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2022/08/10 11:30 47位 384062回
2022/08/10 12:00 47位 384463回
DLC Team AWAKENED OROCHI is coming to THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV August 8th at 12AM PDT! DLC Team SAMURAI announced for fall release!
New DLC characters SHINGO YABUKI and KIM KAPHWAN announced for the NEXT SEASON in 2023, alongside crossplay support!

2023年からのNEXT SEASONでは、「矢吹真吾」や「キム・カッファン」など新たなDLCキャラクターの配信に加え、クロスプレイにも対応!


1: 85futureshock 2022/08/08 6:02
I love how KOF 15 is basically like one big celebration of SNK’s history.
2: Striker Von Spark 2022/08/08 11:29
Chorei, chorei e não foi pouco, meu menino dos Critical Hits está de volta, bem-vindo ao lugar de onde NUNCA deveria ter saido, Shingo Yabuki, você fez falta, Kim também, vocês dois não deveriam sair JAMAIS do roster de KOF <3
3: Chris Striker 2022/08/08 7:11
Terry, Kyo, Ryo y Haohmaru en el mismo KoF!!!!

Y el regreso de Shingo a la saga!!!!

Gracias SNK!!
4: Ivan Alonso Hernández 2022/08/08 6:28
Yo? Feliz de que Shingo regresa a KOF en esta nueva saga 😭💙 ya era hora de que regresara 😆
5: nerdwarp112 2022/08/08 11:28
I'm so excited that Shingo is coming back. He was one of the last of the few characters I really wanted to see show up, so I'm glad he's returned. The only other character I'd want is Hinako, though I know her chances of returning are slim.
6: Ethan Figueiredo 2022/08/08 5:26
Finalmente Shingo e o Kim Voltaram 😱😎🥳🤩👏🏻🕹🎮😁🤙🏻🎆🎉
7: Iceman1041 2022/08/08 7:17
1:27 I like how it says they reunite just add a team of world heroes and metal slugs and I'll be more happy seeing all of them alive thank you snk for your hard work and all supporting people out there keeping snk alive.
8: Native 2022/08/08 8:13
Uno todo emocionado porque harán que Shingo regrese! Es de mis favoritos y espero nos muestre algo nuevo esta vez. Kim también me sorprendió (a primera vista no pensé que fuera él, tranquilamente lo vi como una especie de clon de Kyo), pero ambos son de mis favoritos a la hora de hacer mi team. Qué emoción:D
9: Odair Jose Inacio 2022/08/08 6:42
🍙🙅🏻‍♂️🎮Finalmente Shingo apareceu😍😍😍.......🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
10: cosmosofinfinity 2022/08/08 8:57
Darli Dagger's my favorite of the new batch from SamSho 2019. I was expecting somebody more established for the third slot, but I can't complain. Also been wondering how SamSho would look with KoFXV's fantastic new art style, I wish SamSho 2019 looked like this
11: Cristiano Lima 2022/08/08 5:29
Esta cada vez melhor parabéns SNK
12: Vinícius da Silva 2022/08/08 13:40
"Só faz magia quem não se garante no soco."
- Shingo Yabuki
13: iyan naranjo 2022/08/08 8:37
I haven't been so excited for dlc in a fighting game in such a long time, but as soon as I saw Darli in team samurai I freaked out! I can't wait to play Darli she's definitely going to my main here too.
14: ZorritoGabi Twith 2022/08/08 7:01
2:12 este momento de mi vida se llama felicidad !!! <3 alfin el grandioso shingo yabuki vuelve al combate!! y ese fuego azul sera un indicio de que tendra sus llamas azules? <3
15: Quadraxis 2022/08/08 7:25
I'm glad they went with Darli for the Samurai Team, they could've gone for a classic character like Ukyo or Genjuro, but giving some push to Darli is the right thing to do imo, she had a good reception and brings something different to the table.
16: KEN 2022/08/08 5:48
Fun Fact:

