ピノキオピー - コスモスパイス feat. 鏡音リン・鏡音レン・初音ミク / Cosmospice

ピノキオピー - コスモスパイス feat. 鏡音リン・鏡音レン・初音ミク / Cosmospice

2022/01/26 19:00に公開 3分14秒
# Data
最高順位 25位
最低順位 41位
増加再生回数 +93146回
ランクイン日時 2022/01/27 22:30
ランク圏外日時 2022/01/29 14:15
急上昇継続時間 1日15時間45分
再生回数 219466回
コメント数 1142件
高評価数 非公開
低評価数 非公開
※再生回数, コメント数, 高評価数, 低評価数, 評価数合計, 高評価割合は初回ランクイン時の数値
Canvas not supported
日時 順位 再生回数
2022/01/27 22:30 26位 219466回
2022/01/27 22:45 27位 222028回
2022/01/27 23:45 26位 228936回
2022/01/28 0:30 27位 232271回
2022/01/28 0:45 26位 233560回
2022/01/28 2:30 25位 242192回
2022/01/28 3:00 26位 243565回
2022/01/28 4:00 25位 245634回
2022/01/28 10:15 27位 254230回
2022/01/28 12:00 30位 256717回
2022/01/28 14:15 29位 262153回
2022/01/28 17:45 28位 270195回
2022/01/28 22:15 27位 284900回
2022/01/28 23:00 39位 287428回
2022/01/29 0:15 37位 290989回
2022/01/29 5:15 36位 300136回
2022/01/29 9:15 35位 302957回
2022/01/29 11:45 40位 306602回
2022/01/29 12:00 41位 307509回
2022/01/29 14:15 41位 312612回
Listen digitally on Apple Music, Spotify, and more: https://linkco.re/h2acRaHm

メザメヨ オロカナ ニンゲンドモヨ…


Music, Lyrics, Illustration / ピノキオピー
Video Director / 野良いぬ https://twitter.com/norainu03019
Guitar, Bass / ヤヅキ https://twitter.com/yadukishinya
Vocal / 鏡音リン・鏡音レン・初音ミク

Off vocal: https://www.dropbox.com/s/arohrd0pngpqywl/Cosmospice_offvocal.zip?dl=0
Illustration: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/95806535

Twitter: https://twitter.com/pinocchiop
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pinocchiop.official
LINE: https://page.line.me/pinocchiop
Website: http://pinocchiop.com


第六感 第六感 第六感で感じる直感
第六感 第六感 第六感で味わう食感

メザメヨ メザメヨ オロカナ ニンゲンドモヨ…

良い人も 悪い人も 凄い人も サムい人も
Thank you… どうかしてる夢見てハイチーズ

Pa Pa Pala Pa Pala どいつもこいつも煮込んでやったぜ
Pa Pa Pala Pa Pala 理想の調合探してるんだよ
Pa Pa Pala Pa Pala この世の真理はスパイスなのかも

味わう 月火水木金土日 見っけ コスモスパイス 美味しい (美味しい)
バイアスを破壊する 素敵なトリップ 君の笑顔 隠し味に (あははは)
ああ 春夏秋冬四半世紀 巡る コスモスパイス お好き? (お好き?)
いがみあいをふわり忘れるテイスティング ホクホクの星が浮かんでる

おお なんて素晴らしい
地球人に染みる コスモスパイス

アツマレ アツマレ サミシイ ニンゲンドモヨ…

「好き」の国境を広げる地図 (チーズ)
熱っして とろけるチーズ (チーズ) みたいに
広がるニーズ ぶっ飛んでくリーズン (わー!)
とろ~り一瞬で消えるピース (ピース)
噛みしめて 変顔のハイチーズ

Pa Pa Pala Pa Pala 「あいつのせい」ってキレている人も
Pa Pa Pala Pa Pala 「自分のせい」って泣いている人も
Pa Pa Pala Pa Pala スープの匂いでお腹が減ったよ
インスタントのグローリー もっと!

探そう スイヘイリーベ宇宙船に乗って コスモスパイス どっち (どっち)
果てしない銀河の旅の終わりに 自宅で見つかったワンピース (あははは)
ああ 100パー当たる未来日記 変える コスモスパイス 調子良い? (調子良い?)
生命のきらめく まろやかな海 ニコイチでぼくら笑ってる

おお なんて愛おしい
天狗の鼻ぶっ飛ぶ コスモスパイス

La Lula Lula Lula Lula
震える身体を 温めながら
La Lula Lula Lula Lula

おお なんて美しい 美しすぎて悲しい
不器用で ドロドロで だからこそ輝いてる

おお なんて素晴らしい
地球人に染みる コスモスパイス

メザメヨ メザメヨ オロカナ ニンゲンドモヨ…

#コスモスパイス #カップヌードルのセカイ #プロセカ
1: ピノキオピー PINOCCHIOP OFFICIAL CHANNEL 2022/01/26 22:30


Now that YouTube Community contributions are disabled, I have created a "YouTube Subtitles Submission Form" for those who are willing to continue helping out with translation! Thank you always for your contribution and support!

