2021/11/01 18:00に公開 3分46秒
# Data
最高順位 23位
最低順位 36位
増加再生回数 +12437822回
ランクイン日時 2021/11/02 13:45
ランク圏外日時 2021/11/04 9:45
急上昇継続時間 1日20時間0分
再生回数 4135717回
コメント数 20559件
高評価数 231465
低評価数 1009
評価数合計 232474
高評価割合 99.57%
※再生回数, コメント数, 高評価数, 低評価数, 評価数合計, 高評価割合は初回ランクイン時の数値
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日時 順位 再生回数
2021/11/02 13:45 26位 4135717回
2021/11/02 14:30 25位 4389386回
2021/11/02 15:15 26位 4733850回
2021/11/02 15:30 25位 4826040回
2021/11/02 16:15 28位 5398330回
2021/11/02 16:45 27位 6147219回
2021/11/02 17:00 26位 6416640回
2021/11/02 18:15 27位 7581083回
2021/11/02 18:45 26位 7642300回
2021/11/02 19:15 27位 7672851回
2021/11/02 19:30 26位 7693398回
2021/11/03 0:45 25位 8077014回
2021/11/03 1:30 24位 8138331回
2021/11/03 3:00 23位 8300209回
2021/11/04 5:30 36位 15148254回
2021/11/04 9:45 36位 16573539回

✔ More information about THE BOYZ

Copyrights 2021 ⓒ Cre.ker Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.

1: Deobi Deobi 2021/11/01 18:15
"when everybody's trying to be the same, i exist as i am"
"A familiar path? That's so boring"

Speak louder kings!!
2: NaNa MZ 2021/11/02 11:07
They're not just a visual group. Their vocals, raps, choreography, acting and more is just out of our minds. They deserve recognition.

Keep streaming deobi and take care of your health too~♡
3: Señoritas Top's 2021/11/02 12:10
우리는 매버릭, 밥, 보컬, 랩, 댄스 및 연기의 모든 것을 가졌습니다.
4: asjsk828 2021/11/02 11:35
Chanhee’s little “chasing” step is so addictive
5: Joyce Ann Prudente 2021/11/02 11:20
6: Deobi Deobi 2021/11/01 18:14
We got everything in maverick, bops, vocal, rap, dance and acting boyz
7: PinkRacoon 2021/11/02 10:59
Chanhee still managed to look pretty while crying amidst the chaos.
8: 선우 여친 2021/11/02 11:25
Koreografinya terlihat sangat kuat dan tajam, hnya dgn melihat saja sdh terasa itu pasti melelahkan.. seperti yg diharapkan The Boyz BEST PERFORMANCE OF THE 4TH GEN
9: CYA S 2021/11/02 12:02
*Vamos THEB hagamos que está joya llegue lejos y que más personas conozcan a nuestros niños <3*
10: Paul Bartolome 2021/11/02 11:36
I can't get over the pretty pre chorus and bridge. Then the hard hitting chorus. THE BOYZ can do everything!
11: Deobi Deobi 2021/11/01 18:13
Sangyeon and New highnote gives me goosebumps
12: SVT makes my whole life better 2021/11/02 12:38
Los amo flacos vamos a ponernos las pilas deobi, ellos se esforzaron muchísimo al venir hace poco de un cb y filmar el mv por 4 días, los pibes solo nos tienen a nosotrxs y nadie más hagamosles saber cuánto nos gustó el cb y cuánto los amamos<3
13: Tobiah Nabastala 2021/11/02 11:09
Eh ni Jacob keren banget pas ngerap sama dance nya, kasih jempol yang banyak dari saya sambil minjem jempol tetangga dah, cakep 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
14: Faith Sanchez 2021/11/02 11:45
They are insane for this comeback. The vocals, rap, choreo, plus their acting?? THIS IS THE BOYZ.
15: Bello Prti 2021/11/02 11:25
선우 당신은 놀랍습니다
16: KPOPSEGYE 2021/11/01 18:53
I’m convinced I’m a Maverick now!

