TVアニメ『るろうに剣心 -明治剣客浪漫譚-』第1弾PV

TVアニメ『るろうに剣心 -明治剣客浪漫譚-』第1弾PV

2022/09/24 13:49に公開 1分44秒
# Data
最高順位 1位
最低順位 40位
増加再生回数 +1221175回
ランクイン日時 2022/09/25 17:00
ランク圏外日時 2022/09/28 11:30
急上昇継続時間 2日18時間30分
再生回数 793625回
※再生回数, コメント数, 高評価数, 低評価数, 評価数合計, 高評価割合は初回ランクイン時の数値
Canvas not supported
日時 順位 再生回数
2022/09/25 17:00 34位 793625回
2022/09/25 17:30 33位 806598回
2022/09/25 18:30 34位 862071回
2022/09/25 19:00 10位 899171回
2022/09/25 19:30 9位 915050回
2022/09/25 20:00 7位 933070回
2022/09/25 20:15 4位 940033回
2022/09/25 22:00 3位 1011285回
2022/09/25 22:15 4位 1023995回
2022/09/25 22:45 3位 1060045回
2022/09/25 23:15 2位 1095962回
2022/09/25 23:30 1位 1108212回
2022/09/26 10:45 7位 1551511回
2022/09/26 11:00 8位 1557589回
2022/09/26 11:30 11位 1566566回
2022/09/26 12:45 12位 1590100回
2022/09/26 13:30 11位 1602183回
2022/09/26 13:45 12位 1604853回
2022/09/26 14:15 11位 1610391回
2022/09/26 15:00 13位 1626963回
2022/09/26 16:30 14位 1645912回
2022/09/26 17:00 15位 1651103回
2022/09/26 19:30 16位 1681602回
2022/09/26 20:15 17位 1689110回
2022/09/26 21:15 18位 1701210回
2022/09/26 21:45 19位 1706083回
2022/09/26 22:45 20位 1715911回
2022/09/27 0:30 19位 1753844回
2022/09/27 1:30 20位 1777284回
2022/09/27 12:00 25位 1872760回
2022/09/27 15:00 30位 1888343回
2022/09/27 17:00 33位 1897685回
2022/09/27 17:30 36位 1900342回
2022/09/27 18:00 37位 1903450回
2022/09/27 19:45 39位 1909901回
2022/09/28 3:00 40位 1977781回
2022/09/28 7:45 39位 1997861回
2022/09/28 11:00 40位 2012692回
2022/09/28 11:30 40位 2014800回


 コミックスがシリーズ累計7,200万部、実写映画はシリーズ累計興行収入193億円と全世界・全世代からの支持を受ける伝説の名作『るろうに剣心 -明治剣客浪漫譚-』が、2023年に新作TVアニメシリーズとして蘇る。
 和月伸宏による原作は1994年「週刊少年ジャンプ」にて連載開始、1996年には初のTVアニメ化。以降もOVAや劇場映画など数々の展開を経て、現在は『るろうに剣心 -明治剣客浪漫譚・北海道編-』が「ジャンプSQ.」にて連載中。