You can find the japanese and english sbv file here!

「YouTube 字幕翻訳申請フォーム」を作りました!
2: *Hatsune Kawaii* 2022/01/26 19:36
Me encantó demasiado la canción, el ritmo tan pegadizo y único de Pinocchio-P, me enamoré del coro, sus ilustraciones, el ambiente y me emociona el hecho de que incluyó a Len en esta canción TwT, esta canción es maravillosa, esta es también una de las canciones para cup noodle y si no me equivoco es de los fideos con curry y queso, así que creo que encaja muy bien, ya espero verla en el juego project sekai!!!
3: Cade Allison 2022/01/26 19:10
PinocchioP just Does! Not! Miss!!! And I'm so excited to unpack the lyrics, these ones seem particularly hopeful and that's always nice to focus on, haha. Actually, first impressions, they kind of remind me of Mei Mei, what with the world appreciation and "humans are... something, but not entirely bad. Not that bad at all."
4: ヤドリギ 2022/01/26 19:04
5: 晴月 2022/01/26 19:08
6: Stardust Dot Zip 2022/01/26 18:06
i think it's pretty cool how pinocchiop is starting to use different vocals! i can see improvement in his art too ^_^

edit: now that i think about it....i know he has gumi....👁👁
7: ቻ〇ቻ〇バキバキ範馬刃牙[350人目標] 2022/01/26 19:07
8: Crytica 2022/01/26 23:03
One of the most original sounding Vocaloid artists out there. I love the way Pinocchiop always uses the voice of Miku on such a distinct level.
AND WTF is with the clip, that was one hell of a cheese trip!
Loving it!
9: つきねさん☽︎‪︎.*·̩͙‬ 2022/01/26 19:05
10: Ocelot 2022/01/26 19:45
Wow! This was a fun one! I'm still thinking about the lyrics but my first impression is that this song is about 'zooming out' and viewing the world as a single connected entity - the 'soup' being humanity, and the 'perfect blend' or the 'cosmospice' being a fair and equal world full of diversity and love. The overall message of the song imo is that, despite humanity's many flaws, we are fundamentally inclined to desire and spread peace and joy. Every generation will take us closer to that goal. Further rambling analysis below:

''A taste that lets us forget all out bickering' makes me think about connectedness and appreciating humanity as a whole. Space is something that all humans can look up to that makes our troubles feel smaller and insignificant, so the heavy use of space-themed imagery fits in well with the connectedness theme there too. Especially with the 'lonely humans, wake up! / wake up, foolish humans!' It feels like a call to recognize that we're not alone at all, and are all connected under the stars <3

What feels especially interesting to me is Len's verse 'a map that expands the borders of 'like' / lke cheese that melts when it's hot / expanding needs'. This actually makes me think about war. I think this song is implying that the transition to peace and unity and diversity isn't going to be an easy one. Tensions flare, the cheese (us!) gets hot, but it eventually melts into the soup and borders expand - the world becomes less divided. Rin's verse talking about peace melting and disappearing - she's telling us that peace doesn't last - but then Len's rebuttal - 'digest it and make a funny face' - enjoy it while it's here and don't take things too seriously/don't worry so much.

I also like how this shifting of peace and war is depicted as just an integral part of human nature: 'let's change the unchangeable', 'clumsy and muddy but that's what makes us shine', even the chorus line 'for a quarter of a century' seems to hint at this - 25 years is above the average age of a generation. Lots of people have kids in their 20s. Humans are fragile and imperfect and we make mistakes, but that's okay. 'A fabulous trip destroys our bias' - We can count on the fact that peace - cosmospice, the soup - is always going to smell good. Peace will prevail above war. Inclusive values will win in the end. Every generation starts a new. An optimistic and much needed message, especially with the way the political climate has been going. Thank you PinocchioP!
11: TabbNabber 2022/01/25 22:40
Oh cool! I don’t think I’ve heard PinocchioP do a len song yet :)
12: りん。 2022/01/26 19:03
13: JoystickNoodles 2022/01/27 3:01
YESSSS I'M SO GLAD PINOCCHIOP IS USING MORE VOCALOIDS this is so exciting..!!!!! they all sound so good in his tuning especially len !!!! i already love this song so much aaaaa
14: cl0udyd☆ze 2022/01/26 19:06
sometimes pinocchip's songs feel like the wildest things ever
15: Yui - Chan 2022/01/27 0:24
Llegue tarde, pero eso no es lo importante, lo importante es que esta canción es demasiado buena.
16: ジェネクス・ニュートロン 2022/01/26 19:33
17: JayCy 2022/01/26 20:07
1:33 ooh, it matches Tenma siblings so much 😭
It's kinda already not a secret that Tenmas are going to sing Pinocchio-P's song in the collab, so what left is to wait for the cover to appear soon 🙏🙏🙏 (already can imagine Saki and Tsukasa being adorable)
18: Unlucky Mask 2022/01/27 0:42
Pinocchio-P's songs and artwork just get better and better.
19: 犬ですよ。 2022/01/26 21:25

