

2022/01/13 21:18に公開 13分8秒
# Data
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最低順位 47位
増加再生回数 +101556回
ランクイン日時 2022/01/14 21:45
ランク圏外日時 2022/01/17 10:00
急上昇継続時間 2日12時間15分
再生回数 467176回
コメント数 2260件
高評価数 非公開
低評価数 非公開
※再生回数, コメント数, 高評価数, 低評価数, 評価数合計, 高評価割合は初回ランクイン時の数値
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日時 順位 再生回数
2022/01/14 21:45 17位 467176回
2022/01/14 22:15 18位 469647回
2022/01/15 4:30 17位 482846回
2022/01/15 5:15 18位 483936回
2022/01/15 6:45 17位 485793回
2022/01/15 8:30 16位 487222回
2022/01/15 9:00 17位 487802回
2022/01/15 9:30 16位 488474回
2022/01/15 10:00 17位 489199回
2022/01/15 13:30 27位 494463回
2022/01/15 13:45 33位 495006回
2022/01/15 22:15 32位 510444回
2022/01/15 23:15 33位 512522回
2022/01/15 23:30 32位 513020回
2022/01/16 0:15 33位 514132回
2022/01/16 4:45 31位 522005回
2022/01/16 10:30 37位 530210回
2022/01/16 15:30 38位 540423回
2022/01/16 17:30 39位 544787回
2022/01/16 19:15 38位 548883回
2022/01/17 1:00 39位 559769回
2022/01/17 2:15 40位 562610回
2022/01/17 2:45 39位 563495回
2022/01/17 3:15 40位 564321回
2022/01/17 3:30 39位 564616回
2022/01/17 4:45 47位 565818回
2022/01/17 8:30 46位 567667回
2022/01/17 9:00 47位 567989回
2022/01/17 10:00 47位 568732回

#またまたさかまた で感想や応援のきもちをツイートして貰えるとオタクくんの事見ちゃうかも






ママ パセリ@Parsley_F
パパ tou_ilie







誕生日 5月18日 身長 148センチ

An intern who acts as a fixer and cleaner for Secret Society holoX.
Calm and composed at all times, she carries out her orders without so much as batting an eyelid.
She loves music and can be found listening to it every chance she gets.
And while she denies it vehemently, she apparently tends to come across as guarded and not very upfront with her thoughts, only letting people get very occasional glimpses into how she really feels.

1: jiby 512 2022/01/14 5:33
Estamos contigo! Toma el tiempo que necesites, nosotros te apoyamos y deseamos lo mejor para ti y tu familia.
2: Alexis Diaz 2022/01/14 5:41
No te preocupes Chloe, es totalmente comprensible el descanso. Te mando fuerzas y que tu abuelita descanse en paz.
3: saikenfront 2022/01/14 11:21
Mis condolencias chloe, entendemos tu dolor y estamos contigo, descansa todo el tiempo que necesites, nosotros siempre te estaremos esperando, y tambien estoy enormemente agradecido con tu abuelita por haber criado a una niña tan linda y divertida... Enserio gracias por siempre.
4: dylan pasten 2022/01/14 4:16
Al final es mejor que te sientas bien tu misma, no sacas nada con hacer algo sin ganas y el perder a alguien tan importante es algo muy duro en verdad, toma un tiempo libre y acompaña a tu familia en este momento que es cuando mas lo necesitas y aun cuando vuelvas toma las cosas con calma, al final la gente siempre te apoyara
5: にゃんこに足を踏まれたいknt 2022/01/14 0:24
6: DemEyes Of The Universe 2022/01/14 3:35
Sorry for your loss. Take whatever time you need to take care of yourself and your family. We'll be here when you get back. And please don't apologize.
Love you, Sakamata ❤️🖤
7: umbraemilitos 2022/01/14 1:03
We're here for you. Grieving a loss takes time. Take care of yourself.
8: Historiador09 2022/01/14 5:57
Enserio lamento tu perdida, entiendo muy bien lo que sientes, al menos yo pienso que lo importante es que tomes tu tiempo para lidiar con esto, estés con tu familia y que seas fuerte para superar esta perdida. Te queremos Chloe
9: Rinney Rin 2022/01/13 21:34
Sorry for your loss, no need to apologize for anything Chloe. Take all the time you need, we'll wait for you. Take care of yourself well ♡
10: Dann JraD 2022/01/14 5:49
Losing a grandparent that you're very close with is an excruciatingly painful moment that many of us unfortunately have to go through. Much love and support for all you do and take as much time as you need.
11: MrPihtija 2022/01/14 1:15
My condolences Chloe. Take a as big of a break that you need, you feeling good is the most important part, even if you're not presenting a stream in energetic or happy way! See you when you feel better!
12: Max and Haf 2022/01/14 1:18
Condolence to you and for your family. No need to say sorry. It's fine to take a break. I hope everything goes well, sakamata-san~ We'll wait for your return!
13: 弓月桜花 2022/01/14 2:31
14: Mecks089 2022/01/14 3:24
I'm sorry for your loss.
I lost my grandparents in the early 2000's when I was a teenager, so I know what she's going though. It's gonna hurt for a long while, and other family members may be struck differently, or even longer periods of time, I knew it messed up my mother a bit.

