遊生夢死 - Eve MV

遊生夢死 - Eve MV

2021/09/10 19:00に公開 4分2秒
# Data
最高順位 12位
最低順位 50位
増加再生回数 +1438074回
ランクイン日時 2021/09/11 11:30
ランク圏外日時 2021/09/14 12:15
急上昇継続時間 3日00時間45分
再生回数 827424回
コメント数 8637件
高評価数 167400
低評価数 326
評価数合計 167726
高評価割合 99.81%
※再生回数, コメント数, 高評価数, 低評価数, 評価数合計, 高評価割合は初回ランクイン時の数値
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日時 順位 再生回数
2021/09/11 11:30 12位 827424回
2021/09/11 13:45 14位 886906回
2021/09/11 14:00 13位 894080回
2021/09/11 14:45 12位 917451回
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2021/09/14 1:45 49位 2097087回
2021/09/14 5:45 48位 2172097回
2021/09/14 10:30 49位 2233410回
2021/09/14 11:45 50位 2259330回
2021/09/14 12:15 50位 2265498回
遊生夢死 (Yuseiboushi) - Eve Music Video



◆個人制作アニメーションの祭典『Project Young.』公式サイト

◆主題歌『遊生夢死』Project Young. Compilation Video Film:A


Produce Eve


Imari Ozaki


----Special Thanks----

Shun Enokido
Keisuke Kojima   
Hiroto Nishizawa  
Sachie Hiraka

Ayumi Kobayashi
Akito Senaha

Recorded by Tetsuro Sawamoto (Aobadai Studio Inc.)
Recorded at Aobadai Studio Inc.
Assisted by Miyuki Nakamura (Aobadai Studio Inc.)
Mixed by Masashi Uramoto (Soi Co.,Ltd)
Mixed at Soi Studio

youtube channel:https://goo.gl/jiNQkz

◆New EP『廻廻奇譚 / 蒼のワルツ』
2020.12.23 release

▶️ Tie up
廻廻奇譚 / TVアニメ『呪術廻戦』オープニング主題歌
蒼のワルツ / アニメ映画『ジョゼと虎と魚たち』主題歌
心海 / アニメ映画『ジョゼと虎と魚たち』挿入歌




漂う思いのせいで 満たされない雨で
立ち込める 爛れてく 鈍色の月

揺蕩うような声で あなたを知って
夜を壊せと 手放せと 揺らう心音を

ほっとした 感傷的になれば


才能ない脳内 唱えよシスターズ
愛など満たない 性根はどうしようもないなら
再会を誓う 嫌だ

恋をした 軽薄に染まれば


瞬くように 酔った夢に生きたくて

はっとした ただ暴君に染まれば
唾を吐き捨てるように 優しい言葉を解いて

僕らは逃げるように 踏みにじる想い




蜃気楼に惑うの あなたは眩しいくらい

恋をした 誰も知らない世界で
1: Debo Gaming 2021/09/09 20:05
this is unfair eve you're taking everything from us normal people.

