TVアニメ「進撃の巨人」The Final Season完結編(後編)PV第1弾

TVアニメ「進撃の巨人」The Final Season完結編(後編)PV第1弾

2023/07/03 04:30に公開 31秒
# Data
最高順位 7位
最低順位 43位
増加再生回数 +1831415回
ランクイン日時 2023/07/03 15:45
ランク圏外日時 2023/07/06 19:15
急上昇継続時間 3日03時間30分
再生回数 924048回
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日時 順位 再生回数
2023/07/03 15:45 8位 924048回
2023/07/03 16:00 9位 949007回
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2023/07/06 15:45 43位 2725517回
2023/07/06 19:15 43位 2755463回
TVアニメ「進撃の巨人」The Final Season完結編(後編)

TVアニメ「進撃の巨人」The Final Seaosn完結編(前編)
dTV、dアニメストア、GYAO!、Netflix、TELASA、ひかりTV、U-NEXT、Amazon Prime Video、DMM TVほかにて配信中!

▼進撃の巨人 / Attack on Titan

#進撃の巨人 #AOT #attackontitan
1: Crybaby Hero 2023/07/01 11:43
We deserve a 2nd season of Attack on Titan Junior High after AoT ends, to cure the depression.
2: Aaditya Srivastava 2023/07/03 9:10
*"See you later...Eren."* , goosebumps.
This 30 seconds trailer was enough to hype me up. I loved the Mikasa's shots in this, Mappa has worked hard and improved so much since season 4 part 1. Thank you Mappa, Isayama, Wit and everyone involved in production of aot. Thank you fellow aot fan for sticking with this series until this finale.
A moment of silence for those aot fans who aren't amongst us anymore.

