【歌ってみた】花に亡霊/ 百鬼あやめ cover

【歌ってみた】花に亡霊/ 百鬼あやめ cover

2021/08/08 21:00に公開 4分11秒
# Data
最高順位 15位
最低順位 50位
増加再生回数 +359887回
ランクイン日時 2021/08/09 14:00
ランク圏外日時 2021/08/12 15:00
急上昇継続時間 3日01時間0分
再生回数 248370回
コメント数 1873件
高評価数 45657
低評価数 146
評価数合計 45803
高評価割合 99.68%
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日時 順位 再生回数
2021/08/09 14:00 18位 248370回
2021/08/09 15:30 17位 258664回
2021/08/09 17:45 16位 281726回
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2021/08/12 7:45 49位 590121回
2021/08/12 10:15 50位 594913回
2021/08/12 15:00 50位 608257回
Song by 花に亡霊
Music ヨルシカ
Covered Vocal : Nakiri ayame


ヨルシカ様 / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lVPAWLWtWc
百鬼あやめ / https://twitter.com/nakiriayame
アシマ様 / https://twitter.com/roro046?s=20
てる様 / https://twitter.com/teru_0129?s=20
ハム様 / https://twitter.com/hamu_lr?s=20

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1: CHOCO VIRUS 2021/08/08 20:59
At this point, whenever Ayame doesn't stream for a while, she'll always return with a song
2: ホロ歌は癒しの万能薬hololive songs 2021/08/09 0:11
3: Gale Zephyros 2021/08/08 21:47
Really nicely done with the minimalist instrumental chosen here that only serves to put emphasis on Ojou's voice. The fact that she also sings in a lower register that she normally does also puts more emotion into her voice. All in all a very soothing and beautiful experience that shows how hard she practiced that song and how she has matured as a singer.
4: LosersBecomeWinners 2021/08/09 3:25
Her voice just cures everything. Whether she sings or just talks normally, you can’t help but be happy :)
5: M Striker 2021/08/08 22:03
I remember this being sung by Suisei on that faithful day. She was crying at the time and it made the song a bit more melodramatic.

Ayame's cover hits different as it has a more happier tone. Definitely a great rendition of the song.
6: xelasneko 2021/08/08 21:41
I have heard about this cover taking time to be released, and it is finally here.

This song is so nice to listen to, it is remarkably simple with the piano arrangement and Ayame's singing. Yet, I am so happy to keep listening to this song over and over.
7: daily dose of randomness 2021/08/08 22:50
Me: running out of nakirium because I haven't seen ojou in a while
Ojou: here, refill your nakirium in 4 minutes

Sasuga ojou sama
8: Nazumi 2021/08/08 21:58
Her voice sounds so perfect in songs like this aaaaaaa, she could honestly sound beautiful on just anything!
9: Jolly Dino 2021/08/09 8:50
This is honestly one of my favorite calming songs out there, and having another of the girls, especially Ayame, covering it, makes me extremely happy to both see and hear, and of course, it was as wonderful as I expected.
10: Raph A. 2021/08/08 20:50
Chad Ayame:
Hasn't streamed for a week
Drops a banger out of nowhere
Is faqing cute
Refuses to elaborate
11: TheUndefined Gamer 2021/08/08 21:30
Ghost in a Flower is probably one of my favorite Yorushika songs, hearing Ayame cover it is just a blessing
12: SUNNI 2021/08/08 22:53
Ashima's illustration of Ayame is gorgeous...! The sunset on her hair is heaven's lemon drop.
13: エムピケイEm 2021/08/09 1:20
Angelic voice, beautiful MV, what more could one ask for? Hope you’re doing well, Ojou 😊
14: The Awesome Crafters 2021/08/08 21:24
This song is one of my favourite and I always recommend it to Ojou everytime she has a singing stream. Her voice is very relaxing and angelically beautiful that makes my heart in peace
15: イシャン 2021/08/08 22:11
I really like this cover, the piano sounds so pure that makes whole the song becomes more perfect!!!
16: Adha Bayu S 2021/08/08 22:21
"Friendship end with ghost, now Demon is my friend"
-Flower, probably
17: OJOU GIGGLE 🌟 2021/08/08 21:33
I can feel the comfiness of this song...