原作:和月伸宏『るろうに剣心 -明治剣客浪漫譚-』(集英社 ジャンプコミックス刊)
音楽:髙見 優

神谷 薫:高橋李依


©和月伸宏/集英社・「るろうに剣心 -明治剣客浪漫譚-」製作委員会

1: Emperor Lelouch 2022/09/24 20:29
I can't even believe it. After all these years Kenshin is coming back. What a time to be alive.
2: Alex Cordova 2022/09/24 23:11
I cannot express the true extent of my joy for this series being brought back! Kenshin is my ABSOLUTE. HANDS DOWN. FAV-OR-ITE ANIME!! To have a new generation have their own version makes me so happy
3: Celta 2022/09/25 4:28
Estoy llorando no me importa admitirlo, este anime es mi infancia entera 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
4: Eric Gustavo 2022/09/24 22:05
Simplesmente uns dos melhores animes de toda a história está de volta .apenas lamento que não conhece essa obra
5: jump world fanfictions 2022/09/24 14:41
AHHHHHHHH DIOS MIO!!!!!!! que nostalgia!!!!!! Yo crecí viendo kenshin en el cartoon network y ahora tengo la oportunidad de revivir aquellos preciosos tiempo. Te amo, kenshin
6: angel face 2022/09/24 22:35
This. Was. My. Childhood.
I was always so upset that the series ended so abruptly and left me hanging like that. I was young and didn't realize the manga went on for so much longer so it wasn't until recent years that I started collecting them so I still havent gotten any farther than where the original series left off. I'm telling you that this is the foundation of my life and it means so much to know that this is happening
7: Gabo_08 2022/09/25 0:33
Uno de los animes más emblemáticos de los 90´s, no puedo esperar !!!
8: Mohamed Kamal 2022/09/25 0:39
Hopefully this goes through with the original soundtrack... this anime has a solid story and will be a huge success.... For Kenshin fans..make it true
9: BDL Takashi 2022/09/24 23:54
I didn't expect for Kenshin to have a remake but god. I'm so excited!!! I hope the soundtracks will be as badass as before
10: саня чан 2022/09/24 18:07
I like how they changed art style a little bit, so it looks more modern, but it still looks really close to the original one. Perfect balance. Can't wait to see the anime
11: Pattymag 2022/09/25 0:41
Espero que la banda sonora sea cercanamente épica a como fue la original. Pero aunque no lo sea, es bueno volver a ver a Kenshin
12: Ezequiel Villanueva 2022/09/25 3:14
se me erizo la piel, esto es muy emocionante
13: wajinshu 2022/09/24 19:56
I can't wait 😁😁
14: drap13 2022/09/25 9:23
Que emoción , mi infancia y mi máximo héroe del anime. 💗
15: Ravindra Ramkallawan Photography 2022/09/24 14:35
Omg Kenshin. I can’t believe it. I’ve wanted this for so many years. Much success so that we get the entire story animated this time.
16: mono_x _noke 2022/09/24 21:41
This hit me like a truck never did i in my dreams thought this would be reanimated!!! Thank you!!!!
17: Rafael Campos 2022/09/25 7:17
Excelente noticia, aunque me hubiera gustado que mantuvieran las voces originales. Lo espero con ansias
18: Kyle L 2022/09/24 23:53
I'm excited for this. But I hope they don't change the music. The original had such a great OST. Tracks such as 修羅の封印 and Warriors Suite are memorable.
19: Ninocci 2022/09/25 0:42
What a time to be alive...Kenshin gumi it's coming back!

