『ウルトラマンZ』第2話「戦士の心得」-公式配信- "ULTRAMAN Z" Episode 2 -Official-

『ウルトラマンZ』第2話「戦士の心得」-公式配信- "ULTRAMAN Z" Episode 2 -Official-

2020/06/27 09:28に公開 27分35秒
# Data
最高順位 6位
最低順位 41位
増加再生回数 +551619回
ランクイン日時 2020/06/27 15:45
ランク圏外日時 2020/06/29 12:30
急上昇継続時間 1日20時間45分
再生回数 204852回
コメント数 2013件
高評価数 12573
低評価数 227
評価数合計 12800
高評価割合 98.23%
※再生回数, コメント数, 高評価数, 低評価数, 評価数合計, 高評価割合は初回ランクイン時の数値
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日時 順位 再生回数
2020/06/27 15:45 28位 204852回
2020/06/27 17:15 27位 268640回
2020/06/27 17:30 26位 269412回
2020/06/27 19:45 21位 344059回
2020/06/27 20:15 17位 352425回
2020/06/27 20:45 14位 360304回
2020/06/27 21:45 13位 379618回
2020/06/27 22:45 10位 400683回
2020/06/28 0:15 8位 426180回
2020/06/28 1:30 7位 452349回
2020/06/28 4:45 6位 500691回
2020/06/28 6:00 7位 509225回
2020/06/28 11:45 6位 551334回
2020/06/28 13:30 17位 580676回
2020/06/28 20:45 25位 671308回
2020/06/28 21:00 26位 676021回
2020/06/28 22:45 27位 689903回
2020/06/28 23:30 28位 698830回
2020/06/29 11:45 38位 752515回
2020/06/29 12:00 41位 753404回
2020/06/29 12:30 41位 756471回
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#ウルトラマンZ #ウルトラマンゼロ



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1: Generic Weeb 2020/06/27 10:50
"Who walks around carrying a goofy, giant gadget without drawing attention?"

Z: Normal humans cannot see and touch the device.

"The transformation is too long and busy, the enemy should have fallen asleep or escaped".

Z: The hero transforms in a pocket dimension, transformation is literally a "free action".
2: Anti-Mosquito 2020/06/27 13:06
"Dont worry. Its made from a material Earthlings cant see."

Well, thats explain everything 😂
3: Arthur Li 2020/06/27 12:16
this type of Ultraman and human interaction between Haruki and Z is so much funnier and better than the others in the past series!
4: Charles Osart 2020/06/27 11:53
Anyone agree with me that ultraman z has the vibes of the good ol' early heisei ultraman times?
5: Muhammad Hafiz 2020/06/27 12:54
This series is too good to receive many hates . The storyline , jokes , fight scene and character development really perfect and next level ! Can't wait for ep3 . Support from Malaysia ‼️🇲🇾👍🔥💯
6: 黒木梨穂 2020/06/27 10:17
7: Irrelevant402 2020/06/27 9:58
I'm glad 'Juggler' didn't grab his butt again during that sparing match.
8: Moon Truther 2020/06/27 14:10
Now I'm REALLY convinced that he's Juggler
9: Kara Miso 2020/06/27 10:50
Everyone commented about how awesome this episode. I just mention it that this episode has a ultraman leo's references against flip seijin
10: Lokço Adventure 2020/06/27 11:47
You know the most funny of all?
People talk like the voice actor appeared on YGO Zexal, but they often forget he voice Ushio in Ushio & Tora. I can't stop thinking about that because Z is mostly blue and I think: *"Wow, Ushio got really big this time..."*
11: jam_game 2020/06/27 9:57
12: LieMintPyon 2020/06/27 11:44
so.. i just realized this, Ult. Z literally made my wish come true when pacific rim comes out and that is seeing giant robot fighting a kaiju and then an ultraman interferes the fight saving the giant robot and aiding it to defeat the kaiju
13: Adi Dana 2020/06/27 11:46
I have feeling someone will blurp word "Redman" next episode
14: LuckyCube Gamer 2020/06/27 10:40
a human asking an ultraman how much old he is....

that's extremely rare lol
15: Armydillo 2020/06/27 10:56
14:03 the music sounds a lot like Juggler’s theme from Orb. Coincidence? I think not
16: Isaac Adam 2020/06/27 10:51
10:40 Z look really different from the other Ultras of the Land of Light if he was born there. I would have thought he was born in another universe like O-50 or X's universe.
17: PHOENIX gaming 2020/06/27 11:51
Is it just me or no. The captain is like
Ultraman orb enemy ?
18: Florentius Raditio Sulisetyo 2020/06/27 12:03
Lmao, he just show his JUGGLER persona again during sparring match there
19: MiyaMiya KumaKuma 2020/06/27 10:20
24:41 メダルを収納するケースは地球人には見えないが、メダル単体だと見える。
20: BeatTheBurning 2020/06/27 11:07
I don't know why but I'm getting suspicious about Hebikura himself. It's like he's showing the trace of Jugglus Juggler.
21: 三ツ木亮太 2020/06/27 10:23