Also, let's take a moment to appreciate our past selves for getting into Attack on Titan, truly one of the best decisions ever made.
3: S o f i 2023/07/03 5:01
Gracias Shingeki por todos los buenos recuerdos y enseñanzas durante estos 10 años. Jamás te olvidaré y serás recordado por mi y por muchos como uno de los mejores animes de todos los tiempos. ¡Gracias Isayama, gracias WIT STUDIO y MAPPA, gracias a todos los que han estado involucrados con Shingeki de alguna u otra forma! Nos veremos pronto para el último baile...
4: Daniel Emmanuel Level3 2023/07/03 7:33
Full Circle, 10 years. We are grateful Hajime Isayama, Wit and all their animators, Mappa and all their animators, Kohta Yamaoto, Hiroyuki Sawano and all other musicians that have worked on the masterpiece that is ATTACK ON TITAN
5: Julian Connolly 2023/07/03 5:59
I've come to appreciate just how amazing everything related to Attack on Titan is- those in WIT studio and MAPPA studio who animated the show, those who made the music, the author, the community, and the story of Attack on Titan itself. Although the anime is nearing its end, I'm sure it'll go down as one of the best tv shows in history. Can't wait to see it end with y'all. Lets dedicate our hearts till the final moment. We keep moving forward. 心臓を捧げよ.
6: Warwick For The Win 2023/07/03 10:56
Despues de 9 años de crecer junto a este gran anime, finalmente llegamos al momento en el que acaba su historia.
Muchas gracias tanto a Mappa y Wit por animar el manga, como a Hajime Isayama por crear esta maravillosa historia que nos ha traido tantas emociones y buenos momentos a tantas personas alrededor del mundo, Muchas Gracias Shingeki no Kyojin, y hasta luego 🕊️
7: POLAR 🐢 2023/07/03 0:43
*Señores fue un honor haber visto este increíble anime con ustedes, más de 10 años mirando a Eren crecer y luchar día tras día hemos por fin llegado al final de esta historia, Somos afortunados de haber vivido en el momento exacto de esta obra. Gracias por todo Isayama.*
8: Manorta-Élan99 2023/07/03 5:45
I’m crying because I’m not ready! I’m really attached to AOT , I don’t know how my life would go after the end … I started watching it in 2015 when I was on my worst days , and till now my life is miserable ,I’m so depressed but attack on titan kept me feeling things …. Thanks to everyone who was part of this, the fandom too … hope you’re all doing fine ❤
9: Cheetos 30 2023/07/03 6:13
10: Josiah Perea 2023/07/03 5:06
This is it guys. The end. The true end. I said it was over, over a year ago but this is actually it. Thank you so much attack on titan for having a big impact and for being apart of my life for years. For anyone seeing this now! We’re finally free. Thank you to all of the VA and the people who worked hard to get us here.
11: mestre isayama 2023/07/03 8:23
Obrigado pony canyon pela distribuição do trailer e obrigado estúdio mappa por dar vida a essa obra maravilhosa, estou triste por AoT estar acabando porém estou feliz por ter conhecido e assistido essa obra maravilhosa, AoT fez parte da minha infância e adolescência, obrigado mestre isayama por me proporcionar momentos de entretenimento e felicidade.
12: 未来の悪魔 2023/07/01 11:49
13: las 24horas del dia en YT porque si señor! 2023/07/03 6:21
A sido asta ahora la serie a la que mas seguimiento le e dado... Y valio absolutamente la pena, fue un honor compañeros
14: レミカ 2023/07/03 5:47
本当に10年もの間 素敵な作品をつくって下さりありがとうございます。
15: Mahmoud Elsaka 2023/07/03 6:52
I've been a professional writer for 8 years. I write stories for youtube. This series that got me attached to Anime world. Isayama is my godfather in writing as i can't believe i've seen such emotions and human minds combined very realistically and imaginably at the same time! This man deserves all awards for this work only until the end of his career.. thank you everyone that worked on this fabulous lifetime project. I promise you someday i will make something equal or better than AOT, at least this is what i owe you Isayama ❤
16: Ana Belinda Armellon Hinojosa 2023/07/03 5:26
Damas y caballeros, fue un gran honor haber visto con ustedes este grandioso anime, fueron 10 largos años llenos de emociones, sensaciones y lloriqueadas compartidas.
17: Rafayet Rasti 2023/07/03 14:28
I know many people aren't super happy with the ending parts of Aot but there can be no denying that the controversial final few chapters aside, this story was a total and utter masterpiece of the absolute highest caliber. What a show honestly there were so many incredible moments spread throughout. Dialogue, storytelling, intensity, stakes, story, everything was absolutely impeccable.
18: Emily nam 2023/07/03 4:39
It’s been a pleasure growing up with Attack On Titan over the last 10 years. It was totally worth it. Shout out to Isayama and all the magnificent people who worked so hard to make this series. I can’t believe this is the final trailer for it all.
19: imonkeydarkdude 2023/07/03 5:21
i dont want it to end. This show has been the best thing to come into my life
20: EXEREYS XX 2023/07/03 6:41
10 años ...pase lo que pase hay que aceptar que este anime aporto su granito de arena ala industria del anime actual y nos dio la oportunidad de ver una gran historia , talves sea odiado pero merece credito por haberle dado una identidad ala industria por tanto tiempo ❤
21: : :ℍ𐐼ru 2023/07/03 5:07
El anime que me introduzco a este mundo, el primer anime que vi y me marcó va a llegar a su fin, dios, snk siempre estará en mi corazón gracias al arte que es 😿💞
22: He He 2023/07/03 8:03
When i first watched attack on titan, it was when it's first anime released. And i went to read the manga too. Never regret it. Thankyou isayama for giving me this masterpiece to live in my mind forever.
23: Primary Forest 2023/07/03 5:15
