『機動戦士ガンダムSEED FREEDOM』の登場機体2種がハイクオリティ完成品モデルで商品化!

『機動戦士ガンダムSEED FREEDOM』の登場機体2種がハイクオリティ完成品モデルで商品化!

2023/10/05 10:01に公開 1分5秒
# Data
最高順位 22位
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増加再生回数 +30483回
ランクイン日時 2023/10/06 17:44
ランク圏外日時 2023/10/07 14:30
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再生回数 238725回
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日時 順位 再生回数
2023/10/06 17:44 23位 238725回
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2023/10/07 13:45 25位 267815回
2023/10/07 14:30 25位 269208回
『機動戦士ガンダムSEED FREEDOM』より
METAL ROBOT魂で新機体が商品化決定!

「ライジングフリーダムガンダム」「イモータルジャスティスガンダム」が、劇中を追求したスタイル、重量感を演出するダイキャストパーツ、複雑な彩色表現、更に各種武装の展開や変形ギミックを内蔵したハイクオリティ完成品モデルでMETAL ROBOT魂から登場!

<SIDE MS> ライジングフリーダムガンダム
メーカー希望小売価格 19,800円(税込)

<SIDE MS> イモータルジャスティスガンダム
メーカー希望小売価格 19,800円(税込)


『機動戦士ガンダムSEED FREEDOM』

#機動戦士ガンダム #metalrobot魂 #tamashiinations
チャンネル登録するとBANDAI SPIRITS の映像の更新やキャンペーンのお知らせが届きます!>>>https://bit.ly/2VuC2T6
1: Dark Wolf 2023/10/05 17:09
Still on the fence about the Freedoms design but the Justice to me has a bit of the Savior in its look and i like that alot.
2: 零カイト 2023/10/05 19:54
3: ryou yp 2023/10/05 17:10
4: ふぅちゃんねる 2023/10/05 11:06
5: Jay Em Preem 2023/10/05 15:08
"Killing for revenge, dying for revenge... Does it really bring us closer to peace?"

-Athrun Zala, Gundam Seed: Destiny
6: fishswat1 2023/10/06 9:24
I've read a post (unsure if this is confirmed yet or not) that the new Freedom and Justice are running on battery instead of a nuclear drive this time, likely due to treaty restriction plus the fact that the pilots are now acting as a member of Compass. Meaning that if they are out there performing peace-keeping duties, they can't use a MS that violates the treaty, essentially rendering Destiny, Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice unusable on a official capacity.

As such, it'd seem Rising Freedom and Immortal Justice are made specifically to fill this role. This makes a lot of sense as to why they'd look like a downgrade from where we were previously at by the end of Gundam Seed Destiny's story.

Design wise, I feel like they're ok. Rising Freedom looks a bit like custom-built Freedom while Immortal Justice's new silhouette looks a bit cooler imo. Albeit, neither look super ugly nor super impressive. They're just ok from what's shown so far imo.
That said, the 3rd PV where we got to see Rising Freedom in action, those action scenes do look very good, so maybe the movie can show us just how much these 2 units can truly shine while in action, since photos of static poses for figure/gunpla can never do the MS design justice.

(Though I'd add that I feel like the MA form for Rising Freedom is a little redundant. It worked better for Immortal Justice due to its resemblance to Savior so I thought that was cool)
7: Yves Marie Braut Vaillant 2023/10/06 2:09
Alors la bandaï assure de dingue un grand bravo je suis fan enfin des produits incroyable merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii❤
8: すし太郎 2023/10/05 11:24
9: Maki's Gundam Talk Ch. megalive-GN 2023/10/05 10:18
Indeed, the sight of Freedom and Justice standing side by side is beautiful!
10: ryunosuke 2023/10/05 11:13
11: 働く暇人 2023/10/05 12:22
12: Wen Kamuy 2023/10/05 11:54
Freedom have always been my favorite Gundam. I wish a new ''Gundam Breaker'' comes out soon.
13: テフロンP 2023/10/05 20:44
0:41 SEEDでこの変形スタイルだとレイダーを彷彿とさせますね。上にカラミティ乗せて飾りたい。
14: ムム 2023/10/05 19:32
15: 山本聡 2023/10/05 10:42
16: Anugrah Amriza 2023/10/06 0:39
The Design on Rising Freedom is still growing on me, but right now? I call it as a color change of the Original Freedom. Primarily because I don't see the DRAGOON System on the wings despite looking like it has it.

