【アニメ】大事なソロライブが中止!?【湊あくあ/ホロライブ #出張ホロぐら】

【アニメ】大事なソロライブが中止!?【湊あくあ/ホロライブ #出張ホロぐら】

2020/08/20 18:00に公開 1分31秒
# Data
最高順位 30位
最低順位 46位
増加再生回数 +73292回
ランクイン日時 2020/08/21 15:30
ランク圏外日時 2020/08/22 18:45
急上昇継続時間 1日03時間15分
再生回数 261485回
コメント数 1465件
高評価数 24186
低評価数 113
評価数合計 24299
高評価割合 99.53%
※再生回数, コメント数, 高評価数, 低評価数, 評価数合計, 高評価割合は初回ランクイン時の数値
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日時 順位 再生回数
2020/08/21 15:30 31位 261485回
2020/08/21 16:00 30位 262623回
2020/08/21 17:00 31位 267335回
2020/08/21 17:45 32位 274577回
2020/08/21 18:00 33位 277542回
2020/08/21 18:30 34位 282795回
2020/08/21 19:45 35位 288292回
2020/08/21 23:45 36位 304976回
2020/08/22 0:30 35位 304790回
2020/08/22 1:00 36位 306653回
2020/08/22 2:00 37位 309367回
2020/08/22 3:15 36位 312483回
2020/08/22 4:00 37位 314637回
2020/08/22 6:15 35位 318359回
2020/08/22 8:15 34位 320271回
2020/08/22 11:30 41位 324498回
2020/08/22 16:15 46位 330507回
2020/08/22 18:45 46位 334777回
『湊あくあアニバーサリーライブ2020 あくあ色すーぱー☆どり~む♪』
放送ページはこちら → https://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv326873472
当日のハッシュタグは #湊あくあソロライブ2020


湊あくあ アニバーサリーライブ 2020








[Chat Rules]
Aqua Crew, please remember these basic rules and have fun!
1. No excess chit-chat with other viewers before the stream.
2. Don't bring up other streamers unless I mention them first.
3. Also, don't bother other streamers with, "Hey, guess what Aqua's doing!"
4. Please get along with each other! If anyone tries to start something, ignore them.
5. Keep comments relevant to the stream!
People who can't follow the rules will unfortunately face the Aqua Ban Hammer (´;ω;`)



⚓湊あくあ メンバーシップ⚓


⚓湊あくあ オリジナルグッズ・ボイス情報⚓


⚓『オリジナルNEKO Tシャツ』 https://hololive.booth.pm/items/2120562

⚓『はじめてのオリジナル個人ボイス』 https://hololive.booth.pm/items/1161272

⚓『2019年オリジナル誕生日記念ボイス』 https://hololive.booth.pm/items/1705164




【生放送関連のツイート】 #湊あくあ生放送
【湊あくあ関連のツイート】 #湊あくあ
【ファンアート】 #あくあーと
〒173-0003 東京都板橋区加賀1丁目6番1号 ネットデポ新板橋
カバー株式会社 ホロライブ プレゼント係分 湊あくあ宛

1: Aqua Ch. 湊あくあ 2020/08/20 18:01
2: Inevitable Gaming 2020/08/20 18:09
Aqua : Lost memories😖
Kanata & Fubuki : How do we bring back her memories!!!???😱
Okayu & Marine: Lets all lost our memories😎
3: Lerina 2020/08/20 20:14
Aqua:I'm hungry,Do you have anything to eat?
*Marine brings Okayu
Aqua: *Subarashii*
4: Rik Ralph F. Sularte 2020/08/20 18:01
Baqua: I lost my memories, let's eat guys.
5: Victor KK. 2020/08/20 18:03
So Much Happened Just In A Short Amount Of Time
6: wood-d Ch. ウッディ 2020/08/20 18:32
Not gonna lie, the cliche of "The Next Episode of..." is relatable in some way
7: afelias 2020/08/20 19:50
"Oh no! Won't someone help us here?!"