Hopefully her and her family can mourn peacefully.
She should take as much time as she needs.
15: 鈴和音侠 2022/01/13 23:19
16: Akakkss Oalsmsm 2022/01/14 6:34
Mi más sentido pésame Chloe, espero que te puedas volver con esa sonrisa que tienes siempre. No importa el tiempo que pase te esperamos con los brazos abiertos. Un saludo.
17: Toppingflame 77 2022/01/14 7:44
I’m so sorry to hear this unfortunate news, please take as much time as you need, we understand how hard this can be. We all hope you can recover and heal from this, we’ll await any further news no matter how long it may take. Take care Chloe🖤
18: Cyramiko 2022/01/14 2:51
Our heartfelt condolences on your loss, Chloe... You made us laugh, smile and relieved even on our bad days but now, you're having an awful time and we can't do anything for you but sending love and sympathy through comments... 😫 Stay strong Chloe, we all love you and always waiting for your comeback.
I got so emotional after seeing this video cuz my grandma just passed away due to covid, too...
19: デコ助野郎🎣 2022/01/13 23:07
20: D N 2022/01/14 1:59
Thank you for letting us know, and my sincerest condolences. Please don’t worry about taking a break, we will wait as long as you need Chloe. Hope everything gets better soon.
21: Porkchop1999 2022/01/14 3:13
Sorry for your loss Chloe, Please take all the time you need and spend plenty of time with your family
It is hard losing those close to you and I hope that you have someone to be with you through this
Don't apologize for taking a break, we understand and wish you all the best and lots of love
If you need to talk about it when you come back we are all here for you

Take your time to grieve it is important to take it all in and accept what has happened
We will be here waiting with a smile and a big warm hug for you Be safe and Take care \(^=W=^)/
22: Tam Do 2022/01/14 0:57
My deepest condolences. Take all the time you need and takes care of yourself Chloe, we will wait for you with open arms ❤
23: _ KAI 2022/01/14 3:30
24: DoKu 2022/01/14 9:23
When i lost my grandfather about 3 years ago i couldn’t believe it at first, so i just couldn’t speak with anyone. so seeing chloe speak of this makes me really happy. I hope chloe doesn’t think too much of this and come back even more happier. take care chloe!
25: Hikaru VODs 2022/01/14 20:43
When I see short streams like this I always get PTSD from last year. I'm sorry about your grandmother chloe. Please take as much time as you need
26: セバスチャン 2022/01/13 21:23
1:39 開始
2:18 引退はしない
3:07 活動休止します
3:16 身内の不幸で
3:54 元気に配信できない
5:19 スケジュールは大幅に変更する
7:24 メンバーシップのスケジュールも変更する
8:13 今月に復帰出来たらと考えている
8:34 雑談配信のスパチャ読み配信できない
9:43 無理して配信しちゃうかもだからお休みする