Damn, can't believe it's been 10 years. Attack on Titan means so much to me and it's been an honour being part of this amazing world community. Surely there will never be anything else as great as this again. "I'll see you soon" when we all watch the final one last time, together.
24: Lyon Lewis 2023/07/03 6:48
Un honor acompañarlos en esta maravillosa historia ❤
25: Retro Dextro 2023/07/01 13:10
Folks, this is where we all say goodbye to a remarkable series (the best tv show I've ever witnessed) that we'll always hold dear.
_Shingeki no Kyojin_ The greatest tv show ever made.
26: Mariana Castro 2023/07/03 5:11
A sido un gran honor acompañar a Eren en este primer año que llevó de conocerlo, fue, es y siempre será un gran honor, gracias por todo SNK!
27: 花子くん 2023/07/03 5:22
Lo malo de ver este anime es que no puedes verlo de nuevo con todo lo que ya sabes que pasara, una joya de anime. Lastima que el trailer durara 30s, pero valio totalmente la pena y espera.
28: A.G 2023/07/03 8:21
Amo y amaré por siempre este hermoso anime 😭😭😭
29: Leeknowgatocoshon 2023/07/03 5:14
Soy lágrimas en estos momentos, tanto tiempo para ver esto y ya llegamos a su fin, gracias SnK por todo :")
30: Luther Games 2023/07/03 8:47
Man I am not prepared for this show to end. I remember watching the first season when it first appeared on Netflix when I had never really watched anime before. I've done nothing but listen to the amazing soundtrack this anime has for the last 2 weeks since I rewatched the show again.
31: Jorge 2023/07/02 7:12
Jamás volveremos a ver nada como attack on titan, no tengo palabras para describir lo que ha significado esta obra para mi, te estare eternamente agradecido isayama 🕊️
32: 1 p a t b t w 2023/07/03 5:21
i'm so happy and so sad at the same time, guys. this anime is the greatest masterpiece ever made and i spent my whole adult life watching it. It'll be hard to realize that the next episode is the last one, hope my heart won't break into pieces...
33: Iziyah 2023/07/03 5:38
If the ending is going to be anything like the manga's this anime will literally be a masterpiece. Only a few months left soldiers, lets goooooo. Shinzou o Sasageyo!!!!!🔥🔥
34: liasiid 2023/07/03 14:41
As someone who's been watching AOT from a long time and when it ends I'll miss it from the bottom of my heart . It's definitely a once in a lifetime show ❤️
35: Elizabeth Diaz 2023/07/03 5:28
El final viene pronto y lloraremos… ❤️‍🩹
36: Prince Kumar 2023/07/03 12:47
Who wants this Anime movie to be released in theatres. Because AOT's last experience should be epic. 💥💥💥💥
37: ARYA TDW (YEG3AR) 2023/07/01 12:12
This series was a very important part of my life. Even if it comes to an bittersweet conclusion It would always be in my heart. Thank you Isayama, Wit, Araki, Hayashi and Mappa for leading this to conclusion...and all their staffs. Shinzou sasageyo
38: Schweigen 2023/07/03 5:08
AOT is not just anime. It's one of the world's biggest popular anime fanbase with unforgettable emotions ❤
39: riki 2023/07/03 5:51
я не верю ,что уже скоро выйдет финал …. Исаяма,вы просто лучший !!!😭❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
40: Adriana Rojas hernandez 2023/07/03 8:10
Maravilloso, por fin el final definitivo se acerca, gracias a todos los que participaron en el proyecto, gracias Isayama, seiyuus gracias equipo de producción, gracias Wit Studios y MAPPA qué apesar de todo, la serie y el final posible serán por el espuerzo de todos.
41: Valentina Villodas Arias 2023/07/03 5:54
No estoy lista para ver el trailer final de esta historia , de hecho jamas estare lista para dejar ir SNK tantos años acompañandonos tantos sentimientos encontrados nunca olvidare esta obra maestra
Shinzo wo Sasageyo! ✊
42: saveji saiko 2023/07/03 6:51
Thank you for all the work you've done, we'll have to say goodbye soon. But I will always love this anime and it will always be in my heart. I love all the moments, the whole atmosphere and the time spent with Attack of the Titans. It made me feel alive and inspired. LET'S GIVE OUR HEARTS!!!
43: vittorio 2023/07/01 15:00
The fact they announced a trailer is wild, they usually just drop it at random, this means the production will be insanely good
44: DeadhomieS 2023/07/03 5:01
Mikasa’s VA is amazing, just one line and it flows with so much emotion
45: Ishigami 石上 2023/07/03 4:56
I don't know about you guys but I liked the ending. It's understandable an logical. I have respect for the author for creating this masterpiece ❤
46: djmatt55 network 2023/07/03 6:53
This series has been a very special experience to keep up with to think that I was 11 when it first aired and now I’m 22
47: Miss leyla 2023/07/03 12:13
Attack on titan impacted my life like no other show/series ive seen before. It was simply magnificent from everything down to the character development, plot, storyline, conflict, and of course, one of the best protagonists in anime history, Eren yeager.
It reflects the true nature of humanity, nature, desires, hatred, revenge etc and i cannot fathom it is actually coming to an end.
A big thanks to Isayama, WIT and MAPPA studios and everyone involved in the production of AOT for their dedicated efforts.
48: Shivam Kumar 2023/07/03 13:11
This masterpiece is going to end but it will always remain in our hearts and we say to our kids that Isayama was a legend who made a masterpiece story and characters
49: M M 2023/07/03 4:35
This is it guys, THE END IS NEAR, what a journey it has been watching this amazing work from Hajime Isayama, Thanks to Him, Wit studio, Mappa staffs and everyone who got involved in this masterpiece of work.
50: Lis Duarte 2023/07/03 8:40
Hajime Isayama, thank you for such an amazing history ✨️ It reached my heart 💖 thank you Mappa for the magnificent work to animate the manga ✨️✨️✨️
