【original animation MV】マリン出航!!【hololive/宝鐘マリン】

【original animation MV】マリン出航!!【hololive/宝鐘マリン】

2022/04/27 22:00に公開 2分24秒
# Data
最高順位 1位
最低順位 48位
増加再生回数 +1269216回
ランクイン日時 2022/04/28 10:30
ランク圏外日時 2022/05/02 11:00
急上昇継続時間 4日00時間30分
再生回数 869408回
※再生回数, コメント数, 高評価数, 低評価数, 評価数合計, 高評価割合は初回ランクイン時の数値
Canvas not supported
日時 順位 再生回数
2022/04/28 10:30 1位 869408回
2022/04/28 12:30 2位 936411回
2022/04/28 14:44 1位 1015987回
2022/04/29 11:00 7位 1530671回
2022/04/29 11:30 10位 1538044回
2022/04/29 11:45 15位 1541487回
2022/04/30 8:00 14位 1784536回
2022/04/30 12:00 20位 1813209回
2022/04/30 14:45 40位 1837093回
2022/04/30 18:00 42位 1882820回
2022/05/01 13:00 44位 2028128回
2022/05/01 14:30 47位 2039606回
2022/05/01 15:30 48位 2046926回
2022/05/02 4:30 47位 2116261回
2022/05/02 5:00 48位 2118589回
2022/05/02 11:00 48位 2138624回

。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*+:。.。
てあせ https://twitter.com/tease__
茶椿 https://twitter.com/tyabaco_va
saku39 https://twitter.com/skb318

歌 宝鐘マリン
作編曲 田中公平
作詞 砂守岳央


監督・絵コンテ  大西 健太

キャラクターデザイン 山本 周平

プロップデザイン 渡辺 義弘(フロンティアワン)

美術デザイン 若山 温(studioもがな)
      植竹 美則(studioもがな)

色彩設計 山本 未有

総作画監督 山本 周平
栗原 裕明(スノードロップ)

作画監督 渡辺 義弘(フロンティアワン)

レイアウト監修 臼田 美夫

原画 studioもがな
小田 裕康
寺尾 憲治
黒木 涼之介

上武 優也
海原 香
矢能 玖佳
徳永 竜志
小澤 和則

渡辺 義弘

第2原画 studioもがな
小田 美奈子
えとう 誠
若山 温

中野 友貴
高田 浩美
安藤 昂輝

花村 千尋
森 美幸

天音 凛燐


動画検査 宮本 雄介(TROYCA)

動画 スノードロップ
宮内 義洋
伍々 葵
元木 万那未
渡邉 聡太
辻本 健太
眞倉 朱里

秋葉 奈美恵
雨宮 聖奈
今福 一花
上山 真輝
藤吉 友香里
山下 大輝

色指定・検査 山本 未有

仕上 山本 未有

動仕協力 暁

美術監督 徳田 俊之(パルサーデザイン)

背 景 パルサーデザイン
梶原 芳郎
白井 一真

特殊効果 松田 陵平

撮影監督 楊 暁牧 (4tune)

撮影 グラフィニカ
牛島 あゆみ
平本 瑛子
栗原 晴美

ツール・スクリプト開発 グラフィニカVFX部 技術開発Café

CGスーパーバイザー 亀山 勇一(レオン・スタジオ)

CGエフェクトアーティスト レオン・スタジオ
川本 龍彦
成清 波留美
庄司 弘樹
石川 夏綺

CGモデリング・アニメーション 川鍋 政道(ViewRain)

CGプロデューサー 亀山 勇一(レオン・スタジオ)

CGモデリング・プロダクトマネージャー 大地 真琴(ViewRain)

編集 丹 彩子(グラフィニカ)

編集助手 深澤 芽衣(グラフィニカ)

編集室 グラフィニカ

MVプロデューサー 酒井 賢一郎

制作プロデューサー 大原 泰三

制作 西塚 大輔
制作助手 山下 瑞妃

アニメーション制作 フロンティアワン

字幕制作:fts, T-chan

。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*+:。.。

。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*+:。.。

🎶視て聴く電子ドラッグ「Unison」 オリジナル曲公開中!🎶


。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*+:。.。
『Ahoy!! 我ら宝鐘海賊団☆』
。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*+:。.。
。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*+:。.。

