Ohtani is Sho'ing off! Shohei CRUSHES home run number 43 on the year!

Ohtani is Sho'ing off! Shohei CRUSHES home run number 43 on the year!

2021/09/05 12:09に公開 1分46秒
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ランクイン日時 2021/09/05 19:45
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2021/09/09 4:15 28位 912572回
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2021/09/09 10:00 29位 919692回
Sho hits 43rd homer of year.

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1: Djentle Ant 2021/09/05 12:14
After pitching yesterday, Ohtani's tired. He just wanted the quickest way to go back to the dugout to rest. A homerun it is!
2: Dave Prum 2021/09/05 12:25
i miss Iggy coming out of the dugout and congratulating Shohei after a homerun.
3: ejijojo 2021/09/05 12:26
Shohei is making history. We are so lucky to watch all of these Shos. MVP MVP MVP~~~
4: Dank Doggo 2021/09/05 12:13
Ohtani just made million of people watch baseball again!
5: Ken Okane 2021/09/05 12:40
Ohtani's homerun itself deserves admission ticket.
6: David Alaba 2021/09/05 12:36
I really want Ohtani to hit 50 HR this season.This guy is truly next level.
7: Anjuna Ninja 2021/09/05 13:21
Man, I have never heard crowds get as loud and energetic as they do with Shohei. Even during away games. This is fascinating to watch. I haven’t watched a season of baseball in years, but I’ve been all-in to watch Shohei. You can feel how different this season is compared to any single one that’s existed. This is special people, revel in it!
8: Greach 2021/09/05 12:28
A reminder that Ohtani threw 117 (!) pitches last night. Dude is unreal!
9: Richard Yip 2021/09/05 12:47
He plays like he's the one who created baseball.
10: Harry 2021/09/05 12:13
He is a baseball KING.
11: Shotani O'hay 2021/09/05 12:16
He is DEFINITELY home run king
12: T S 2021/09/05 12:14
I’ve seen so many interviews that major leaguers are completely gased around September. I can’t imagine this guy playing two roles. You can do it Shohei!!
13: Cory Defenders 2021/09/05 12:15
Such a beautiful sound.
14: Paul Marc Lalonde 2021/09/05 12:15
Man this guy is legend
15: Frame Counting 2021/09/05 13:39
Every Ohtani homerun now seems to make the baseball world stop, watch and admire. What a player!
16: allen maudlin 2021/09/05 12:59
I’ve never watched baseball before this year but clearly Shohei is the GOAT.
17: Mime 2021/09/05 12:41
My goodness. One of purest sweetest swings since griffey jr.
18: Nella Kcirtap 2021/09/05 12:13
He’s beating my custom MLB the show character, and I honestly don’t feel all that bad about it
19: MIYACH38 2021/09/05 12:45
I feel that Ohtani is always hitting a home run the day after pitching.
Despite his right hand injury, he made a dynamic swing as if nothing had happened.
After all, semiconductors may be built into his body.
20: Scooby Baseball 2021/09/05 12:50
I don’t even know what to say at this point absolute beast
21: Jeremiah M_ 2021/09/05 12:13
He’s definitely a sho-off and we’re all here for it! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
22: Bobo TheGooseMan 2021/09/05 12:52
117 pitches thrown yesterday and a win then hits his 43rd mlb leading homer today this man is not your regular baseball star.. amazing athlete
23: Geegeebaba 2021/09/05 14:25
Incredible, so envious of the happy fans that caught his home run balls.
24: Ryan R. 2021/09/05 12:56
How can we even explain this?
The home run leader is a pitcher in Ohtani with 43 and the second place is a catcher in Perez with 40.
Mind blown!
25: TheSportsGuru 2021/09/05 12:13
Fun fact: Ohtani has hit 9 home runs on days after he's pitched this season. He's made 18 starts this year where he played the day directly after (2 where he didn't). 7 of them have come in his last 14.

Additional fun fact: Extrapolating his average stats from the days after he's pitched this year to a full season of 162 games lands him at 81 home runs on the season, along with 171 RBI's and a 1.161 OPS.
26: ramcis villarey 2021/09/05 12:32
he's not the MVP nor Cy Young he is the first ever baseball God of the Year with at least 25 home runs 15 SB, 100 innings pitch, and 7 wins as Starting Pitcher
27: Ronald Trunk 2021/09/05 13:04
i'm now an Angels fan cuz of Shohei Ohtani. a great talent
28: Josue C. 2021/09/05 12:53
I get such joy when I get on YouTube and the first thing I see that Ohtani hit another home run!! MVP!!
29: Dr. Wan PharmD 2021/09/05 12:34
I want what Ohtani was drinking in the dugout. 7 innings of incredible pitching last night and 3 run shot tonight. MVP! MVP! MVP!
30: Andre Guinto 2021/09/05 12:33
Sad that José Iglesias isn't there to celebrate Shotime anymore :(
31: Christopher H 2021/09/05 13:06
I stopped watching baseball in 2000. Too boring. But now Shohei has me watching again.
32: dampiere 2021/09/05 13:03
Happy that Ohtani blasted number 43. Sad that there was no Iglesias to congratulate him. Rituals are important.
33: mrfunloving75 2021/09/05 16:22
I can’t wait until next year when Mike Trout comes back and protect Shohei. How many home runs would this guy hit batting front of Mike Trout? He is truly once in a lifetime talent. Once every hundred years or so.
34: TheOpus55 2021/09/05 12:46
He is the most amazing baseball player I have ever seen. No anime or manga character is so good as he is...
35: R Aest 2021/09/05 12:57
Shohei is really good especially the day after he pitches. He has hit .303 and 9 HRs so far. Crazy.
36: DeliriousArmy 2021/09/05 12:46
Amazing when the top 2 hr leaders are your pitcher ( Ohtani 43) and KC Royals catcher Salvador Perez (40).
37: rebo range 2021/09/05 12:27
Pitching with Win yesterday, hitting HR with Win Today !
38: Joseph Chang 2021/09/05 12:53
When Shohei does that little hop after connecting you know it's bye bye baseball
39: Toratora M 2021/09/05 12:44
Shohei's softtouched beautiful 43th home run! Suarez hizo muy bien usando changeup!
40: Ima Misfit 2021/09/05 12:40
43 hr's, 93 rbi's...shows how bad their offense is. He needs to get on a good team.
41: Temujin vang 2021/09/05 12:51
Yall hear that crack..yeah that's a beautiful sound..I'm glad to witness something like this in my lifetime..
42: Nick Thompson 2021/09/05 13:15
That sound off the bat was so solid and clean. No doubt in anyone’s mind that one was outta here. 0:09
43: もさかど 2021/09/05 12:22
There is no José Iglesias after Ohtani`s homer. I missed him.
44: Ariel Santa Isabel 2021/09/05 12:45
I feel sad that Iglesias isn't there anymore to give him the usual celebratory gesture.
45: Galactic123 2021/09/05 12:44
I took a long break from baseball. Shohei has brought me back into it.
46: Elijah Bertuola 2021/09/05 13:35
We all love how well Ohtani does all off this!
47: Launi Keohaname 2021/09/05 14:56
Ohtani is so awe-inspiring that even his own teammate had to stop and watch the ball. Run your base #2!
48: Fiy00003 2021/09/05 13:06
Best player on the planet, in human history.
49: Michael T 2021/09/05 13:00
The guy is truly amazing.
50: BB TK 2021/09/05 16:33
He’s homerun makes everyone smile😆