- good voice
- good hair
- good style
- cool af
- literally everything else
2: Layvee 2021/09/11 6:59
Aaaaaaaaa I love it, the animation is also beautiful!
3: Æ G 2021/09/11 1:25
Letra en español
Debido a estos pensamientos a la deriva, en la lluvia insatisfactoria
Estoy envuelto por la luna resplandeciente de color apagado
Te conozco por tu voz vacilante
Existiendo como en un sueño
Rompe la noche y suelta ese latido tembloroso
Me alivia si me pongo sentimental
¡La conversación! no parece repetir
Permanecer sumergido en las profundidades de un sueño
Querido tu, quien no pudo morir
Viviendo ociosamente y muriendo como soñando
Prediquen a mi cerebro sin talento, hermanas
Todo lo que puedo hacer es bajar la cabeza
El amor y los gustos no son suficientes, si no puedo evitar mi disposición, entonces Prometamos reunirnos, no quiero
Mírame a mí en este momento
Me he enamorado, si moriré de alegría Solo camina a ciegas, con seriedad
Los gestos ocasionales hechos y
Esa mirada que todo lo derrama
Tan oscuro que nuestros ojos no podrán encontrarse
En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, quiero vivir en un sueño intoxicado
Perfora esa oscuridad con un rugido aparentemente atronador
No dejes de bailar con eso
Me di cuenta, si te mata un tirano
Entonces esa sonrisa no tendrá ningún valor
Como si estuvieras a punto de escupirlo, desenreda las amables palabras
Bromea como si te hubieras olvidado de todo mañana
Con cicatrices en tu corazón que permanece traspasado
Como si estuviéramos huyendo, estos sentimientos pisoteados
Individuos aparentemente deslumbrantes que no puedo soportar mirar
¿Qué tipo de sueño te estás creando? Algo que no te hará seguir mordiendo tus labios
No muestres tus gotas de lágrimas cayendo
No muestres ninguna debilidad
Lo traduje yo así que no es perfecto :)
4: Emely Ferrera 2021/09/11 3:39
Me cuesta entender un poco el japones, pero Eve cada vez nos sorprende más, me conmovió mucho que incluso llore, Eve tiene un gran talento y sabe como aprovecharlo y transmitir un sentimiento indescriptible que me encanta y hace que goce de sus canciones, y no olvidar la animación uff esta increíble.
Muchas gracias Eve!!!
Saludos desde Honduras
5: kevinthedot 2021/09/11 3:04
The music this time is really interesting with all the old sounding drums utilized and the general pacing of it. With the vocalizing sections it really gives a traditional vibe.
Meanwhile, the video also obviously is saying something about that. All this juxtaposition between modern Japan and some old crumbled Japan full of nature, spirits and gods makes it clear there's some theme to it.
Also, like many of Eve's music videos, they focus on transformation of the self in a really neat way through that shifting pattern on the character. This one, like Tokyo Ghetto, seems to relate that change into some kind of relationship with a feminine figure, with the lyrics also tying into this idea of love changing someone. Though, again like Tokyo Ghetto, I almost wonder if the relationship is meant to be a literal or figurative thing. The way they play with the character transforming throughout the song while only getting small glimpses of the other "person" could just be from a lack of connection and searching for them literally, or it could be a metaphor for some kind of internal desire or love that causes changes.
The metaphorical reading could also explain the ending with the large god-like being, with the character achieving some kind of recognition or oneness as they complete this transformation before waking back in their real world (the first person stuff).
I love how there's always so much that could be read into in these music videos.
6: Aruvn 2021/09/10 23:42
By far one of my favorites.. you never cease to amaze us!
7: GatoVaca 2021/09/11 6:06
Ha sido toda una experiencia visual y auditiva de 4 minutos. La animación es impecable, la música y la voz de Eve sólo mejoran y mejoran. No puedo hablar mucho de las letras porque no entiendo japonés, pero basado en las traducciones de los comentarios, también es hermosa y llena de significado... ¡qué maravilloso todo!!!
8: 白昼夢 2021/09/11 6:32

9: Hitomi 2021/09/11 8:29

10: Yaralova Kristina 2021/09/11 1:23
Ох божечки как же это красиво!
Теперь я знаю что буду слушать ближайшую вечность.
А клип можно весь на скриншоты разбирать, ведь тут каждый кадр как картина
11: Tricker 2021/09/11 0:55
I'm speechless. Wow, just wow.
12: Dorian Gonzalez 2021/09/11 3:07
Amo su música, tiene una voz hermosa, me volví una gran fan de él
13: Alwen Origin 2021/09/11 7:18
Traduci esta cancion al español
Espero que sea de su agrado