There was originally going to be Team SamSho in KOF '95 and KOF '96 comprising of Galford (at the time), Haohmaru, and Nakoruru; it was scrapped due to time constrains and SNK thinking they would not fit the present-era where the KOF tournament has no time travel unlike World Heroes.
17: Marverick Luigi 2022/08/08 7:14
I really love the fact that SNK is giving the people what they want and I would ask for nothing more, Thanks

(Also now the only thing that would make the game a lot more amazing than it already is would be rethinking about adding different skins for other characters, Like Nests kyo)
18: Banden 2022/08/08 10:12
Bummer, really wanted Goenitz or Orochi to be playable but i can live with Nakoruru coming back
19: scott 2022/08/08 6:43
finalmente o kim, ele é a cara do kof..n pode faltar
20: KOF XENO 2022/08/08 8:55
I’m surprise to see Samurai showdown, glad Shingo got a chance to step in the light, it won’t be KOF without Kim/Team Korea to show up.
21: Vayne ML 2022/08/08 6:12
Nunca he sido muy fan del equipo Samurai Showdown, aunque su juego en sí sí lo aprecio y me gustaba.
Pero ver a Shingo y encima Kim ser confirmados para salir en el juego (cosa que ya me esperaba) es increíblemente hermoso, dos de mis personajes favoritos :')
Gracias SNK!!
22: Carlos Martinez 2022/08/08 14:04
Que inmensa alegría siento al ver a Kim uno de mis personajes favoritos y a Shingo de regreso, esperaba ver a Genjuro en el equipo Samurai, y ojalá agreguen a Shen Woo, Mr Karate o a Jhun Hoon 😅
23: Kermit 2022/08/08 7:55
Finally SHINGO!!! Always loved how hard his strikes were in KOF 98!
24: IAmJason 2022/08/08 10:53
I'm thrilled that Kim is back. King of Fighters isn't quite King of Fighters without him.
25: Yotsu Yagami 2022/08/08 12:15
Pô! Que maneiro. Crossplay entre todas as plataformas, SNK mitou demais nessa. Além disso confirmando a nova season e a volta do Shingo e do Kim. TÁ DE PARABÉNS SNK, CONTINUE COM O ÓTIMO TRABALHO!!! 👏👏
26: jose manuel serrano colon 2022/08/08 5:46
SNK FELICITACIONES, sin duda fue, es y será el mejor juego de peleas, que hay, THE KING OF FIGHTERS. Teniendo una variedad de personajes, historia, jugabilidad, gráficos, música.
Muy buen trabajo SNK.
27: Pedro Mackey 2022/08/08 6:55
Awesome, I’m looking forward to seeing shingo and Kim return to the fight once again, for shingo’s teammates, I mostly believe it will be Alice and Marco, as for Kim’s teammates it’ll be gang-il and jhun to form team Korea
28: yousof khalil 2022/08/08 10:15
Woow samurai team, i didn't expect that.
And yes kim will come back with shingo 😍😍
Still wait for the nests team to be added
Good luck SNK Team 💪💪👍👍
29: MechaG2 2022/08/08 13:52
Out-freak'n-standing! Well done, SNK! Absolutely loving this!

I'm stoked Shingo Yabuki and Kim Kaphwan are coming back, but there are still so many other characters I'd love to see return, too. Several in particular. Like Kasumi Todoh, Nagase, Li Xiangfei, Lien Neville, or Chae Lim, but I also want Mature, Vice, Jhun Hoon, Takuma Sakazaki, Alice Nakata, May Lee Jinju, Mian, Marco Rodrigues, Mr. Big, Malin, Gang-Il, Luise Meyrink, Wolfgang Krauser, Xiao Lon, Najd, Goenitz, Igniz, Alba Meira, or Soiree Meira. lol

It'd be incredible if SNK collaborated with Capcom for a "Team STREET FIGHTER" DLC. Say with Ryu, Chun-Li, and Guile. ❤