(Okayu is brought in)

Okay now I know this won't be about solving the problem at all.
8: Tupi 2020/08/20 18:03
Are we seeing Okayu tomorrow? Make sure to get your ticket to find out!!
9: Haru-n 2020/08/20 18:04
0:36 - That senchou giggle was very cute tho.
10: Ackerman99 2020/08/20 18:09
I like it when they brought Okayu in just like they found a stray cat outside the office 0:29
11: Tài Weeb 2020/08/20 18:37
Wait, since when did she get her memories back to even have another amnesia.
12: Razmee Azme 2020/08/20 19:13
Didnt get crazy holograffiti last week, so aqua decided to make her own crazy one
13: retnemmoc101 2020/08/20 18:07
Pinned comment translation: I got my memories back after eating dinner.
14: 2-balladz 2020/08/20 18:51
I didnt even realize this was Aquas channel
15: TheYeetiest 2020/08/20 19:26
"How to heal headache"
Google: Take the amount of Panadol issued for your age group, get some good rest and take care of your body.
Bing: 1:03
16: Inevitable Gaming 2020/08/20 18:12
Einstein : I am the most genius person in the world🤓

Stephen Hawking : I am too genius for this world🤓

Okayu and Marine : Let us introduce ourselves😎
17: fnyt9990 2020/08/20 18:03
PSA english viewers: Turn on your captions
18: Smug Face 2020/08/20 20:15
Oh my god

Aqua's hair has turn into a drill
19: A Lone Tourist 2020/08/20 19:20
Me and the boys on her Anniversary Concert: *"Remember, No Onion."*
20: Captain Merx 2020/08/20 18:31
I like how in streams, Marine is the gag.

But in shorts like these, she’s the straight woman of the group. Suffering from others shenanigans.
21: Nieklak 2020/08/20 20:28
It was all somehow normal and acceptable until Marine started killing herself with the desk
22: Famichiki 2020/08/20 18:08
I can't believe that they didn't reach for the amazing flavor of Famichiki, available at FamilyMarts around Japan! Try all three flavors today!
23: Cael Acsia 2020/08/20 23:18
Hololive Group: Let's help Aqua regain her memories
Marine: Let's all get amnesia and forget about this
24: Jerald Gonzales 2020/08/20 20:41
Oh look, she lost her memories, again.

Also, is there no one who will talk about Fubuki's "what" in 0:55?
25: 河合美咲 2020/08/20 18:05
なにこれ・・・なにこれ・・・ ホロライブ公式チャンネルだと思ったのに、気がついたらあくあさんのチャンネル(動画)を見ていた・・・!! 何の事か分からねぇと思うが、俺も(ry
26: こーめー。 2020/08/20 18:01
山田ハーマイオニー の 再 来
27: レイクス 2020/08/20 18:20
28: daibangden2460 2020/08/20 18:18
i can't believe Aqua lost her memories 2nd time
29: グラファイトオーダー 2020/08/20 18:05
30: Hot Penguin 2020/08/20 23:38
0:24 Aqua: "I'm hungry is there anything to eat?"
Marine: literally brings in Okayu who would EAT ALL YOUR FOOD
31: そると′′ 2020/08/20 18:06

32: Yohann 2020/08/20 20:02
0:30 I never thought Marine could carry Okayu despite her 0 stamina. Also is it intentional that Marine brought Okayu because Aqua was "Hungry" and wanting to "eat" something?
33: 運極募集中 2020/08/20 18:05
 ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
34: Gamesmarts194 2020/08/20 23:28
0:56 That super dry “eh?” from Fubuki tho
35: Regil 2020/08/20 18:36
1:01 Oh no table kun is going to break.
36: Mr.ドーナッツ 2020/08/20 18:03

37: コッケン 2020/08/20 18:05


38: Wannabe channeL 2020/08/21 14:08
Me: Wow, this anime episode of Hololive look interesting

Me: *Suddenly realise it’s Aqua Ch*

39: かかとお取り寄せ 2020/08/20 18:06
40: KORONE VÌRŪS 2020/08/20 18:09
1:00 okay this needs to a Meme

It's similar to Shion's headbanging her head in the table
41: 記憶喪失ニキ 2020/08/20 18:13
次回予告 あくあ編
42: The King of Antarctica 2020/08/20 19:14
1:08 I like how the one with actual wings isn’t the one flying.
43: Shield Boi 2020/08/20 18:06
1:01 me when i actually thought that the concert was cancelled
44: めすくまろん 2020/08/20 18:30
0:56 こんなお手本みたいな

45: Cethavi 2020/08/20 18:06
When Baqua hit her head she become idol Aqua
46: アニメTV 2020/08/20 18:04
47: Kiseki Kashimori 2020/08/20 18:57
Wasn't this the second time she lost her memories
48: Jagdpanzer777 2020/08/20 18:28
I am looking forward to watching her DOJOSUKUI dance.
Don't forget to do it.
49: nEOtOnO nO ShAnA 2020/08/20 18:13
And here I thought I'm watching HoloGrafitti at Hololive channel..
50: AnhH 172 2020/08/20 19:50
0:30 Literally thought Marine brought Okayu in for Okayu to eat Aqua up Lol
