『フェス・ゴジラ4 オペレーション ジェットジャガー』本編

『フェス・ゴジラ4 オペレーション ジェットジャガー』本編

2023/11/05 01:02に公開 12分10秒
# Data
最高順位 15位
最低順位 32位
増加再生回数 +24627回
ランクイン日時 2023/11/06 5:59
ランク圏外日時 2023/11/06 18:15
急上昇継続時間 0日12時間16分
再生回数 401699回
※再生回数, コメント数, 高評価数, 低評価数, 評価数合計, 高評価割合は初回ランクイン時の数値
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日時 順位 再生回数
2023/11/06 5:59 15位 401699回
2023/11/06 11:45 24位 412789回
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2023/11/06 14:15 24位 418420回
2023/11/06 14:45 26位 419502回
2023/11/06 14:59 32位 420094回
2023/11/06 18:15 32位 426326回
昨年の「フェス・ゴジラ3ガイガン来襲」に続く、第4弾!8月下旬、東宝スタジオに再集結した中川組。ジェットジャガー50企画として実施した、「ジェットジャガー スーツ再現プロジェクト」で制作されたジェットジャガースーツと、フェス特撮第2弾『ゴジラVSヘドラ』、第3弾『フェス・ゴジラ3 ガイガン来襲』で使用されていた、映画『ゴジラ FINAL WARS』のゴジラスーツを使い、人型というジェットジャガーの特徴を活かし、これまでのフェス特撮には無いスピード感あふれる大迫力アクションが実現。壮絶なアクションバトルを繰り広げます。はたして、ゴジラ対ジェットジャガーの闘いのゆくえはどうなるのか・・・。 ジェットジャガーの良心回路は作用するのか・・・。

1: RakaiThwei 2023/11/05 3:59
It has been FIFTY YEARS since we've seen the heroic robot, Jet Jaguar in live action media since his debut in 1973. Upon seeing him return, I was suddenly eight years old again.. And tears of nostalgia just are ready to start flowing. Seeing Jet Jaguar again was like seeing an old friend again! Welcome back, Jet Jaguar! PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH!!
2: FatherShinGoji 2023/11/05 4:54
i seriously did not expect the suits to look so good but the choreography, effects, and lighting are so amazing and make this such a great video
not to mention the fact the suits themselves look AMAZING
3: BrownInPlay 2023/11/05 7:16
I love how they were able to portray such a look of absolute terror in Jets face without him even being able to change the shape of his face - this was just epic!
4: 眠い 2023/11/05 3:07
5: Viberes Collector 2023/11/05 3:10
Eu fico muito feliz de terem postado oficialmente esse curta pois ele merece destaque. É impressionante ver o quão bem feitos estão os efeitos práticos e os trajes, que melhoraram muito desde Godzilla vs hedorah. A batalha foi muito boa, incrivel ver os movimentos ágeis de Jet jaguar, mas o que eu mais gostei foi o final, ver esses dois novamente apertando as mãos e formando uma aliança é lindo.
6: o k 2023/11/05 13:43
7: SUPERTOHOREMIX 2023/11/05 1:40
THANK YOU. You have no idea what this means for those who cannot watch the streams. Please keep this up on YouTube, the team that put the effort and hard work into this short deserve the viewership of the entire world.
8: azzy moof 2023/11/05 18:20
It warms my heart to see them still using suitmation/tokusatsu to this day. Thanks for never forgetting your roots and keeping this art form alive, Toho. We love you!
9: Imperial Guard 2023/11/05 2:54
10: SandFAGen 6 ft.@135 lmao 2023/11/05 13:29
As a 90s kid who grew up watching the 60s and 70s movies on VHS, this means the world to us fans. Truly ❤
11: SHI AN 2023/11/05 15:21
12: maxmanramfan 2023/11/05 3:01
Yes! The return of Jet Jaguar and his rocking theme song! Very well made, love seeing the suits in action!
13: Eric Francisco 2023/11/05 1:58
When I see practical effects and suit actors, it always brings a smile to my face. No amount of CGI can ever replace the charm of tokusatsu.
14: イケメン大尉 2023/11/05 16:06
15: ComXDude 2023/11/05 10:20
This is such a fun fight scene; I love the modernized approach to the Showa era's wrestling-style battles, and using Oshima and Otani's scores in addition to the more-iconic Ifukube ones is always going to get a pop from me.
16: Mugiwara Pirate 2023/11/05 5:23
Perfect tribute. Absolutely stoked for for part 2. Was not expecting this after megalon 😂
17: gsamalot 2023/11/05 4:05
you can kind of tell the final war suit has been through the years when it was last used, if you notes some of the texture is starting to flake off and you can see more of the rubber in certain places, same can also be said for the king ghidorah suit, as I think they had too replace the under necks for that suit, as that one from giant monsters all out attack.
18: Yagurisu 2023/11/05 4:27
古き良き文化を継承し今につなげる貴重な試み 長く続くといいな
19: The Toku Professor 2023/11/05 1:39
The thumbs up by Jet Jaguar...fantastic moment. Also, wow, they must have really constructed the Final Wars Godzilla suit well for it to last this long!
20: 特撮monster 2023/11/05 5:41
あと 06:33 ここ初見ではメガロかと思ったの私だけ?
21: De Rock 2023/11/05 9:33
For me, nothing beats the art of suitmation. It feels weird but amusing at the same time.
Thanks TOHO for uploading this 😭
22: Raven House Mystery 2023/11/05 9:05
From the drawings of a young boy to becoming a Kaiju icon, a very happy 50th anniversary to Jet Jaguar.
23: ManonPutneyHill 2023/11/05 3:21
These are always such a treat. Leaves you wanting more classically made films!
24: ゆう 2023/11/05 11:39
25: Zach Smith 2023/11/05 1:37
“We may not like each other but we have a common enemy we must defeat.”