ホロライブ三期生 ホロライブファンタジー Vtuberの宝鐘マリンです。




。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*+:。.。


。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*+:。.。


カバー株式会社 ホロライブ プレゼント係分

→ https://www.hololive.tv/contact

。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*+:。.。

ホロライブ公式Twitter▷ https://twitter.com/hololivetv
ホロライブ公式サイト▷ https://www.hololive.tv/

。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*+:。.。

 HP: https://dova-s.jp/




□Ryo Lion
1: ManlyPicnics 2022/04/27 22:13
Finally, Senchou is no longer just a cosplayer. She's become a real pirate.
2: Sebastián Cárdenas 2022/04/28 4:44
I can feel Senchou's money fly away for every second that passes in the MV, it was worth it though.
3: Ilias Alhazred 2022/04/28 4:33
Once you've set sail with Senchou, you'll eventually realize that she was the real treasure all along.
4: Vladislav Ivanov 2022/04/28 6:27
"Legend of the Ocean Heroes"

But really Senchou's mighty voice deserves only the best animation - one like this.
5: crabby chimera 2022/04/28 4:21
Now that we have an official list of her crew, we need to make sure all of them get names. Can't let Senchou go sailing with a bunch of people without us even knowing their names.
6: shadowtheimpure 2022/04/27 23:51
Senchou really needs her own anime. Just saying, she's got big protagonist energy.
7: Just Yeet 2022/04/28 3:53
This MV is really high quality and fit the music as well o7 to the team that worked on this!
8: R 2022/04/28 5:33
1:38 1:40 1:41
it's so good, all 3rd gen members are here including Rushia, I'm so happy and it brings tears to my eyes.
9: Just Some Guy with a Mustache 2022/04/28 5:44
First, One Piece has entered Roof Piece, and now this? 'Tis a good week to be a pirate, mateys!
And I'm happy for Marine. After all the stuff she's had to go through this month, I'm glad the month ends on a high note for her. Literally.
10: 豆太郎 2022/04/28 8:09
11: × Cuacky × 2022/04/27 3:07
Marine worked really hard for this, We need to support her 150%.
12: Adrián Amador 2022/04/28 7:54
Wealth, fame, power. Houshou Marine, the Queen of the Pirates, attained everything this world has to offer.. Putting jokes aside, what a great animation and that spicy scene 👀
13: Cyber 2022/04/28 6:12
This animation is great! Nice to see the other Hololive members making small cameos in it, and definitely great singing overall!
14: MoeMusic 2022/04/28 6:09
Oh my GOD!!! this is a whole new 'pirate' anime out there!
Every Senchou's animation MVs are so cool, but this one is in another level of masterpiece, even Rushia is there. 😭
15: José 2022/04/28 5:49
I love how epic this song is, like being out on a grand adventure. Animation and art is absolutely amazing. Loved seeing Marine perform this at 3rd fes. so happy to finally see it now with the MV.
16: TheRandom 1Out 2022/04/27 23:08
no wonder this is the most expensive ori song that marine make, the quality is so good and also i love the fact that she include UMISEA and HoloFantasy member
17: Sycabal 2022/04/28 6:17
This MV is so good, I think someday Hololive will even have an anime, just look at this masterpiece
18: alina 2022/04/28 6:17
This is actually so good........... Congrats on the MV, Senchou!!!!
19: おにまるなのだ【Onimaru.】 2022/04/28 8:43
20: Rainbowappleslice 2022/04/28 7:15
I’ve never watched a marine stream but if this was an actual show I’d definitely be watching this
21: Sage Of 7 Paths 2022/04/28 6:05
I’ve always loved pirates since I was a kid. And this mv just brings me back to when I would read and watch stuff to learn about their lives.
The animation is so beautiful and Marine looks so cool in action. I’d follow this captain anywhere.
22: だいちゃん 2022/04/28 7:18
23: One-Eyed Dragon 2022/04/28 8:20
This looks and sounds SOO good! Imagine if it was real anime with that quality. Huge respect to everyone who made this MV and to our sencho for awesome singing.
24: aceofspades 2022/04/28 5:57
What an amazing MV, great singing by Marine, but OMG the animation is amazing for an MV.
25: Daily Waifus 2022/04/27 22:58
I'm 100% sure they put Gura and Ina in that swimsuit scene so that we'll miss them
26: The Red Baron 2022/04/28 7:47
Absolutely amazing! wonder if she’s ever been on a German dreadnought or fought one before? That would be an awesome battle!!!
27: 国内産おにぎり 2022/04/28 5:22
28: FoxP 2022/04/28 4:40
Absolutely outstanding, everything about this is perfect! I kneel.
29: Tuskor 2022/04/28 5:33
Marine actually just straight up dropped her own anime opening on us out of nowhere
Sasuga senchou
30: Ja ja the new king 2022/04/28 4:54
This was amazing as heck the animation is so beautiful and the music accompany it so perfectly.
31: 雪代さゆ 2022/04/28 9:45
32: Akito Himenokoji 2022/04/28 7:22
When I heard this at the 3rd FES when the VOD was out I listened to it everyday all day long.
33: Kronii's 4th Clockhand, Moji [Hoshi-Tako-Kronie] 2022/04/28 5:44
This could be a lovely mini-series.