I hope they don't change the music from the original series 🙏🏻
20: さよ 2022/09/24 22:44
21: Ross Koike 2022/09/24 20:25
It's really here! I can't believe it at first, but the trailer is here and it looks soooo good! My childhood memories flooding in 🥰
22: CLAN ArCw 2022/09/24 22:45
Ufff esperando desde hace años la vuelta de Kenshin 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🇦🇷
23: Twilight 2022/09/25 4:30
GORGEOUS! I can't wait to watch it!
I love the voices!
Hopefully this will be a full adaptation 100% faithful to the manga.
24: LORD#AINZ 2022/09/24 21:09
wow! i remember watching this show but i didn't think they would re anime it.
25: Alejandro Lotero 2022/09/24 21:36
La animación se ve genial, pero sin la música de Noriyuki Asakura no será lo mismo... Rurouni kenshin tiene una de las bandas sonoras mas importantes e interesantes del anime clásico. u_u
26: PanginooTV 2022/09/24 23:09
There still better be a Sobakasu intro of this! Thats what made this anime so legendary!
27: Monk Bop 2022/09/25 12:17
Gonna be hard to top the music of the original. Easily one of the best anime ost's ever. Really took those scenes to another level.
28: YouTube channel 2022/09/24 15:39
29: blóm von 2022/09/25 0:00
30: Ivan Yt 2022/09/25 13:57
Getting goosebumps rn i remember watching this 6 years ago and i really enjoyed it. So nice seeing kaoru and kenshin again^-^
31: 2022/09/24 20:28
32: Acualancer 2022/09/24 21:23
Ayyyy me encanta esta serie, ojalá esté a la altura del manga 😍😍
Amo a todo lo relacionado con esta serie (menos al mangaka)
33: Juan Perez 2022/09/24 16:52
Ver de vuelta a Kenshi es de lo mejor y la animación se ve estupenda.
34: Michiel Blancquaert 2022/09/24 20:00
I started collecting the manga volumes a few months ago, this can't drop at a better time. So hyped.
35: Rebecca Chia 2022/09/25 0:34
So many remakes!! 😍 First Fruits Basket, then Bleach now THISSS. The ending where he says "oro" really tops the cake!
36: Czanary 2022/09/25 4:17
His voice changed😂 I love the original. But the animation, I have nothing to say except I love it!! ❤️❤️❤️
37: Jason Paul 2022/09/25 7:26
This looks GLORIOUS! My favorite Anime of all time is coming back! They better give us the Jinchu arc with this one!
38: Shinku Kirito Ichika 2022/09/24 17:09
As one who's a fan of this since the late 90s and has seen the old anime and the classic OVAs, I'm looking forward to this.
39: Mitsuki Chan 2022/09/25 0:42
OMGGGGGG, se ve muy bieen, tiene un montón de potencial, deseo que le valla genial a la adaptación, ya tenía muchas ganas de ver un buen Ramake de este besto shonen💖💖
40: theDJLowrider 2022/09/25 4:15
If this ends up being a faithful re-telling of the manga story akin to FMA: Brotherhood, I will watch every last episode faithfully with unbridled glee.
41: Takeshi Realman 2022/09/24 19:46
Pure hype! I hope this new adaptation is gonna tell the whole story of the manga, special effects and soundtrack are awesome!
42: Maria El 2022/09/25 4:43
My goodness I feel so old, since Inuyasha is a mix between historical and modern, this and peace maker were the first only historical anime I watched
43: Jasmín Hernández. 2022/09/24 15:20
Me muero!!!! 😭😭😭😭
Soy muy feliz ❤❤❤
Kenshin se ve divino!!!!!!
Espero que el remake este a la altura del anime de los 90
Pero lo mejor, finalmente veremos adaptada la historia de Tomoe y Kenshin cómo Dios manda al igual que el arco de Enishi!!!!!
Muero de la emoción!!!!!
44: Juliana 2022/09/25 7:17
No puedo esperar.... Necesito ver nuevamente a mi lindo samurái pelirrojo ♥️♥️♥️
45: Rain 白毛控 2022/09/25 0:58
One of my favourite anime I can't believe it's coming back; )
46: Matilda Hinanawi 2022/09/25 15:44
Even after a decade, I still find this series holds up to scrutiny incredibly well. (Though it is noteworthy that the filler episodes in the original anime are quite bad.) I'm super excited for a remake, no matter how long or short it ends up being. The only thing so far I'm not quite convinced of is Kenshin's voice choice, based on this preview, but I remain optimistic.
47: ぬくだ丸 2022/09/25 13:50
48: Croz Raven 2022/09/25 0:32
I really hope we still get an great jazzy pop music songs for the OP & ED of the anime.
49: Victor Barreto 2022/09/25 12:57
vivi pra assistir 2 vezes esse Anime Maravilhoso. Meu favorito de todos os tempos.
50: Kathryn M. 2022/09/25 3:31
♡ The animation~ superb! I'm excited to watch and see the entire story adapted from the manga at long last. Minor issue, I prefer Kenshin to have eye-color like what was painted in the colored manga pages a pale sky blue however I'm guessing they wanted to make it a moody purple-blue to reflect his Battousai nature.