27: 立夏 2022/01/14 3:07


28: zeroconduction 2022/01/14 4:16
Take as long as you need! It's important to grieve properly, especially as this is the first time you've had to deal with this kind of loss. We'll still be here when you're ready.
29: KoRReaction 2022/01/14 0:03
Take as much time as you need Chloe. We will all be waiting for you when you come back! Take care of yourself and I hope you and your family get through this tough time together.
30: ぐちお 2022/01/13 23:09
31: Genecy Araujo 2022/01/14 9:39
Eu perdi o meu avô e sei como é dificil, tome o tempo necessário para repolsar, meus pêsames e que Deus conforte você e sua familia
32: Aaronboy25 2022/01/14 0:43
Take all the time you need Chloe, we'll happily wait for you to feel better! I'm praying for you and your family~
33: TopoX33 2022/01/14 1:31
Lamento muchísimo tu pérdida Chloe, yo también perdí a mi abuela hace ya unos años, y me dolió muchísimo, era mi ángel en la tierra, siempre estaba para mí
Pero lamentablemente la vida es así...
Mis condolencias a la familia
No te preocupes ni te disculpes por nada, estaremos esperando hasta que creas necesario volver
34: Mav13 2022/01/14 2:56
Mis más sinceros pésames Chloe entiendo tu pérdida tomate el tiempo necesario para descansar y volver con más fuerzas
35: Plepeth Naut 2022/01/13 21:51
My deepest condolences to your grandma, have a break as much as you want, we'll welcome you as soon as you recover, YES MY ORCA!
36: ノワージュ 2022/01/14 3:41
37: bacon 2022/01/14 12:30
My condolences for your loss, losing a loved one is one of the hardest things a person can go through.
Please take all the time you need, I'm sure all of us here would want that and that all of us will welcome you back warmly when you return.
Much love to you and your family, please do take care of yourself.
38: celery stick 2022/01/13 23:10
Thank you for taking the effort to inform us even though it must be so painful. Please rest as much as you need, we will patiently wait and cheer you on until then! My condolences for your loss, and I am confident your grandmother must have been very loved and will continue to be loved.
39: OnceLewd TwiceHigh 2022/01/14 13:50
Chloe-sama! Condolences to you and your family.

I understand how you feel since my grandfather who was very close to me passed only last year.

It shocked me to hear about you taking a break and sharing such private matters but Chloe-sama really loves her fan to share about it.

Please take care of yourself and spend as much time with your family, we as fans support you and understand your decision.

We will be waiting patiently to hear your sweet soothing voice. We love Chloe-sama and want you to return to us just like when you first debuted.

Stay strong! Our PoiPoiPoi Queen!
40: ていく 2022/01/13 23:21
41: azwraith825 🐔🌿 2022/01/14 2:30
Take all the time you need Chloe-chan. We’re just gonna wait here for you no matter how long
42: Rifky Armando 2022/01/14 17:16
take your time sakamata-san. u dont need to apologize to everybody. take care of yourself
43: nerv 2022/01/14 13:35
take as much as time as you need to recover, your fans will always support you.
44: notJackspedicy2 2022/01/13 21:45
My deepest condolences. Even for me who are not close to my grandparents when I was a kid until they passed away, for some reason I cried so much as if I'm so close to them. I can't imagine how it is for someone who are really close to them. Stay strong Chloe! Wishing you a good rest mentally and physically.
45: cero 2022/01/13 23:56
46: Zanko Akurou 2022/01/14 18:09
Take as much time as you need Chloe. We are always waiting.
47: Kazaki Naomi 2022/01/14 16:47
Take A Rest Sakamata! We Always Here For You!
48: 和MINA 2022/01/14 5:23
49: Nic Danyos ☄🎣 2022/01/13 21:25
All my condolences to you and your family, Chloe. May your grandmother find peace 🙏

I hope you take your time to grief and properly process your emotions since we all know it's very hard losing a family member we're very close with.

We, shiikuin-sans, will always be here with you!!
50: モモンガ 2022/01/14 3:09