Missed oppurtunity in my opinion. But hey, at least we get another Freedom Metal Robot Spirits which I hope I would get this time! ( missed my chances on Freedom and Strike Freedom )
17: Original 404 2023/10/05 11:21
These are some of my new favourite seed designs now
18: 武志 山口 2023/10/05 16:35
19: Southcoast Horizon 2023/10/05 14:33
the fact that BOTH are based off of the DESTINY frame makes them interesting.
20: kaki 2023/10/05 19:47
21: Todd Davis 2023/10/05 10:58
Rising Freedom and Immortal Justice. The names and look are powerful!
22: 月狐 2023/10/05 23:50
23: 「 ユミキの記録部屋 」 2023/10/05 10:58
24: キノコ 2023/10/05 13:05
25: コビー 2023/10/05 12:05
26: まんまるドロップω 2023/10/05 12:21
27: 兎丼 2023/10/05 23:41
28: ForGame Only 2023/10/05 23:59
Finally Justice in red color and not maroon. ❤❤❤
29: Gnir 2023/10/05 13:54
So, basically they're downgrades of Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice gundams, but upgrades of Freedom and Justice gundams. I like it. Not OP.
I like the new Justice having the color scheme of Saviour.🔥
30: Mackenzie Harrington 2023/10/05 18:57
In the 2nd movie maybe there will be strike rising freedom and infinite immortal justice
31: SRWOG 2023/10/05 20:01
32: みしお 2023/10/05 12:21
33: 手羽先ささみ 2023/10/05 11:30
34: Joseph 2023/10/05 16:25
So these units are the new units of Kira and Athrun for the 3rd chapter of Gundam Seed.
35: ko ka 2023/10/05 22:04
36: sixshotx 2023/10/05 11:56
I am not sure it is the final version. I am sure we will get more mech reveal. Will we see the new unreleased destiny gundam? Also enemies mech looks weak and from super robot war? The sha va a does have a laser cape (winks.. from build fighters) It is just initial impression for now. I am sure the production wanted to see our reaction and may be do slight modification later.
37: 永遠のにわか 2023/10/05 16:57
38: deathnoteexe 2023/10/05 13:51
まさかまさか、ROBOT魂からではなく、いきなりMETAL ROBOT魂でリリースされるとは💦
39: あるな 2023/10/05 21:07
40: yuki 2023/10/05 11:52
41: Made.IN.Z.A.I.A 2023/10/05 12:03
42: ガンぷら 2023/10/05 12:23
43: old soil 2023/10/05 11:13
44: Lord_GG II 2023/10/05 20:58
ครึ่งแรกพัง และกลับไปใช้ SF กับ IJ เหมือนเดิม
45: レヴィン 2023/10/05 12:04
46: かわページ 2023/10/05 10:45
47: nightlife_owl 2023/10/05 17:12
I wonder what's the thought process of giving these two units battery power but not N-Cancellers which give them unlimited energy. If you want to say it like that, then this seems to be a major downgrade? lol
48: 夢を忘れた地球人 2023/10/06 17:39
49: Kwok Tai Lam 2023/10/06 1:19
To be honest: As a longtime fan of Gundam Seed (and less GSD), I am not very in fond of these designs and even dissapointed. They give me the Gundam Built Fighters vibes...
Don't get me wrong GBF is good in their own right, but GS shouldn't recall these vibes.
Especially the transformable frame is something I really don't like.

For me the ultimate design is the original ZGMF-X10A Freedom.
50: shirokuma taisa 2023/10/05 20:14