This comeback is so strong, the concept is fresh, song is catchy, visuals are there, vocals on point, choreo hard as usual and MV is so well done.
17: Zaini Riaz 2021/11/02 11:15
TBZ have improved soooo much and now they get better every comeback AND I'M LIVING FOR IT!!! Suppeeerrr prooouuudd!!! They're amazing
18: Woonie♡ 2021/11/02 11:04
No staneo The boyz, pero estos últimos conceptos han estado mega buenos, los conocí con The stealer y weon son super Buenos con cada concepto que he visto en sus mvs!!!
El talento que se cargan los chicos es muy bueno!!!
19: (´• ᵕ •`) 2021/11/02 12:37
No se rindan deobi, los chicos merecen mucho más que esto.
Se han esforzado muchísimo para darnos dos cbs en un año e incluso con todo el trabajo que tienen, todavía se toman el tiempo de darnos fotitos o dejar algunos mensajitos.
no falta mucho, solo sigamos así ᰔ
20: camila sosa 2021/11/02 11:23
the song is so powerful and energetic, they gave all in this comeback and we have to do the same for them <3 they deserved that so much, we can do it !!
21: shetheb 2021/11/02 3:38
The most satisfying bridge and post-chorus I’ve heard in a while.
22: MyFantasyisNCT 2021/11/02 11:35
My favorite part is when they all sing
"I'm back in the game son"
23: Heather R 2021/11/02 11:59
Love these boys more and more everyday. They ALL wreck me. Choreography, vocals, acting, visuals are insane. Their synchronization is unmatched by any other group, and I watch mvs of Korean pop artists all the time to study the dance choreography. They are a true force to be reckoned with, and I hope they start getting more recognition. LOVE LOVE LOVE 💕💕
24: Danika Diane 2021/11/02 13:23
The versality of this group is insane. From a sexy breaking dawn to a grandiose kingdom come to summery thrill ride and now to a hard-hitting song, maverick. STAN THE BOYZ!
25: lwotusz 2021/11/02 12:10
kaya lagu yg buat performance di award award. alias KEREN BGT
26: NaNa MZ 2021/11/01 23:19
This song is a MASTERPIECE ! TBZ never dissapoint deobi.
27: Divine Magsino 2021/11/02 12:07
I don't know what more words i can put how incredible they were 🤯😭🥺 all of them really work hard for this comeback, they really deserve all the success they were having right now! i hope and pray for more projects to come! I'm so thankful that i get to see slowly their growing family. I'm the proudest to have tbz in my life! 🤍 i love you all tbz
28: katia milagros linares gomez 2021/11/02 12:25
"THE BOYZ" Grupo donde todos sus miembros son guapos y talentosos.
29: Tbz-deobi1206 2021/11/02 13:22
Tbz proving once again that they’re an all center group with everyone slaying 🔥💖
30: Gabyy 2021/11/02 10:57
Esta humilde Ahgase esta apoyando mucho a estos chicos, a pesar de no stanearlos completamente yo los apoyo en todo lo que hagan. <3
31: mb 2021/11/01 19:22
“a familiar path? that’s so boring” THATS RIGHT HAKNYEON
32: Biting Squirrel 2021/11/02 11:29
Im telling yall. If this song will have no wins/ be underrated, ill volunteer to play squid game
33: A68 2021/11/02 13:27
I can’t be the only one obsessed with Kevin’s and Sunwoo’s mixed line after the chorus :)?
34: jisung’s guitar 2021/11/02 11:16
y’all i’m literally LIVING for this comeback
35: under tHe seAaaa 2021/11/02 12:12
36: teriverse 2021/11/02 1:38
haknyeon's ”that's so boring” line will forever be iconic to me.
37: juno nasuji 2021/11/02 11:46
Sangyeon's highnote in Kingdom Come, Nightmares and Maverick sit together
38: freshmademochi 2021/11/02 11:03
They really out did themselves this comeback, they all look so good
39: TBZ TIME 2021/11/02 13:08
Amo mucho la canción, el concepto, la coreografía, la historia, todo. Este comeback es único
40: Carmen Ng 2021/11/02 11:16
Let’s keep going deobis! Hwaiting!!! Everyone has been doing so well!
41: Anndee Grace Dapiton 2021/11/01 23:04
Cre.ker and The Boyz never disappoints, this is a fact.
42: Katie C 2021/11/02 12:08
the boyz outdo themselves everytime it's insane how much talent is in 11 boys
43: andrea galeano 2021/11/02 11:44
Este regreso de The Boyz está a otro nivel! El concepto, la canción, la coreografía, el outfit, ELLOS! Definitivamente les doy un mil/diez
44: Dodeobibyy 18 2021/11/02 13:00
if there is a word that exceeds the word 'extraordinary', then I will continue to tell them. THE BOYZ NEVER DISAPPOINTED DEOBI<3

sorry if my words are still messy
45: 고주스 망 2021/11/02 12:02
주연이 연기 많이 늘었다 ㅎㅎ
춤잘추는건 이미 알고 짧은 머리도 잘어울려
46: 블랙블루 Blackblue 🎵 2021/11/01 18:01
Popular opinion: everyone agrees that The Boyz has no bad songs.
47: Annemaria J. 2021/11/02 12:32
something about choi chanhee's voice just bring's me peace
48: Victoria Wise 2021/11/02 12:58
WOAH THEY GOT IT ALL! visuals, lyrics, melody, beat, and everything in between SHEESH!
49: DeobiJjang 2021/11/02 12:01
Masuk FLO dan trending no. 1 di korea selatan. Mantappp deobi. Lanjutkan! Bawa deobo ke GRANDSLAM
50: Nurul Shahida 2021/11/02 13:25
When chanhee pull the string with his vocal i just *faint*
