19 23:23
48: B.Beckman 2022/11/19 21:42
49: カイザー(無冠の帝王) 2022/11/20 4:59
50: かりん 2022/11/20 2:30
