【特報】新テレビシリーズ『ウルトラマンブレーザー』テレビ東京系 2023年7月8日(土)あさ9時放送スタート!

【特報】新テレビシリーズ『ウルトラマンブレーザー』テレビ東京系 2023年7月8日(土)あさ9時放送スタート!

2023/04/21 07:00に公開 2分11秒
# Data
最高順位 2位
最低順位 44位
増加再生回数 +494458回
ランクイン日時 2023/04/21 16:30
ランク圏外日時 2023/04/24 12:45
急上昇継続時間 2日20時間15分
再生回数 248792回
※再生回数, コメント数, 高評価数, 低評価数, 評価数合計, 高評価割合は初回ランクイン時の数値
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日時 順位 再生回数
2023/04/21 16:30 4位 248792回
2023/04/21 18:45 3位 292111回
2023/04/21 23:45 2位 408198回
2023/04/22 12:15 8位 549586回
2023/04/22 20:15 17位 603679回
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2023/04/24 7:30 40位 735620回
2023/04/24 11:45 44位 741650回
2023/04/24 12:45 44位 743250回
『ウルトラマンブレーザー』最新情報はこちら!→ https://m-78.jp/news/post-6706
▼主演・蕨野友也さん、田口清隆メイン監督 特別インタビュー映像も公開!
・YouTube版 (約18分)はこちら→ https://youtu.be/LVzDoD0SPXM
・完全版 (約30分)はこちら→ https://imagination.m-78.jp/
 ※完全版の視聴はTSUBURAYA IMAGINATIONスタンダードまたはプレミアムプランの登録が必要です。

最新TVシリーズ『ウルトラマンブレーザー』は、地球からはるか遠くの天体「M421」からやってきた、揺るがぬ正義感を持つ新ヒーロー「ウルトラマンブレーザー」が、地球防衛隊が設立した特殊怪獣対応分遣隊「SKaRD(スカード)」の隊長を務める主人公ヒルマ ゲントの、人の命を救うために力を欲する強い心に共鳴して一体化!

主演はヒーロー作品ファンにもお馴染みの人気俳優・蕨野友也(わらびの ともや)。
怪獣型の主力巨大メカ「アースガロン」で怪獣災害に対応する「SKaRD」のリーダーとして隊員たちをまとめつつ、時に隊員たちと上層部との板挟みになりながらも、自らも最前線で敵に立ち向かう「ヒルマ ゲント隊長」を演じます。

世界的な怪獣災害の発生を受けて、世界各国は、地球の内外から攻めてくる怪獣や地球外生命体に対処するべく、1966年に地球防衛隊「GGF(Global Guardian Force)」を設立していた。
自然破壊や温暖化が急激に進む現在。ある夜、宇宙甲殻怪獣バザンガが出現。地球防衛隊の掃討作戦は難航し、ヒルマ ゲントが率いる特殊部隊が絶体絶命の危機に陥る。その時、眩い光とともに謎の巨人が降臨。何十年も前から宇宙飛行士たちの間で噂されていた未確認大型宇宙人、コードネーム「ウルトラマン」だ。
その後、司令部に呼び出されたゲントは突如、ある任務を言い渡される。それは、密かに組織されていた、特殊怪獣対応分遣隊「SKaRD(Special Kaiju Reaction Detachment)」の隊長就任。怪獣型の主力巨大メカ「アースガロン」を駆り怪獣災害に立ち向かう特殊部隊の指揮。それと同時に、バザンガの戦いで出現した「ウルトラマン」が排除すべき敵なのかを調べる任も命ぜられたゲントの脳裏に、遥か遠くの銀河…ブレーザーの眩い光の記憶が煌めく。
作品公式Twitter: https://twitter.com/ultraman_series/
『ウルトラマンブレーザー』 作品概要
放送時間:毎週土曜日 午前9:00~9:30
放送局:テレビ東京系6局ネット 他
出演:蕨野友也 ほか
著作権表記:©円谷プロ ©ウルトラマンブレーザー製作委員会・テレビ東京

#ウルトラマンブレーザー #蕨野友也 #田口清隆
1: Dearick Angelone J. legaspi 2023/04/21 7:19
Actually it looks very promising, the suit looks very unique and the vibe of the show seems to be more mystery and story driven
2: Eugene Steven Kong 2023/04/21 9:07
Tomoya Warabino played Heart in Kamen Rider Drive. To think that from playing a Kamen Rider villain/anti hero to playing main Ultraman is so impressive.
3: Sneijder Pontez 2023/04/21 8:54
Tá lindo demais! Padrão Tsuburaya de qualidade! Enfim, teremos novamente uma grande série Tokusatsu em exibição, coisa que não ocorria desde o fim de Ultraman Decker.
4: The Engineer 2023/04/21 7:54
Everything about this trailer is absolutely fantastic! Not only is this giving me Ultraman Nexus vibes, but it also reminds me of Ultraman Z once again! The SKaRD attack team utilizing mecha robots is already a huge reminisce to the STORAGE attack team. And let's talk about Ultraman Blazar's design shall we? His body design looks absolutely majestic, kinda looks like a combination between Ultraman Saga and Ultraman The Next. His head design looks great as well, kinda looks like Ultraman Z. And last but not least his fighting style and pose looks very elegant, kinda reminds me of Ultraman The Next as well. It's also been awhile since we got an older ultra host that's older than 20 years old, and they're using that concept once again. I'm definitely looking forward to this series
5: i spread misinformation 2023/04/21 7:18
according to magazine scans Blazar is from a new planet called M421

