

2020/05/11 15:00に公開 3分33秒
# Data
最高順位 9位
最低順位 50位
増加再生回数 +32035回
ランクイン日時 2020/05/12 9:45
ランク圏外日時 2020/05/13 11:30
急上昇継続時間 1日01時間45分
再生回数 129094回
コメント数 1638件
高評価数 11638
低評価数 43
評価数合計 11681
高評価割合 99.63%
※再生回数, コメント数, 高評価数, 低評価数, 評価数合計, 高評価割合は初回ランクイン時の数値
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日時 順位 再生回数
2020/05/12 9:45 9位 129094回
2020/05/12 11:15 10位 130512回
2020/05/12 11:45 9位 131066回
2020/05/12 12:00 12位 131142回
2020/05/12 12:15 16位 131677回
2020/05/12 13:15 17位 133151回
2020/05/12 13:30 16位 133461回
2020/05/12 13:45 17位 134357回
2020/05/12 14:15 20位 135663回
2020/05/12 15:00 21位 137038回
2020/05/12 15:30 22位 138066回
2020/05/12 16:45 25位 140914回
2020/05/12 17:00 24位 141022回
2020/05/12 17:15 28位 141918回
2020/05/12 17:30 30位 142076回
2020/05/12 18:00 31位 143093回
2020/05/12 18:45 37位 144741回
2020/05/12 19:30 36位 147136回
2020/05/12 19:45 37位 147529回
2020/05/12 20:15 38位 147969回
2020/05/12 22:00 39位 150147回
2020/05/12 23:00 40位 151239回
2020/05/13 0:45 41位 153821回
2020/05/13 1:15 42位 154059回
2020/05/13 1:30 41位 154100回
2020/05/13 2:15 44位 155789回
2020/05/13 7:00 45位 159735回
2020/05/13 10:15 50位 160512回
2020/05/13 11:30 50位 161129回

2020.03.04 JO1 DEBUT

Debut Single『PROTOSTAR』Streaming

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#JO1 #河野純喜 #konojunki #STAYHOME #おうち時間
1: ぶちねこ 2020/05/12 2:24
Junki:Goodmorning, Goodevening then add Haisai(He greets as Sho always does). I'm Junki Kono.
:For my official color is light blue, I'd like to present you how to cook the jam(of green apple. Japanese expresses green as blue once in a blue moon)today.
(Junki will cook the jam of green apple)
:Let's star☆Junki(Let's start)
:Now, I'd like to start peeling green apple.
(Recommendation is by use of a kitchen knife)
:Now I finished peeling.
Leave the peel too, 'cause this is the one of the ingredients. Let's go ahead.
(Don't cast off the peel please)
(Quarter the apple)
:Get the core off.
:Done. Good.
:Chop it into chuck.
:Good, yesway!
:Now, weigh the ingredients.
:(Apple)320g .
:I have a sweet tooth. So, 120g of sugar is my right weight .
(Junki‐kun inclines to the sweet)
(You need 30% of sugar to weight of apple)
:I put the sugar into a saucepan.
(Simmer the all together)
:Does this pan have no handle?
※The pan must be with a handle.
:Yes, yes, yes.
:It's going well.
(Handle must be attached to the pan)
:I show you the inside.
:The apple obviously lost the water. It makes me my mouth water.
I wanna eat this right now.
(He uses a herbal tea called Bright Blue Eye)
:From now on, weaken the heat a little bit. You'll see Jam turning blue . You need to add this tea little by little.
:Wow ! it smells nice!
:Look, it turned right color.
:Now, pour this into a jar after the heat brought down.
:I'd like to stomach the jam quite a little.
:Well, it's done.
:It turned excellent color, right?
:I'd like to taste this.
:Uma Sugita Genpaku (Umai means delicious +Sugi does such as Too and Over. He seemed to describe the taste as Too Delicious!
He just took “Sugi”from the surname of Sugita Genpaku who had been historically known as a scholar of Western sciences in Japan. Anyway he just wanted to make 'em laugh).
:It feels like acquired taste.
:Awesome! I'm into this.
:It's easy to cook.
I recommend you to have a try at it.
:That's all.
From Junki Kono from JO1. Bye
2: a a 2020/05/11 17:50
3: Katherine Oliva 2020/05/11 15:32
JO1 sending vídeo notifications at 12 in the morning (at least in Latín América) hahahahaha
I love you so much, it's fun
By the way they cook wonderfully hahaha...I will try their recipes :D
Edit: I don't know..but...I see more fans speaking english?....Yeiii I trought I was the only Latín fan....please confirm...Bye ^-^
4: J Akanishi 2020/05/11 17:36
Okayyy, that is BLUE colour. No one can say not! Junki said it is blueeeeee then it is blueeeee
5: Carolina Silveira 2020/05/11 15:09
Junki cozinhando qualquer coisa = Tuuuudo pra mimmm ♡♡
6: Tithkanha Soeun 2020/05/11 15:07
What we see: JO1:Mission with Junki
What we dread: JAM with Junki (and Naoto-san)
7: P2P7P2 123 2020/05/11 16:38
1:50 At first he seemed confused because he didn't have a pot handle. He’s really cute😂
8: Pear R. 2020/05/11 15:48
this is the cutest thing for starting the (hard)work day
how can he be this cute and funny.......oh my pure happy
that ur fav light blue shirt tell everything in this clip


luv u from thai jam :)
9: StrawberryJAM 2020/05/11 18:13
He made a green apple jam, cause in japanese green apple is 'ao ringo', which is the 'ao' also mean blue.