Yuusei Boushi - Eve

pensamientos en deriva, bajo la lluvia insatisfecha
adolorido en la luna apagada brillante

te conocí por esa voz tan deslumbrante
que como un sueño es

la noche romperemos, para dejar ir
el latir corazón incierto

aliviado, con algo sentimental
y repetir palabras no quiero

aun estoy atrapado al fondo de mis sueños
nunca morirás ahí

yuusei boushi (jugar, vivir, sueño, morir)
sin talento en el cerebro cantan las hermanas
solo ahora puedo bajar mi cabeza
si no puedes amarme, si no puedes evitar tus raíces
volveremos, ya no
que me mires a mí solo quiero

enamorado lo tiño a la ligera
seguiré a ciegas por mi camino

con un ocasional gesto
esa mirada de tus ojos tu viertes

tu ojos parecen que no quieren mírame
una luz que parpadea que soñar borracho parece
el rugir que atraviesa la oscuridad
por favor de brillar no pares

me sorprendí que si un tirano me teñía
en su sonrisa ya no habrá ningún valor
con amables palabras te escupiere para poderlo resolver

mañana serás tímido y lo olvidaras
las cicatrices aún se atascan en nuestro corazón
escapamos pisoteando nuestras emociones y las quiero

nombres deslumbrantes que no puedes ver
¿que sueños tienes para pintarte?
y no puedo solo los labios morderme
no dejes que vea que tus lagrimas caen

tu debilidad no me muestres

lo que quería decir

aunque sean cosas hermosas

confundo el espejismo
usted es deslumbrante
con un futuro que brilla

Me enamore de ti en un mundo que nadie conoce
iré a la historia del día que pedí un deseo
14: Snakemurder 2021/09/11 1:25
Estou apenas esperando um brasileiro legendar essa nova obra, E ve é meu grupo musical favorito.
obrigado jujutsu kaisen por me mostrar essa incrível banda!!!
15: 染璃 2021/09/11 8:50
16: Cepheid 2021/09/10 19:11
Incredible work, as always.
17: ジェル 手ピカ 2021/09/11 6:09
The Eveの世界観って感じが溢れてる新曲
18: Yellow Carnation 2021/09/11 5:16
Eve’s MVs are the only thing that makes me diligently read the end credits because every last person involved in making these masterpieces deserve the highest respect and recognition.
19: Maria Lopez 2021/09/11 1:04
This is jaw dropping. I was just like “WoW”. My son is 7. He started listening to Eve with me at 6. He never fails to amaze us with his beautiful voice, lyrics and art. Eve is a true artist
20: A G R I P P A 2021/09/11 1:42
No es necesario entender japonés para escuchar la música con sentimiento. eve uno de mis artistas favoritos, hermosa voz y sus canciones y animaciones son las mejores.
21: ՏᏆᎡᎬᏀᎪᎡ 91 2021/09/10 2:37
Fact: E ve is making everyone's day so much better with his song
22: Fefa Campos 2021/09/11 1:48
esta canción es arte al igual que todas las demás canciones del dios que es eve-san, el video es muy bonito, simplemente perfecto!! 💖😭🛐💖
23: あなたを応援している者 2021/09/11 1:29
24: Aclosetedweeb Killuastan 2021/09/11 4:26
I was waiting all day to listen to this cause I had school. Did not disappoint Eve has some of the best songs I’ve ever heard
25: Kal 2021/09/11 3:21
Man, Eve, I seriously love EVERYTHING made by you. Legit a godlike artist.
26: beanstars_ 2021/09/10 19:18
The visuals are so highly produced that people are gonna mistake this music video as a trailer for some upcoming anime that'll never happen
27: Marianca ʕᴖᴥᴖʔ 2021/09/11 6:20
E ve hace arte aaa su voz es tranquilizante, la calidad de la animación, la nostálgica y el sentimiento en cada canción es genial ! !
28: Maria Silva 2021/09/11 4:17
Mais uma música perfeita 🥰🥰🥰🥰 os desenhos são incríveis como sempre e a melodia é muito doce e leve ❤️❤️❤️❤️ simplesmente irresistível 😍😍😍 Amo essa música na mesma proporção de Dramaturgy 🌈🌈
29: Yuki OwO 2021/09/11 2:22
Y aunque pasen los años sigo enamorada de la voz de este hermoso ser :') todos los MV's y canciones que saca son tan preciosos que siempre me emociono viéndolos >u<
30: Chris DG 2021/09/11 9:00
Les juro que cada segundo que espero por una canción de Eve vale totalmente la pena <3 Grande Eve
31: Dani 2021/09/11 0:03
【英訳】English translation and romaji lyrics to sing along to!