My new sleep music
18: Animerge 2021/08/08 21:36
I was pretty much ready to drown in happiness since knowing her singing of this on her several karaoke streams are simply too good, and then the piano-only and her silky vocal caught me off guard. I'm now dying and I'm sure it's gonna be a happy death.
19: Albert 2021/08/08 21:07
Demons and Devils in Hololive:
Expectations: _Harsh, aggressive, merciless_
Reality: _True Angels' form_
20: Lucas Haselton 2021/08/09 4:52
I think I can describe this cover in one word and one word only, "YES."
21: 2021/08/08 22:10
Ojou don't cry!! We'll be here for you.

Jokes aside, as usual her cover is superb. Gonna have this song as main song for a week I guess
22: Charles Ramos 2021/08/08 22:19
This calms my soul
It's so beautiful it brings me back, the exact moments as anime songs
23: Kuroko Natsuki 2021/08/08 22:03
whoa, I didnt expect this to be a full piano cover.
When that first chorus hit. I fully expected the drums as always. It was a surprise that I didnt expect, but knowing Ojou this is a perfect version for her.
24: Vadur 2021/08/08 20:53
Me : Running out of Nakirium
Ayame: *yo dazo partner*
25: kori desu 2021/08/08 23:35
I can't understand the Japanese lyrics but I can feel that this is healing me ❤ thank you.
26: SADBOYfr 2021/08/08 22:43
Exactly what I need after I finished my English assignment.
Didn't know it was a ghost in a flower cover and gasped when I realised it was a ghost in a flower cover. Sasuga Ayame-chan <3
27: Mukachikigumi 2021/08/09 3:41
i can feel her feelings ♥️
ngl, this song hit me right into my heart!
thanks for the cover Ojou :3
please keep doing what you wanted!
don't forget to rest well <3
28: タグチ 2021/08/08 21:30
29: MELONE 2021/08/08 22:11
I can't say anything about this cover, her voice make me feel blessed and fly over heaven
30: Lycorisy 2021/08/08 21:40
Ayame's voice together with the amazing MV is just so perfect
31: realisthicc 2021/08/09 12:34
i legitimately cried a bit when i first heard this, it's so beautiful
32: Utkarsh Pandey 2021/08/09 13:36
Her Covers are usually a banger........
but THIS* is soooo beautiful.......
It cures my soul and makes me feel Nakirium to the brim :)
33: radmicat 2021/08/08 21:30
This is so beautiful, actually made me tear up a bit. As always, Ayame’s voice is so pretty
34: YH 2021/08/08 21:41
heart melting after listen this gorgeous oni voice
35: DoDonnie 2021/08/09 9:39
I love how she sings it you can really tell she practiced hard for it. Her voice really have the power of curing the darkness within us. So much peace in this song such bliss...
36: Radical Cheddar 2021/08/08 21:00
Ah, the song she said she'd been practicing, still dropping this out of nowhere, she might be trying to kill us with the number of covers she putting out this year

Edit: she did indeed kill me, Ayame's smooth voice is perfect for a song like this and I couldn't have asked anything more from her!
37: KevKrieger32 2021/08/08 21:29
I love the simplicity of this cover.
It's just Ayame's calm voice and a quiet peaceful piano in the background.
Combined it and we get this heavenly song!
Thank You!
38: - Kyrel - 2021/08/09 13:42
Ayame: drops a cover
everyone: I’m die, thank you forever
39: JaoOtakuOutcomes 2021/08/08 22:27
Ojou covering this masterpiece! Serene and Beautifully done! Amazing Job Ayame! ❤
40: フク 2021/08/08 22:42
41: Kazegraf 2021/08/09 2:18
Ah yes, just what the doctor prescribed, full dose nakirium with a dose of nice piano. Great cover.
42: Hololive Enjoyer 2021/08/08 22:44
Thank you for the cover ayame-chan, i feel so good rn.
43: クセの極み乙女 2021/08/08 21:43
44: nO NAme!!! 2021/08/09 4:40
Truly an amazing cover, i can't stop hearing it
45: Peter James Villegas 2021/08/08 21:13
Ayame's soothing voice is so wholesome.
46: ゆうの部屋 2021/08/08 21:58
47: Bwaka 67 2021/08/08 21:54
I feel like Ojou gets better every time I hear her, What an angel
48: Auruora 2021/08/09 1:27
Definiitely made my night when ojou uploaded this amazing cover!
the calming piano and soothing voice is super relaxing~
49: Jia Jun 2021/08/09 2:14
This might be my favourite cover, it’s so beautiful it can cleanse one’s soul