this is just a personal theory but based on his eyes in the first teaser, his deep grunt, and Z Original's "stone" being included with his main toy makes me believe that Z is from M421 too. With a new planet introduced to the lore, im really excited where they could take this forward
6: Uzumazin / うずマジン 2023/04/21 8:39
Goodness, Blazar screams like an Evangelion unit! That’s totally out of this world! Can’t wait to see the plot theme of the show!
7: Waltsalemastick 2023/04/21 7:10
It's been so long since we've gotten an older ultraman host. This series also has some Nexus vibes, I love it!
8: A1tera. 2023/04/21 7:29
Everything about this trailer is chef's kiss, Blazar's grunts, the sound design for the brace, the action and the general vibe is so different!
9: Masayo354 2023/04/21 7:10
Ultraman Blazar Looks Promising tho, the vibe is more mysterious and also Mature, the fact that Defence force is also More Realistic kinda shown that this Series would be on my favourite... Let's Goo July ✨🤙
10: Flo Gar 2023/04/21 10:43
I was expecting the next Ultra to be the successor of Gaia since the 2 previous Ultras were successors of Tiga and Dyna. But nonetheless, I love the unique design. Having an older host is very nostalgic since it's been decades since having younger hosts for the past Ultras.
11: Red Samurai 2023/04/21 7:20
Reminds me of Ultraman The Next. It has that serious and militaristic vibes. Looking forward to this.
12: 2023/04/21 8:21
Esse novo ultraman tá perfeito!
Tsuburaya nunca decepciona.
Tô ansioso pra assistir!
Ultraman Blazaaar!!! ❤💙
13: Yan Chun Chan 2023/04/21 14:27
Can we just take a minute to appreciate how hype Blazar's theme is? The show's not even out yet and I already want the OST
14: marcos hideki 2023/04/21 7:56
Me parece que vai ser muito foda esse ultraman, lembro estilo antigo e dark. Parece que equipe de defesa vai ser aquelas mais raiz de antigamente e o mecha de defesa ta muito bonito. Estou com muito ansioso quando sair.
15: LordKraken3 2023/04/21 7:51
This is the single most hyped I've been for an Ultraman series in recent memory.
16: Teddy Yo 2023/04/21 10:03
About time we have a more realistic kinda approach to Ultraman series in term of storyline and characterizations. Having a more mature human host certainly give a fresh experience to it( I know nexus exist). The ultraman design are really great and I love it. The grunt and action of Ultraman are different from what we usually expect. Kinda alien-ish, not just normal deep grunt. Overall really dig this new series!! Hopefully it will done well in this new direction!!
17: Kevyn The DevylMan 2023/04/21 7:34
Loving the design. Feels like a callback to the Ultra N saga! Definitely looking forward to this one.
18: SSSS.HYPERAGENT 2023/04/21 7:41
Blazar looks so cool! Can’t wait for the show to come out! and that Blazar Brace is one of the coolest Ultra henshin devices we’ve had!
19: Hart 2023/04/21 11:28
I really love the tone presented in this trailer. If the trailer really represents the whole show, i'm sure this will be the one of the best if not the best ultraman show.
20: Rodriguez Yoshua 2023/04/21 11:48
Esto va ha ser Espectacular, Grande Tsuburaya ❤
Vamos Ultraman Blazar
21: alexsandro c. thomaz 2023/04/21 11:33
22: Strictly Gaming 2023/04/21 9:22
The show feels more mature than the previous entries and the Ultraman host is older. and I’m liking design on this new Ultraman! Super excited. Is it just me I’m getting similar vibe to Ultraman Z universe?
23: RedPowerV-1962: House of Randomness 2023/04/21 7:25
So my guess is that it’s gonna be just like the Ultraman Nexus’s or Orb’s situation with Blazar, where at 1st we don’t actually get to see his original form when we first meet him. But overtime as Blazar gets stronger, more & more of his original form starts to show. & by the near end, or at least the 2nd half, we get to see Ultraman Blazar’s true form in it’s entirety. Because if you look at his official suit. It looks incomplete with the left side of the suit being fully patterned, but the right side side isn’t. But that’s just my theory.
& yes I did copy & paste it.
24: Gen R 2023/04/21 10:23
No mês do meu aniversário! Que presente maravilhoso! Obrigado Tsuburaya!!!!!!!!!
25: Andro Blade 2023/04/21 8:06
Gotta say I really like the atmosphere presented here. It seems to have a more serious tone, and ultraman blazer himself looks really cool! Looking forward to this one for sure!
26: Prime-G Nuva 2023/04/21 7:05
If this isn't in my top 5 Ultraman shows list imma be disappointed. Everything about this looks so fuckin cool, the design, atmosphere, gimmicks, the whole 9 yards
27: ほたこま嫁最高100 2023/04/21 7:05
28: Jower A.R 2023/04/21 7:39
hermosooooooooo ya quiero que se estrene
29: Ultraman Gumbal 2023/04/21 7:26
After Orb, who used to be the Final Villain in Kamen Rider Den O, it was Heart's turn from Villain in Kamen Rider Drive who became Main Character Ultraman Blazar. I am really looking forward to it ✨
30: Matthew Mincey 2023/04/21 8:11
Looks great! This show looks very different from most ultra series and i am here for it. Also I Hope we get a similar cast of voice actors for zett if this show gets a dub. Because zett's dub is great.
31: Vex 410 2023/04/21 8:16
The designs feels like a fusion of Orb Origin, (the colour and circular Color Timer) Ginga (blue crystals on the body) and Nexus (carapace-like silver armor). Very cool
32: NickUltraDD 2023/04/21 7:16
Essa parece q vai ser bem legal, bem promissor. Expectativas altas
33: EvilSviper TheDumb 2023/04/21 8:08
They got no reason for this to go that hard but they did and I LOVE THIS I'M HYPE
34: CCootauco 2023/04/21 8:02
Most ultraman trailers don't get me excited, but this looks bomb as hell. Also I love how his fighting style is some form of muay thai, maybe muay boran. It seems like the fight scenes are going to be intense.
35: T.S. art 2023/04/21 10:54
This teaser even looks more promising than z did. AND THE GRUNT IS JUST 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
36: TokuGeeky 2023/04/21 11:06
Hell yeah let’s go! He’s the Captain, already have a family, clearly experienced in life AND he’s play by Heart!? Plus the awesome looking suit? Tsubro really don’t disappoint!
37: Ju DainMaou 2023/04/21 10:37
From this trailer only, Blazar really become one of the most hype Ultra currently, what with his design, voice, attack team and their mecha.
38: Renaldi Gilang Ramadhan 2023/04/21 7:12
Goosebump damn , blazar's voice is like titan 🔥
39: Kraven Spider 2023/04/21 12:07
The fact that not only are we getting this on YouTube (like we always do), but IT’S GETTING *AN ENGLISH SIMULDUB* just puts the biggest smile on my face.
40: 29 _ Firdausa Yanuar 2023/04/21 7:51
Oh? So it has the same vibe as The next. I don't mind if they somehow make a space beast appear in this series. It fits so well. Also, hoping the opening gonna be like Eiyuu by Doa.
41: GetOnTheGround 2023/04/21 7:06
An older ultraman host? Yes. That's what im talking about. The team also has that nexus feel. This is great.
42: d s 2023/04/21 8:26
When the main supervisor is kiyokata taguchi it is almost certain that this series is going to blow
43: Professor Dragonite 2023/04/21 7:20
A darker, grimmer tone, as befitting the New Generation iteration of Gaia?