I would actually watch it.
34: GigaJ 2022/04/28 2:31
Can't wait for her to fight Luffy for the One Piece

JK. But seriously, this was beautiful, including having Rushia in it as well
35: Alex Max 2022/04/28 6:47
What a fantastic anime opening, I guess Marine is really the greatest pirate ever.
36: Spectre12 2022/04/28 7:53
My first time waking up on time for a JP premier, and this is a great one! the animation was insane, and the inclusion of a certain person gave me the feels
37: Hakuno Yukisaki 2022/04/28 7:29
1:41 got me crying for real, thank you senchou and everyone who worked on this
The whole vid is amazing and is such a feast for the eyes, it is a certified banger that can make me cry
38: Hi-C Surfer 2022/04/28 4:50
Every single Marine original is such an experience. Thank you for always doing your best Senchou!!❤️
39: Zack S 2022/04/28 1:20
1:34 Gura and Ina
1:38 Flare and Noel
1:40 Pekora
1:41 Rushia
1:42 Aqua
40: 天王寺ここあ 2022/04/28 4:48
41: Nitrixツ 2022/04/28 8:08
That was absolutely beautiful, to have a whole animation was an absolute treat... Thank you!
42: - x - 2022/04/28 5:55
the fact that I saw Rushia in there made me feel a bit of hope..
43: 赤草七竈 2022/04/28 5:43
44: Kurisu the science goddess 2022/04/28 8:24
This was incredible! The animation was beautiful too. I would totally watch this if it became an anime.
45: Retro_Gamer 2022/04/28 9:14
Ayoo, Rushia bit almost made me tear up, thanks Senchou for immortalising Rushia in another banger
46: Forsake 2022/04/28 5:18
The greatest vtuber of all time (for me) <3
47: Trip koLng 2022/04/28 10:03
By the fluttering of her hair while facing towards the sea, we can deduce that it's windy
48: Kikaishi 2022/04/28 10:15
The music, the animation, the cameos of Holo Fantasy and UMISEA, and of course the singing of Senchou, everything is perfect.
Marine Senchou never disappoints.
49: TopoX33 2022/04/28 8:45
Tremendo MV hermano, excelente animación, poniendo en escena a nuestra capitana horny como pocas veces se vió 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
La escena de Rushia me sacó una lágrima de nostalgia, pero me alegro mucho que la hayan incluído 😄
50: Mr.SeniorGuy Guy 2022/04/28 5:08
This MV was amazing!!👏
If Marine had her own anime, this MV should be intro.👍🏻

