BTS - "Permission to Dance" performed at the United Nations General Assembly | SDGs | Official Video

BTS - "Permission to Dance" performed at the United Nations General Assembly | SDGs | Official Video

2021/09/20 21:46に公開 3分44秒
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K-Pop sensations BTS perform their hit song Permission to Dance in a video produced at the United Nations. The video accompanies the bands remarks at the SDG Moment and is meant to draw their audiences attention to the importance of Keeping the Promise of the Sustainable Development Goals and to inspire action.

The SDG Moment serves to place an annual spotlight on the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) and will be held at the beginning of the United Nation’s General Assembly’s High-Level Week. It takes place as the world experiences a deeply uneven response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which risks creating a two-tier recovery with significant implications for the advancement of the SDGs, especially in developing countries.

Convened by the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the Moment will provide world
leaders with a platform to showcase the bold plans, actions and solutions that are needed to end the COVID-19 pandemic and set the world on course towards achieving the SDGs. Held in advance of major meetings on food systems, climate, energy, jobs and social protection, the SDG Moment event is expected to build the momentum needed to deliver on the Decade of Action and Keep the Promise of the SDGs.

#GlobalGoals #UNGA
1: DZENITA 2021/09/21 2:56
the building having 7 doors is such a small fate of coincidence hehe
2: zoezoezoe 2021/09/21 9:00
The fact that they are not in Korea to celebrate Chuseok with their families just shows how hardworking and diligent these men are. They deserve all the love that they get. Happy Chuseok BTS!!! 🥳
3: Dora Molina 2021/09/21 8:53
4: ❒ Kim only boy.♡. 2021/09/21 9:15
Can you imagine how proud their families are now and how proud their children are in the future? They are my pride too. I am grateful to them.
5: JE Yu 2021/09/21 9:08
진짜 멋있어ㅠㅠ대한민국의 자랑 전세계의 자랑 아미의 자랑ㅠㅠ방탄 사랑해😭💜 PTD는 진짜 명곡이다ㅠ 아니 문도 어뜨케 7야!!
6: ᴛᴀᴇ's ᴍᴏᴏɴʟɪɢʜᴛ 2021/09/20 22:20
I’m so proud of them, our 7 shining lights💜
7: United States of America 2021/09/21 8:54
These boys are actually extremely talented. Their fans should be so proud of them <3
Imaginate tener el privilegio de decir que tuviste una presentación en el edificio de la ONU, un sueño para muchos, y una realidad para BTS. 💕
9: Starry sky 2021/09/21 9:01
Estoy tan orgullosa de ustedes , se merecen todo lo que les está sucediendo porque han trabajado ardúamente por ello.
10: Vale Palavecino🌼 2021/09/21 8:51
Que decirles...como fan ellos me llenan de orgullo, lo gran persona que son y todo lo que han podido lograr, son mi ejemplo a seguir y mi soporte en la vida.
11: mary design 2021/09/21 1:19
Am I the only one who was watching this like a PROUD MOM ??
12: Karunn2 2021/09/21 9:04
That ladies and gentlemen, is the biggest and strongest boyband in the world made from blood, sweat and tears! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💜💜💜
13: debi jacq 2021/09/21 8:54
This seriously lifted my spirit (sitting here in level 4 lockdown in Auckland, NZ). I'm so happy that they got to travel and attend the UNGA again. The world needs their special brand of healing.
14: Obito Uchiha 2021/09/21 8:56
Well after all those years, I finally understand why they are called the "Pride of South Korea".. They truly are. Pride of their nation and of their fans
15: United States of America 2021/09/21 8:51
I'm not an army but after watching this, I'm not surprised that BTS dominates all billboards charts atm. I mean c'mon, they can really sing and are definitely talented. It's well deserved
16: SugArmyy 2021/09/21 0:48
This is so huge, I can't even express how proud and happy I am to witness this 🥺They aren't just a "boyband" or "kpop idols" anymore. They are the leaders of this new generation.
17: Adeeba Khaliq 2021/09/21 8:53
내가 볼 때마다...나는 스스로를 사랑하기 위해 멈출 수 없다....
18: Manjula Pandey 2021/09/21 8:59
I cannot put into words how proud I feel stanning BTS and to call myself a part of ARMY. Their parents and their nation must be so proud of them.. I feel so happy seeing you guys take the world by a storm. Keep shining boys; we are always there. Much love and well wishes!
19: AJIYoga아지요가 2021/09/21 9:09
정장입고 파워풀한 댄스...완전 섹시함♡
20: 비비 BeeBee 2021/09/21 9:14
BTS proving once again that their fame isn’t all about money, glam and personal gain! Ain’t nobody do it like BTS. 🤷🏽‍♀️
21: Vante 2021/09/20 22:27
A wise man once said: Stanning/ liking BTS was the best decision ever.