22: 七峰らいが 2020/06/27 10:29
23: 残念なサイコロ 2020/06/27 9:28
・ ハルキの机にダンベル置いてるところ、細かいですね。そう!彼なら当然置いていますよね。
・ やはりストレイジにも正式名称ありましたか…MOGERA大好き田口監督ですから、当然そうだと信じてはいました。
・ 先週全然気付きませんでしたが、ブルトンが消える瞬間浮きだす模様は「無限へのパスポート」に登場した四次元空間オブジェのオマージュだったんですね…
・ 2話で変身拒否と基地の道場…う~ん、帰マンですねえ。
・ 超低空飛行からの接近に続いて、光線発射!凄いです、こんな構図観たことない!
24: Vũ Lôi 2020/06/27 12:17
Z is 5,000 years old so by human age he is about 16, right? Someone call the FBI on Yoko :))
or the Ultra Brothers
25: Portal dos Jogos 2020/06/27 10:38
14:15 this scene confirms to me that the captain guy is indeed Juggler, his theme from Orb is playing in the background and he looks so strange, I mean cmon, he literally disappears in the middle of the training.
26: Mel Pritchard 2020/06/27 10:14
This episode was so good!!! And I'm just so happy that we can all watch together worldwide! Thank you Tsuburaya!!
27: Nur Izzat 2020/06/27 14:02
Team STORAGE : *Detecting Neronga with a heat detector...*

Me : Is it me or they're literally using the same thermometer we used to detect our temperature before entering a store?
28: _KenjiTX1_ 2020/06/27 11:02
This gave me orb the origin nostalgia that juggler and gai training together
29: 三ツ木亮太 2020/06/27 10:06



MAT &ZAT「スプレーで色をつけりゃあ良い!!」
30: NEON INFINITY 2020/06/27 10:29
26:56 i can clearly hear him saying "it's ultraman!"
31: ClusterHopper 2020/06/27 10:38
Man, I love Sevenger and also that scientist girl. The fights are amazing too!
32: ユウスケ 2020/06/27 10:12



33: DECADE san 2020/06/27 10:28
I'll add "It's ultra gross" to my vocabulary
34: Abd. Rahman 874 2020/06/27 11:26
Who remember that the robot was actually used in ultraman leo series in the old days😏🤔
Edit:the red form of ultraman z is just like ultraman zearth who agree😂
35: Zoe Ng 2020/06/27 14:55
who say this episode like gundam , looking here.
36: もちニャ 2020/06/27 10:01
37: ごまだんご 2020/06/27 10:36
38: Fajri Harianto 2020/06/27 12:49
transform in episode 2 so cool.. i like it, i think when he close his eyes it reminds me like ultraman leo
39: S U P E R N O V A 2020/06/27 10:02
Its weird that yoko is in love with an alien grandpa
40: Deen Said 2020/06/27 14:29
New game:

Take a shot every time Haruki says "osu".
41: june62461 2020/06/27 9:53
「Haruki Acccess Granted.」
「Ultraman Z Alpha Edge.」

ウルトラマンゼット アルファエッジへの変身シーン

ヘビクラ ショウタ隊長・・・今回もジャグラス ジャグラーみたいな感じもする仕草もあったが…?ってか、第1話でゲネガーグが倒された後にウルトラマンティガ、ウルトラマンダイナ、ウルトラマンガイアのウルトラメダルを手に持っていたのは、やっぱりヘビクラ隊長じゃないの!?
42: タイガーネロ 2020/06/27 9:51
43: 腹筋崩壊焼肉太郎 2020/06/27 10:07
20:22 戦闘機のコクピットにウルトラマンが写って、隊員がウルトラマンの名前呼ぶのがやっぱウルトラマンって感じで最高
44: Richard Shirley 2020/06/27 13:24
Anyone else looking at the "Z" imagery of his finishing beam and his flying exit and think "Ultraman Zorro"?
45: Spencer Hell 2020/06/27 9:31
This theme song be hittin doe
46: Isaac Adam 2020/06/27 11:30
22:00 I think I've seen this in Ultraman Leo.
47: Cryptid Liker 2020/06/27 11:08
Can't wait to see how Gomora pans out. He beat Ultraman to the point of retreat back in 1993!
48: ゆっくりレイジ02 2020/06/27 10:33
49: 真鍋京子 2020/06/27 10:02
50: パッキンパクパク 2020/06/27 10:38