Due to these drifting thoughts, in the unfulfilling rain
I'm enshrouded by the blazing dull-colored moon

I know you by your wavering voice
Existing as if it were in a dream
Break through the night and let go of that trembling heartbeat

I'm relieved, if I become sentimental
The backchanneling doesn't seem to repeat

Remaining submerged in the depths of a daydream
Dear you, who failed to die

Living idly and dying as if dreaming
Preach to my talentless brains, sisters
All I can do is lower my head
Love and the likes are not enough, if my disposition can't be helped then
Let's vow to reunite, I don't want to
Look at just me in this moment

I've fallen in love, if I dye it in lightheartedness
Just blindly, earnestly walk

The occasional gestures made and
That gaze that pours out everything

So dark that our eyes won't be able to meet
In a blink of an eye, I want to live in an intoxicated dream
Pierce that darkness with a seemingly thunderous roar
Don't stop dancing to it

I realized, if you're dyed by a tyrant
Then that smile won't have any value
As if you're about to spit it out, unravel the kind words

Joke around as if you've forgotten about everything tomorrow
With scars on your heart that remains pierced
As if we're running away, these trampled feelings
Hide them

Seemingly dazzling individuals I cannot bear to look at
What kind of dream are you creating for yourself?
Something that won't make you keep biting your lips
Don't show your falling drops of tears

Don't show any weakness

The truth is that I wanted to say this
Even if you say it's just pretty words

Captivated by this mirage, you are to the extent of being dazzling
Just like the beautiful future

I fell in love, in a world that no one knows of
Going towards the story of that day I wished for


Tadayou omoi no sei de mitasarenai ame de
Tachikomeru tadareteku nibi-iro no tsuki

Tayutau you na koe de anata wo shitte
Yume no you de ite
Yoru wo kowase to tebanase to yurau kokorone wo

Hotto shita kanshou teki ni nareba
Kurikaeshi you no nai aizuchi wo

Hakuchuumu no soko ni tsukatta manma no
Kutabari zo konai e

Yuusei boushi
Sainou nai nounai tonaeyo shisutaazu
Kubi wo tareru koto shikanai no
Ai nado mitanai shoune wa dou shiyou mo nai nara
Saikai wo chikau iya da
Mada boku dake wo mite to

Koi wo shita keihaku ni somareba
Tada moumoku ni hitasura aruke to

Tokiori miseru shigusa to
Sono manazashi wo sosoide

Me wo awasete kurenai you de meimei
Mabataku you ni yotta yume ni ikitakute
Sono yami wo tsunzaku you na gouon ni
Odoru koto wo yamenaide

Hatto shita tada boukun ni somareba
Sono egao ni shinka nado nai to
Tsuba wo hakisuteru you ni yasashii kotoba wo hodoite

Ashita ni wa wasureta you ni odokete
Sasatta mama no kokoro no kizuato
Bokura wa nigeru you ni fuminijiru omoi

Me mo aterarenai kuramu you na meimei
Anata ni totte donna yume wo egaite
Kuchibiru wo kamishimeru ma mo naranai mama
Furiochiru namida wa misenaide

Yowasa wa misenaide

Hontou wa iitakatta
Kirei goto dake de wa

Shinkirou ni madou no anata wa mabushii kurai
Utsukushii mirai da

Koi wo shita daremo shiranai sekai de
Negatta ano hi no monogatari e to

Translated by: Dani (@transcendani) on Twitter

Translator's Notes:
The title "Yuusei Boushi" is a 4-character idiom which implies
spending a lifetime vaguely without accomplishing anything or doing anything meaningful and dying as if dreaming. In other words, it means to simply idle one's life away.