Wasn’t expecting Ghidorah to show up! I’ll always love the suits!
26: Bald Perspective 2023/11/05 4:48
A Millennium Godzilla design, a Showa Jet Jaguar, Heisei SFX, plus Millennium & Showa music all during the Reiwa era? I love the hodgepodge of Godzilla history on display in this short. The production of this Fest Film is also noticeably better than the last three & the fight choreography is also some of the best I've seen in any Godzilla film. Please keep this up on YT, Godzilla Channel!!
27: Something about gaming. 2023/11/05 15:56
It truly is inspiring how well the 2004 suit has held up over the years and continues to be able to take such action packed scenes without falling apart at the seams, if such a thing can stay steadfast and last, surely I can.
28: Corey Roper 2023/11/05 5:00
I wish they would put all these shorts on a dvd/bluray to be added to the collection! They are amazing
29: 海の幸 2023/11/05 2:38
30: Hendra Four 2023/11/05 13:15
Throughout the whole film they did so good at conveying Jet Jaguar's emotions through the face, even though it is rigid. So Incredible!
31: Primal Xenomorph 2023/11/05 1:29
I am in complete and utter shock that they actually Added GMK Ghidorah. a surprise to be sure but a welcome one
32: 2023/11/05 2:16
33: urutta 2023/11/05 2:52
This one was probably the best one they've done yet! Can't wait for next year!
34: MR 2023/11/05 4:16
Loved it! Felt like the classic films! And the jet jaguar theme in the credits was icing on the cake!
35: Christian Baez Martinez 2023/11/06 1:53
Watching this almost made me cry especially during the scene where they team up. Makes me feel like I'm 8 years old again
36: TBincorporated 2023/11/05 12:54
My childhood revived and it can't say I have had many moments where I felt like a little kid again but man this brought so many memories back I cried cuz it made me so happy of simpler times. Can't thank toho for this and helping me relieve my childhood
37: NeverImage Entertainment 2023/11/05 1:16
Please make this a full length feature.. we need JetJaguar back 🤘🏼this was awesome
38: 夢破れてさんガガーリン 2023/11/05 4:41
39: Keane United 2023/11/05 11:21
40: Andrew Dau 2023/11/05 18:04
I'm glad this is still up since Toho normally takes their own stuff down really quickly. I love how great of a fighter Jet Jaguar is in this. I love the use of the soundtrack of Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla. I love how they even use the Jet Jaguar theme song in the credits. It's beautiful to watch this and I am grateful there are people at Toho who still do the practical effects for Tokusatsu.
41: Shin Godzilla 1987 2023/11/05 15:21
These get more spectacular every year! The stunts the suit actors performed were top notch!
42: Doug Allison 2023/11/06 0:27
Loved every second of this..truly a great time to be a Godzilla fan. Thanks to the makers of this labor of love and I can't wait for All Monsters Showdown!
43: mr ny 2023/11/05 1:46
44: Rush 2023/11/05 5:36
45: riffgroove 2023/11/05 18:23
You really have to admire whoever it was who designed Jaguar's face.
He manages ti convey so many thought and emotions with just one expression.
He can look sad, happy, intemse, angry or thoughtful all at the same time.
46: PenguinDust1969 2023/11/05 6:00
I watched and rewatched all of these Showa Godzilla movies as a kid and they are still among my very favorites. This short film had all of the practical effects, the retro sound effects, the Jet Jaguar song during the end credits; nostalgia overload! This was fantastic and I look forward to the next chapter where the two fight the "Astro-Monster". 🤪
47: メイヴ 2023/11/05 3:16
いいねー( ᐛ )

久々にファイナルᎶとJJ見れるとは思わなんだ( 'ᢦ' )

続けてほしー(,,• •,,)キュン♡
48: Elite Predator 2023/11/05 15:04
i absolutely love the classic kaiju suit effects with modern special effects. This really bringing tears to my eyes to still see the studio respecting the classics like this. Here's to Godzilla! Long live the King of Monsters!
49: Midge Manycoats 2023/11/05 1:04
Bless all involved with this masterpiece. Thank you for uploading this with good audio! Happy Godzilla Day!!!
50: ek takku h JP 2023/11/05 4:14
