

2019/12/27 20:00に公開 6分23秒
# Data
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最低順位 46位
増加再生回数 +866991回
ランクイン日時 2019/12/28 12:45
ランク圏外日時 2019/12/31 11:45
急上昇継続時間 2日23時間0分
再生回数 638522回
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日時 順位 再生回数
2019/12/28 12:45 5位 638522回
2019/12/28 13:00 6位 647526回
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2019/12/30 13:45 34位 1385955回
2019/12/30 14:00 38位 1387639回
2019/12/30 14:15 40位 1390062回
2019/12/30 18:15 46位 1424029回
2019/12/31 11:45 46位 1505513回
応援して下さる皆様のお陰様で...この度 書籍を制作する事になりました!!(マジ感謝)


朝起きてTwitterを開いたら リプ欄がミカンの動画だらけになっていて、「ついに寝ている間に自分が変な動画をアップロードしてしまったのか。謝罪動画を先に上げておいて良かった」と逆に安心していたのですが、
動画を開いてみると全部 ミカンが一撃で弾けて「実」と『皮』が分裂する動画でした。





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Business Mail→sushiramen.business@gmail.com
1: SUSHI RAMEN【Riku】 2019/12/27 20:22
応援して下さる皆様のお陰様で...この度 書籍を制作する事になりました!!(マジ感謝)

→ https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4048964682
2: Gökay Taşpınar 2019/12/27 23:08
*Mission succesfuly failed*
3: ZackRay 2019/12/27 23:29
4: Alexander Aone 2019/12/28 1:50
Riku: buys a warehouse for his experiments
Also Riku: still makes experiments in his flat
5: L00PdeL00P 2019/12/28 7:13
Why is there a hole in your ceiling?

Sushi Ramen: I fired a carrot at it with compressed air

6: Eisuke鱏輔 2019/12/27 23:13
7: Kaji Elle 2019/12/28 3:06
I’m so glad that he used the mandarins that didn’t go under extreme measures and ate them lmao :)
8: ゆう 2019/12/28 1:27
見る前: 平和な動画だな
見た後: 家に風穴開ける系の動画だった
9: しのちゃ0315 2019/12/27 22:24
1:04 Bruno Mars 『treasure』
10: Decal Tyr 2019/12/27 23:34
4:30 the way he said banana made me laughed so hard i choked myself
11: Jailyn Angelique Nabelgas 2019/12/28 0:21
I really find him cute, whatever he do, he is cute. Omygwad.
12: ARRIK BOSS 2019/12/28 12:28
YouTube: let’s give him a video with a language he doesn’t speak
13: Adiru AXU 2019/12/27 22:37
1:34 Riku farts, really smelly
the roof has a hole, the apartment mom must be furious
14: JustChange 2019/12/28 3:05
Count on Riku to make any harmless object into a deadly missile and destory any wall.😂
15: Deimus Marzu 2019/12/28 0:59
he made a hole in his ceiling with a -carrot- field missile
16: A. Atzhar 2019/12/27 22:50
I wish the book has an English version so i could buy it and read it without struggling to translate it every words 😂
17: FishingtheSkyxd 2019/12/28 2:55
FYI, i think a lot of us would love an English version of that book (if you're ever thinking in investing in translation). congratulations nonetheless!! ^^
18: daryl cadelina 2019/12/28 0:47
5:58 One word "LOL"
19: Tokki Jangnim 2019/12/28 8:22
The one with the orange might be one of the most successful experiment he's had 🤣🤣
20: AZ 2019/12/28 3:14
I can’t XD I’m crying right now from that carrot missile 😂😂🤣
21: Ling Ling 2019/12/28 3:48
Riki!You great that’s it.
I guess you will fly to the moon instead of carrot 🥕
22: さらっとしたテクスチャ 2019/12/27 22:43
0:26 ここ無理笑
23: Mango Reaper 2019/12/27 22:23
Sometimes I just wonder why I’m subscribed, then I watch a video and realize how much I love this man
24: ephophyo 2019/12/28 2:58
Never change, Sushi Ramen❤️
25: UwU OwO 2019/12/28 1:11
What I really admire of you is your quirky personality (mostly from your expressions) it never makes every millisecond dull.
26: 餅かしわ 2019/12/27 22:29
27: Alvino Arya Ramadhan 2019/12/28 2:00
That carrot missiles, I laugh so hard 😂😂😂
28: Valaha 2019/12/28 4:37
this Riku guy is really funny one. I like him.

Hello from Hungary. ^^
29: Putri Hagane 2019/12/27 22:57
He broke another ceiling...😂😂
By a carrot lol😂
30: Ari Cortés 2019/12/28 4:43
I thought i was watching an old video. Omg, he looks like six years ago.