He added the blue liquid (that I assumed to be food coloring) to turn his jam blue, but since the flesh of apple is yellow, when you mix blue and yellow, it becomes green, so...
10: Lily Blooming 2020/05/11 15:48
Junki wearing his favorite ‘Pleasure’ T shirt because his name literally means ‘Pure Pleasure’.
11: Aisyah Ihromi 2020/05/11 15:44
12: サボ子 2020/05/11 15:10

「「「 愉快 」」」
13: Dhisa An 2020/05/11 15:05
Junkiiiiii 💙💙💙💙💙
14: Sio-n K 2020/05/12 4:48
15: 할승 2020/05/11 16:02
16: Xiao Yen 2020/05/11 15:19
I'm counting the number of times you wear that shirt 😂
17: gs s 2020/05/11 15:11
Ok, so I really want to send some clothes for him Lol can I get an address?
18: JeuKE E 2020/05/11 23:04
I don't understand but I'm here for Junki. For Junki, I will still watch contents related to him even I don't understand. I love you, Junki. 🥰
19: tn mgpajm 2020/05/11 22:44
An older brother of beans is cool
20: Lala 2020/05/11 15:55
We all have our go-to fave shirt...
And now we know what Junki's is 🥰💕
21: junki loves carbonara 2020/05/11 15:12
I see Junki, I click....that's literally me all the time
22: さきいわし 2020/05/11 15:07
23: tenmon sana 2020/05/11 15:21
Eeeh what was the blue liquid?
And did he also use the apple peel?
24: Sherly chan 2020/05/11 16:48
The closing. I wanna see Junki with peace sign more
25: Aki Shane 2020/05/11 15:24
Kono Junki ft Pleasures t-shirt cooking apple jam
26: papico _ 2020/05/11 17:17
27: AO 1997 2020/05/11 15:17
yes yes yes yes yes.....口癖?😂
28: Asami shiraiwa 2020/05/12 2:59
Junki te amoooooooo ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
29: what do you mean 2020/05/11 17:11
We are jam and he cooked jam😂, i was really love it, let support our boys ps. I still don't know what he said but i will learn Japanese 😚
30: だいこん 2020/05/11 15:10
【良かったらこのコメント上へあげてください!】Junki cooked a jam. His member color is light blue. So he cooked a green apple jam. I am japanese. I don't speak English well. sorry. However Let me be your friend‼︎ Let's cheer JO1 together‼︎ 私は🇯🇵のJAMですが、日本語のわからない外国人JAMさんのために、軽く動画の説明をさせていただきました!(英語が特別に得意なわけではないですが笑)ヨーロッパの国々・🇺🇸・🇮🇩・🇨🇳・🇰🇷など世界各国にJAMさんがいるようですね!とても嬉しく思っています‼︎できれば動画自体に英語字幕をつけたいのですが、やり方がわかりません…。JO1が世界を目指すために字幕をつけていただけませんか?(運営様へ届け‼︎)できれば英語以外もよろしくお願いします🙇‍♀️
31: ぐみのすけ 2020/05/11 23:53
32: y t 2020/05/11 18:56


33: Ratu Gita 2020/05/11 16:20
34: ももりんご 2020/05/11 15:11

> はいさい <
 ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄

35: b. 2020/05/11 19:41
istg those shirt -

anyways,, this video makes my day. thank you, junki 💖
36: Purple cloud 2020/05/12 1:33
So who's gonna tell him the jam isn't blue :)
37: なつ 2020/05/11 15:06
38: tn mgpajm 2020/05/11 22:47
Please can point out English subtitles !!!!!!!!!!
39: Tri sekai 2020/05/11 15:06
Zunkii, your expression 😂😂🤣🤣 is it really good....(?)
Otsukaree 💕
40: guss 沃尔沃 2020/05/11 15:26
Green apple is'青林檎(blue apple)' in japanese!🍏🍏🍏
41: Thiên Anh 2020/05/11 17:51
As I was taught, blue + yellow = green :)))))
42: Hanna Nie 2020/05/11 15:42
Sho: looking sexy and professional while cooking
Junki : me when cooking.😅
43: Yuka 。 2020/05/11 15:30
44: J Akanishi 2020/05/11 17:32
He is soooooo cute!!
45: チャ マ 2020/05/11 15:17
純喜のメンカラ水色やから なんの色になるのかなあ。不安だなぁ。って思ってめちゃくちゃ水色の食べ物あるかなー、大丈夫かな。って調べたのにまさかの青りんごで さすがの私もンゴ!!!って言っちゃったわ。
46: **たら 2020/05/11 19:25
47: Anggitanz 2020/05/11 15:10
JAM FROM INDONESIA💙💙💙 Nunggu JO1 buat selai durian ada gak ya yang buat😁
48: Serena Wang 2020/05/11 18:10
I officially love this series!!!!!!!!!!!!
49: u s 2020/05/11 17:40
まじで純粋な【陽】を感じて死ぬと共に割と頻繁に着ているイメージがあるにも関わらずTシャツの襟ぐりがデロデロになっていない事に感心しています 陰キャに優しそう
50: STAR_ 1183 2020/05/11 15:15
Haisai!!! 😉
The "blue" apple jam looks delicious 😆... Thanks for the video ☺️.
Stay healthy Junki, I love you ♡