And yeah, today my reason of loving them is increased by one. This. I'm beyond proud for my decision being an ARMY and will continue to support them as best as I can. Also applying their messages on their speech into our life for our future generations.
22: United States of America 2021/09/21 8:54
I'm not an army but this performance is amazing and epic. Their vocals are very impressive and their breath control is insane. I wonder how proud their fans are
23: Aesop simp 2021/09/21 9:18
It’s so nice that everyone’s singing in this, it really gives the rappers a chance to shine!! And people think they can’t sing 🙄
24: Dolores Francisco 2021/09/21 9:04
Permission to dance is the right music on this pandemic time. I'm not Korean, I'm a 68 yrs.old grandma from the Phils, but I'm so proud of them. Kept repeating watching them. Congrats to the proud parents. God bless all.
25: United States of America 2021/09/21 8:50
BTS singing at the UN makes me finally discover them!! I gotta admit that they are genuinely talented and their vocals are amazing. They really deserve being #1 on all charts
26: KOOKIESTAETAS 2021/09/20 21:51
I think we can all agree that this is one of armys proudest moments, you did so well! Thank you for continuing to shine your light on us and for using your voice to make this world a better place. Forever thankful for your existence💜
27: داليا ساري 2021/09/21 8:55
이 아름다움이 무엇입니까, 하나님의 뜻, 당신은 우리의 희망과 우리의 모범
28: Breiner Luque 2021/09/21 8:46
29: Ana Ortega 2021/09/21 8:49
I'm very proud of being an army, and I'm so proud of this 7 men that who always give happiness and good vibes to everyone. I can't explain how I am so proud of you BTS 💜💜💜. We love you so much BTS💜💜💜
30: koreaeagles 2021/09/21 8:54
우리 방탄소년단 너무나 자랑스럽습니다.
UN 연설ㆍ퍼포먼스 모두 수고많았습니다.
세계평화와 인류애를 향한 BTS의 노력,
영원히 기억될 것입니다.
31: Majid Mushtaq 2021/09/20 22:39
This is such a proud moment for all of us! I am blessed to be part of BTS ARMY family and so happy that I alive in the times to hear their songs 💜 Lots of love to everyone watching this video and let’s stay together always and keep supporting the boys 🥰🥰🥰
32: Serious Analysist 2021/09/21 8:45
I can't believe those guys are singing at the UN.. They really are something. Something huge
33: United States of America 2021/09/21 8:59
I never knew BTS sang so well. I'm so surprised. They are actually extremely talented. I understand why they are so famous, it's well deserved
34: Vince Than 2021/09/21 9:18
Omg this must be the first ever for a group to perform at the UN. Rewriting and Writing history! We are ARMY! Let’s go boys! Let’s get to the moon this year!
35: Priyanka Chopra 2021/09/21 8:52
The official languages of the United Nations
- BTS(Korean)
- English
- French
- Russian
- Arabic
- Spanish
- Chinese
36: DYNAMITE_ELEPHANT 2021/09/20 23:54
Они все должны собой гордиться:)7 парней которые прошли огромный путь, чтобы быть тем кем являются :) Невероятная гордость за них
37: Changmi Shim 2021/09/21 8:56
Jimin ‘s vocal and every movements are beyond beautiful!! Watching this again and again.Jimin!! we are so proud of you!!!
38: R. Mora Felicia 2021/09/21 9:22
En serio amo a estos chicos! Me siento muy orgullosa de pertenecer a su fandom y ser testigo de momentos tan históricos como este :3
Sus discursos, su porte, la presentación de esta bella canción, todo les quedó hermoso y perfecto! Se merecen todo lo bueno del mundo <3
39: Leticia Ivana 2021/09/21 8:53
BTS não erra nunca mesmo, né? IMPRESSIONANTE💜🇧🇷💜
40: G.j.p 2021/09/21 9:14
너무 멋있다..ㅜ.ㅜ
감동...힘들고지친 내마음을 위로해주는구나~~~
고마워 탄이들아..♡
41: Scenic Fights 2021/09/21 6:36
BTS is going to be the first group to perform on the moon.
42: United States of America 2021/09/21 8:49
I'm not an army but I gotta admit that BTS is a global phenomenon. Very surprised to see them sing I didn't know they were so big
43: Dulce l 2021/09/21 9:19
Que orgullosa me siento de mis niños 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
44: rola 2021/09/21 9:44
"Your beginning will be humble, but your future will be prosperous" - MIN YOONGI - UN 👑💫
45: United States of America 2021/09/21 8:48
I'm not an army but I gotta admit that BTS can really sing. Their dancing is top tier and their breathe control is insane
46: TC Candler 2021/09/20 22:59
Changing the world one song at a time!
47: Yanneth Quino 2021/09/21 8:56
Orgullosa de ustedes Chicos ustedes son el reflejo de la constancia y perseverancia... Esfuerzo y creer en sí mismos... El mensaje tan positivo que le transmiten a las nuevas generaciones de respeto, trabajo duro y constancia... Que alegre verlos brillar en todos sus proyectos... Por más logros chicos y más motivación para las nuevas generaciones... Sin duda alguna son parte de un cambio positivo
48: Alta lee Trevino 2021/09/21 9:10
Wow! Never thought the U N building was that big and outside the building is big too! BTS give a outstanding speech for everyone to recognize the value of young minds and the solutions to help them think through it and become a better future 🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴💞💜❣️
49: FERT OK 2021/09/21 8:45
yo me siento orgullosa de personas que nunca he conocido en persona, personas que me han dado la compresión, amor y el soporte que mi familia no me dio. Estos seres humanos son preciosos por dentro y por fuera, si no fuera por ellos no se si seguiría aquí, sus canciones me ayudaron en mis días más oscuros y me alegra y emociona que este llegando tan lejos se lo merecen esto y más.
50: Edz Balistoy 2021/09/21 8:56
Been watching their performance repeatedly and yet I had the same feeling over and over again...happy, emotional, proud of these guys..💜💜💜🥰😭😭