The 4 characters used in the idiom and their respective meanings:
遊 (Yuu) = Play
生 (Sei) = Life
夢 (Bou) = Dream
死 (Shi) = Death

Disclaimer: I'm not a professional translator and these are not the official translations. I study Japanese on my own and translate as a hobby to hopefully help others. I apologize for any mistakes or awkward phrasing. Feel free to ask questions or suggest corrections! Please ask for permission if you are posting my translations elsewhere, thank you!
32: Erik Vargas Gutiérrez 2021/09/11 2:58
Esta muy buena la canción y Eve es genial cantando todo esta excelente.
33: Dannaé 2021/09/11 3:46
Amo las canciones de Eve-san, siempre logra transmitirme ese sentimiento, un algo, que llega al alma, junto con la gran voz que tiene. Lo amoo
34: 虎白月 2021/09/11 7:38
35: María José 2021/09/11 3:00
Eve siempre mejora la calidad de sus MV's, amo los las animaciones que hacen que su música me haga sentir feliz
36: Andy 2021/09/10 20:41
Joder Evegoddd ♥️
37: Physics 2021/09/11 2:55
It's a fucking masterpiece. This could be an anime opening or trailer.
38: Æ G 2021/09/11 1:24
Due to these drifting thoughts, in the unfulfilling rain
I'm enshrouded by the blazing dull-colored moon
I know you by your wavering voice
Existing as if it were in a dream
Break through the night and let go of that trembling heartbeat
I'm relieved, if I become sentimental
The backchanneling! doesn't seem to repeat
Remaining submerged in the depths of a daydream
Dear you, who failed to die
Living idly and dying as if dreaming
Preach to my talentless brain, sisters
All I can do is lower my head
Love and the likes are not enough, if my disposition can't be helped then
Let's vow to reunite, I don't want to
Look at just me in this moment
I've fallen in love, if I dye it in lightheartedness
Just blindly, earnestly walk
The occasional gestures made and
That gaze that pours out everything
So dark that our eyes won't be able to meet
In a blink of an eye, I want to live in an intoxicated dream
Pierce that darkness with a seemingly thunderous roar
Don't stop dancing to it
I realized, if you're dyed by a tyrant
Then that smile won't have any value
As if you're about to spit it out, unravel the kind words
Joke around as if you've forgotten about everything tomorrow
With scars on your heart that remains pierced
As if we're running away, these trampled feelings
Hide them
Seemingly dazzling individuals I cannot bear to look at
What kind of dream are you creating for yourself?
Something that won't make you keep biting your lips
Don't show your falling drops of tears
Don't show any weakness
39: 雪見だいふく✤ 2021/09/11 8:42

40: Ana Benítez 2021/09/11 1:33
Que hermosa canción, Eve siempre se luce con la animación.
41: Yan 2021/09/10 19:27
La canción es asombrosa, la animación es genial, Cada canción de Eve se siente especial es increíble.
42: Lana _emmy 2021/09/11 5:07
At this point he could make a whole anime and honestly I would be so excited to see him build on any world he created in any of his music videos because they all seem incredible
43: Esperanza 2021/09/11 4:22
De verdad que es una obra maestra, la canción es increíble, los nuevos personajes y la animación me encantaron, quedó todo hermoso 🥺💖
44: オールフィクション 2021/09/11 3:17
This just so good... I'm trying to think in order to express how good this is, but my brain is still drunk on the experience... I'll probably re watch it multiple time until my heart and mind are satisfied
45: Matt 2021/09/11 8:40
Every time, Eve never fails to go even further beyond everyone's expectations!
46: Azure 2021/09/11 0:05
The fact that E ve’s comment sections are so culturally diverse makes this even better. I haven’t seen a channel with such a range of different people commenting in numerous languages and enjoying these songs. We’ve basically all formed a virtual country with this :D
47: HANO HANO 2021/09/11 2:29


Eveくんの好きが詰まった作品 ホントに良かったです😭💘さ
48: Destrother 2021/09/11 4:24
seriously eve better be giving these animators proper food cuz this stuff is insane wtf also very different from what he usually makes feels like a song i can sleep to or like put on loop for 3 hours straight
49: Simme63 2021/09/11 7:12
Holy shit this is such a masterpiece. To all the animators massive props to you, you definitely deserve a rest after this incredible video, every frame looks so good that you could print it out and hang it on the wall. And E ve your singing is super good. massive props to all of you, you're amazing <3
50: Tiltify 2021/09/11 4:19
By far one of the best song I have EVER heard
I have already listened to it 10 times lol
This deserves 1000 billion views
