
2021/05/04 03:30に公開 16秒
# Data
最高順位 19位
最低順位 46位
増加再生回数 +130295回
ランクイン日時 2021/05/04 16:15
ランク圏外日時 2021/05/06 13:45
急上昇継続時間 1日21時間30分
再生回数 310571回
コメント数 2229件
高評価数 36308
低評価数 66
評価数合計 36374
高評価割合 99.82%
※再生回数, コメント数, 高評価数, 低評価数, 評価数合計, 高評価割合は初回ランクイン時の数値
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日時 順位 再生回数
2021/05/04 16:15 20位 310571回
2021/05/04 16:59 19位 316917回
2021/05/04 19:15 20位 337996回
2021/05/04 20:45 21位 346127回
2021/05/04 21:00 20位 347793回
2021/05/05 1:30 21位 371816回
2021/05/05 3:00 19位 380577回
2021/05/05 11:45 27位 396103回
2021/05/05 12:45 28位 398346回
2021/05/05 14:45 36位 402502回
2021/05/05 18:59 37位 412134回
2021/05/05 20:45 38位 414703回
2021/05/06 4:59 37位 428786回
2021/05/06 10:30 40位 436052回
2021/05/06 10:45 42位 436547回
2021/05/06 11:45 46位 438087回
2021/05/06 13:45 46位 440866回
1: Rekken and Yu 2021/05/04 3:34
Ah... So this is it.... This is death... Or is this life?
2: Just Some Guy with a Mustache 2021/05/04 4:55
That moment Rushia realized she forgot to feed you and give you water while you were chained in her basement...
3: Gori 2021/05/04 4:18
The fact that she has a boss healthbar at the bottom makes this 100x more terrifying
4: Zerø Luck 2021/05/04 4:49
"Hey you. You're finally awake"

"You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there"
5: Mada Mada 2021/05/04 5:23
She achieved peak flatness: she turned into a 2d animated drawing.
6: Khimera 2021/05/04 3:31
I don’t know what’s scarier, Russia or the fact is stops at 15 seconds
7: Spyduck 2021/05/04 9:42
I can't believe this is the first thing I saw after being hit by a truck
8: soop man 2021/05/04 7:44
Haachama: makes an entire horror arc
COVER: Ok no more horror stuff
9: Ivan Moua 2021/05/04 5:27
Rushia is showing us what is Heaven looks like.
10: とらまめ部長 チャンネル登録者【300人】目標 2021/05/04 9:43
>  音 量 注 意  <
 ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
11: BrandonUpload 2021/05/04 3:35
EN and JP fans: Understood, have a great day.
12: まめ 2021/05/04 12:25
13: Durake no 2021/05/04 9:29
POV: You just recieved Rushia's raw unfiltered scream and now your senses and dibilitated from being overwhelmed
14: Just Some Guy with a chin Mustache 2021/05/04 6:10
POV: She’s being a sweet yandere after screaming at you
15: ノイ 2021/05/04 7:05
>  音 量 注 意  <
 ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
16: STEM H Legaspi Raye Arth P 2021/05/04 9:28
Why did I imagine rushia saying " if you cheat on me.. you'll know what will happen to you"
17: LogicCoal 2021/05/04 8:34
This is what i called scary inside
18: Chicken Bone 2021/05/04 4:25
Rushia's trapped in the void, she can't hurt you now
19: Nova Kenodoxia 2021/05/04 11:57
"Boss Rushia doesn't exist, she can't hurt you"

*Boss Rushia:*
20: Sun Tzu 2021/05/04 10:48
"After being killed by Rushia for watching other girls, this is what you see" -Sun Tzu, Art of War
21: Art R00kie 2021/05/04 9:58
This is a physical representation of what anxiety feels like
22: Deeper than the Abyss 2021/05/04 10:51
So this is what my ears go through each time Rushia decides to collapse the known universe with her screams
23: YT Chandra 2021/05/04 12:37
Even black and white, sketch Rushia is still so cute
24: apbuggy 2021/05/04 3:33
Even in Black and White, Rushia is the cutest
25: lorgnon1 2021/05/04 14:51
It's like my brain remembering what I dreamed last night.
26: Yoshida Saki 2021/05/04 9:04
27: mole2100 2021/05/04 11:58
Every mankind's last vision when Rushia finished her Armageddon epic spell.
28: Youki 2021/05/04 6:14
POV: She brought us back to life after making a pettan joke.
29: Angel 2021/05/04 3:37
She's fully embracing her yandere side now.
No one is safe, but we are safe with her.

Accept your fate.
30: 養殖のたけのこ 2021/05/04 4:15
31: Naman Kumar 2021/05/04 12:45
This is what life flashing before death looks like. I have fulfilled my purpose
32: N I T E 2021/05/04 7:44
She accepted her true self, 2D surfa-
33: Hi I'm APOP 2021/05/04 9:14
Ngl this is cool but somewhat terrifying at the same time.
34: CuttleSz 2021/05/04 3:56
Doctor: Black and White Rushia isn’t real, she can’t hurt you
Black and White Rushia:
35: Youki 2021/05/04 6:14
POV: She brings us back to life after making a pettan joke.
36: PurpleTrident 2021/05/04 7:12
Only the purest of Fandeads can hear her piercing words
37: StrikeNoir105E 2021/05/04 11:24
So this is what you see when you're resurrected by a necromancer...
38: Kuroe 2021/05/04 4:37
Ultimate breathe technique: Man and wall becomes on—
39: Nice Desu 2021/05/04 3:31
It was only a matter of time before she got added to paper Mario-
40: Fox7 2021/05/04 5:32
Rushia is so talented that now she is a member of A-ha
41: 駿 2021/05/04 5:09
This is what you see when she's reviving you from the dead
42: Muhamad Rafli Ramadhan 2021/05/04 6:32
Fun fact: This video is the sketch of Rushia
43: Felix Ronan 2021/05/04 4:21
She is now in the purest form of 2D, never has any anime girl reach this legendary realm of pett.......
44: Pyres 2021/05/04 5:44
My darling Rushia has turned into a ghost..
45: Ouacho Lol 2021/05/04 8:36
Me: *starts sketching for a while, then getting bored and moving on to something else*

The sketch:
46: Gudam diddler 2021/05/04 6:02
For a second there I really thought that my earphones were broken
47: László Szerémi 2021/05/04 5:24
POV: You're being brought back to life as an undead slave by Rushia.
48: Emanon Ria 2021/05/04 3:31
When the void stares back and it's cute.
49: Orwell Jones Laeddis 2021/05/04 16:14
Rushia just mantled the Godhead. There are no other girls now, only Rushia.

And in this reality, you are hers. Forever.
50: Asunatsu「 アスナツ 」 2021/05/04 13:09
POV: You're in a brink of death and about to be resurrected by Rushia