あと、ピノさんのレンくんだ!!っていのと、お湯を入れたときに曲を再生し始めたら 3:00 でカップラーメンができた時に ほんのちょっとちょうだい って言っているのが素敵です!コスモスの花言葉、調和なので辛さを調和だったりするのでしょうか!

天狗の鼻ぶっ飛ぶ って司くんのスタンプのフラグ回収だったりするのでしょうか
20: Magarah T. (KachiDog-P) 2022/01/27 5:32
I can't even express how joyful I am to see you using Rin *AND* Len. Len is my favorite Vocaloid son and such an underrated voice, it makes me happy to see him being acknowledged.
21: リムル テンペスト 2022/01/26 19:09
22: Riah Thompson 2022/01/27 0:54
NEW PINOCCHIOP!!! This song has so many infectious wonderful moments (miku’s words, rin’s hahaha!) and the switch between Indian “flavors” of music and hopeful tones is just delightful!
23: jase276 2022/01/26 19:09
I never knew how much I needed to hear/see Rin and Len rap until now
24: abby1startist YT 2022/01/26 19:20
Imagine if these are the voices you hear during the robotic uprising... bitter sweet symphony! But jokes aside, yet another banger by pinnocio- p
25: はま 2022/01/26 19:27
26: Sosaa 2022/01/26 6:58
A new vocaloid song from PinocchioP? Using my favorite vocaloids? On my birthday! Ahhh! I’m so happy!
27: ほかほかごはん 2022/01/26 19:20
28: Abraham Macias 2022/01/27 2:53
Desde que salió Nee Nee Nee tenía ganas de oír más canciones de PinocchioP con otras voces además de Miku
29: LMNOフー 2022/01/26 23:41
30: みみきP official 2022/01/26 20:58
I love how every songs might seem pretty simple on the outside but is actually a big iceberg of meaning ! The vocals are on point and i'm happy we can hear more and more vocaloids with Pinocchiop tuning
31: ねむせでがんす! 2022/01/26 19:20
32: 玖-きゅう-とみんなのお家 2022/01/26 19:20
33: miy_yuu my lord !! 2022/01/27 0:17
Porque siempre llego tarde, jaja.. Me encanto! Escuchar las voces de Len y Rin de nuevo es genial !!
34: たんさんらむね 2022/01/26 19:14
35: Hatsune miku is my wife 2022/01/26 19:12
Cosmo spice! Kind of a shame no one put green hearts in the chat for miku, they probably didn't notice that miku is also featured in the song lol
36: かうる 2022/01/26 19:06
37: ころころ 2022/01/26 22:26
38: めーぷる🥞 2022/01/26 19:05
39: ざい 2022/01/26 19:45
追 後コスモスもですね‼︎
40: やくみつゆ 2022/01/26 19:44
41: Syrahde 2022/01/26 19:23
That cute Rin laugh is everything
42: 髪の毛 2022/01/26 20:03
43: 莉. 2022/01/26 19:14
44: V Flower 2022/01/27 5:02
it's cool to see you using more vocaloids!! rin in nee nee nee was super cool and i'm glad to see that wasn't a one time thing :> they both sound so great and i love this song!!! i wasn't having a very good day and this made it a lot better
45: あさみ 福田 2022/01/26 19:37
46: Arureto 1.0 2022/01/27 1:45
Todas la canciones de PinocchioP son arte 💙👋
47: かうる 2022/01/26 19:12
ピノキオピーさんは神曲しか作れないのか…?最高のボカロPさんです、だいすきです( ; ; )
48: т. 2022/01/26 19:41
投稿ありがとうございます👀🎶 沢山聞きます🎧
49: があらわれた! サザエ のむれ 2022/01/26 19:24

50: ナナイロ 2022/01/26 19:42