An older human protagonist?


Oh, this gonna be *GOOOOD...*
44: Valerie Rosario 2023/04/21 10:46
Blazar looks amazing! Really different backstory,great design! Looking forward to the mystery and magic!
45: furooow's den 2023/04/21 13:36
THATS SO COOL!! Ive always wanted ultraman to somehow go back to its roots and be like a standalone show again and have more depth. AND THE EFFECTS AND CAMERA ANGLES LOOK REALLY GOOD! Like a movie perhaps!! I also love the cool anime vibes coming from the look of the suit and how the main charactr is so cool😎
Cant wait to see this!!!
46: Eric Vachula 2023/04/21 7:51
YES! I was hoping Blazar was going to be the next Ultra Warrior to have a series. Thank you!
47: Douggg The Oof 2023/04/21 7:12
Blazar looks so wild!!! After watching Decker, I'm interested to see how this turns out as well!!!
48: FAIZ555 2023/04/21 7:45
49: Spider Phoenix 2023/04/21 7:26
Wow, that looks cool.

The design seems to be a blend of Next, Ginga and Orb Origin. I love it!
50: D Cyber Asylum {DadanSahri} 2023/04/21 7:12
I'm Getting Excited For This Trailer,Hopefully Its Gonna Be Best Series For New Gen Ultra