Also, Reiko Chiba is life. 🥰
30: rudimusawesomusmaximus 2022/08/08 6:20
Alot of people are forgetting we'll probably get a character like Goenitz this new season betweenTeam releases as SNK has been giving one bonus free character every DLC season now. I'm
31: The Lord Krizalid 2022/08/08 5:53
Gostei do Time Samurai Shodown no jogo, principalmente o Haohmaru mas o Shingo Yabuki, Kim Kaphwan e Garou 2😲😱, esse meu domingo não poderia ser ainda melhor que um anúncio tão sensacional como esse😊😀😁, mais uma vez obrigado SNK por ouvir os fãs😃😀😁👍👏👏👏👏👏👏
32: rodrigo souza 2022/08/08 7:21
estou chorando 😭 aqui muito lindo esse game
33: BrunoOx :p 2022/08/08 10:21
Só de ver o Shingo e o Kim a espectativa foi as alturas s2
34: SeFi 2022/08/08 6:26
This is amazing, crossplay will be implemented and my main man shingo is coming back
35: Lord XRZ 2022/08/08 6:55
Samurai shodown team, now that's shattering expectations. Also glad to see shingo coming back 🙌
36: Lucas Ferreira 2022/08/08 5:28
"Team Samurai"
Oh, cool! It's nice to have Haomaru in KOF. That's great!"
"Shingo Yabuki"
"Kim Kaphwan"
*there is no amount of words that can describe how absolutely hyped and crazy I am*
37: Alan Bitencourt 2022/08/08 11:30
Aí sim, é assim que se faz colocando os personagens de Samurai Shodown e a volta do Shingo e do Kim tbm.
38: Vinícius Astonish 2022/08/08 7:57
Shingo and Kim, now that put a smile on my face
39: super light 2022/08/08 10:39
1:27 this shot, I really hope there will be more main characters from other series joining kofxv. I mean metal slug, kizuna encounter, last blade, etc. but I don't think that would be happening.
40: Kula Diamond 2022/08/08 6:41
Aí sim em SNK, obrigado por finalmente acertar em tudo no que nós gostamos e queremos!!!
41: O Piloto Secreto 2022/08/08 7:43
For sake of Kim's comeback, your Gi is a Nicest "Sacrifice"!!!
...and I kinda curious how he looks...

Para ter o Kim de volta, o Gi dele é um "Sacrificio" Valido!!!
...e to curioso como vai ser a roupa dele...
42: Carl Martin Jimenez 2022/08/08 8:54
Damn!! The mad lads at SNK finally made a Samurai Shodown team for KOF!! Thank you!! And hope they will become a staple in future KOF games!! Now I wonder if they will include more SNK fighting game teams in the DLCs like World Heroes among others. Also, Switch port of KOFXV when? ❤️❤️❤️❤️
43: Paulo o Slime de Astora 2022/08/08 8:09
Esperei muito por esse time obrigado SNK
44: 💙ᴛɪᴀ ᴊᴏʟʏɴᴇ💜 2022/08/08 6:43
O time samurai tá aí e melhor, Shingo e o Kim tbm estão vindo, muito massa. Agora os dois últimos personagens... Eu espero de vdd que sejam pelo menos um deles aqui:

May Lee
Saiki ou Takuma

Se vier dois de todos que eu falei aí, eu fico doida de felicidade
45: AyK S 2022/08/08 13:54
They've gone far beyond what's expected of them. Amazing.
46: Robert Russell 2022/08/08 16:43
I love how they are giving the new SS blood a shot instead of another old character. I would be more skeptical of Darli and Haomarus reach but then I remember Billy exists.
47: AndroSomnus 2022/08/08 16:04
Grande SNK, sin lugar a dudas han querido tirar la casa por la ventana con este KOF XV, agradecido por los grandes regresos de personajes favoritos por los fans, y me encanta que aun no terminan.
Sin lugar a dudas merecen todo nuestro cariño.
48: Mr Gouda 2022/08/08 9:00
KOF15 is turning into the Smash Ultimate of SNK and I love it!
49: Andre Barnaby 2022/08/08 5:47
I knew KOF XV wouldn't finish it's run without Kim making an appearance. The real surprise here is Shingo, finally makes his return!🔥🔥
50: Young & Sad 2022/08/08 6:42
I want to see May Lee because they don't add her she has very incredible skills I hope they add her😾😾😾

