Apex Legends: Thrillseekers Event Trailer

Apex Legends: Thrillseekers Event Trailer

2021/07/08 09:35に公開 1分28秒
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増加再生回数 +590235回
ランクイン日時 2021/07/08 16:45
ランク圏外日時 2021/07/09 22:45
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再生回数 592500回
コメント数 4565件
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評価数合計 46316
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2021/07/08 16:45 20位 592500回
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2021/07/09 20:15 36位 1165085回
2021/07/09 21:00 35位 1170159回
2021/07/09 22:15 36位 1179214回
2021/07/09 22:45 36位 1182735回
Prove you’re the ultimate daredevil in the first Arenas event in Apex Legends.

Get your adrenaline rush in the Apex Legends Thrillseekers Event! Duke it out in the new Arenas map: Overflow, a raging volcano on the verge of eruption. To celebrate our very first Arenas event, you’ve got three weeks to claim fame and glory — and rewards. Complete weekly challenge tracks and earn free event-limited items inspired by the world of extreme sports. Dress Pathfinder, Revenant, Gibraltar, Rampart and Mirage in Legendary skins that show their taste for fashion is only matched by their taste for danger, and collect Epic and Rare skins too.

Show your opponents what a real daredevil can do.

Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play hero shooter game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Origin and Steam.

Learn more about Apex Legends – Legacy: http://x.ea.com/68308

Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
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#ApexLegendsThrillseekers #ThrillseekersEvent #ApexLegacy #ApexLegends
1: Retro-Spect 2021/07/08 9:47
Rampart can't hit anything in this trailer
2: NCAC Gaming 2021/07/08 12:47
Bro that OCTANE HAS AN AIMBOT he doesn’t miss a shot!!
3: Am0nite 2021/07/08 11:46
Revenant's skin makes him look like general grievous in the trailer.
4: Michael Silva 2021/07/08 13:12
The event is called “thrillseekers” and Octane, mister adrenaline himself, only gets an epic skin???
5: TruNoom 2021/07/08 12:03
that rev skin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
6: Bottlecap 2021/07/08 9:38
Trailer needs more sliding kills.
7: Pizza Hub 2021/07/08 11:44
I like how octane said “my money’s on the robot”
8: Ms. Keishaaa 2021/07/08 13:35
I love how in every trailer everyone’s aim is so bad-
9: Haruki Takanashi 2021/07/08 12:09
The only trailer that octane didn't die
10: A.K. 2021/07/08 12:44
Why does revenant have general grievous' face plate.
11: Macro 2021/07/08 10:08
The new map be like: 🌋 🔥 💨
12: KingOfSwing 2021/07/08 13:35
Can’t wait to get clowned on by the pred mirages that frequent my games
13: Duhandré Cloete 2021/07/08 14:43
Its basically an Octane event but they give him such a normal skin?
14: нυмвo̸ 2021/07/08 14:11
Two events back to back, I’m not disappointed though.
15: A Normal Viewer 2021/07/08 13:14
Octane: “My money’s on the robot”
Me: 🧐
16: Sbeve X 2021/07/08 10:57
Octane: “My moneys on the robot!”

*Rev and Pathy stare at him confused*
17: jaemmy taniwan 2021/07/08 13:31
revenant's skull design reminds me of skeleton from disney movie "coco"
18: The Carno Gamer 1 2021/07/08 12:13
I like how the Genesis event isn’t even over yet and then they dropped this
19: frostpunk 7 2021/07/08 11:48
Respawn: drops a new even trailer

My wallet: *Your being aimed at*
20: Taylor D 2021/07/08 15:46
Octane: “my moneys on the robot”
Everyone: “uhm.. which one?”
Octane: “yes”
21: Majestic Tortoise 2021/07/08 9:35
Revenant looks like he collects lightsabers for a living
22: Fresh Grilled Panini 2021/07/08 14:38
Bro the last event literally hasn’t even ended yet and they’re already teasing the next one. Like. Calm down, man, it’s ok if we don’t give EA $200 every 3 weeks.
23: Ramiro Estrada Gutiérrez 2021/07/08 14:53
Director de animación: Cuantas muertes deslizándose?

Todo respawn: Si
24: Braeden jayce 2021/07/08 14:07
not someone saying rampart cant hit any thing in this trailer.

does she ever hit anything ;(
25: Javi Navarro 2021/07/08 11:57
Do u guys hate Mirage or why he's still getting awful skins? Ffs!
26: gooflol 2021/07/08 9:38
27: Sir Jay 2021/07/08 12:17
I feel like there not really trying to make cool mirage skins.
28: LONE GAMER 2021/07/08 13:18
Us Mirage mains: can we get a brand new and cool looking skin?

Respawn: Best I can do is CLOWN 🤡
29: Yo_Juls 2021/07/08 9:36
Apex: Gets hacked

Respawn: "Oh no, anyways"
30: Æ uber has wifi Æ 2021/07/08 15:40
Octane finally doesn’t die in a trailer
31: illumina gacha 2 2021/07/08 11:35
imagine giving all credits to octane in this trailer
32: Aidan van Rensburg 2021/07/08 16:38
Octane: has aimbot
Trash wall girl that has turret too: misses all her shots
33: Slim Shady 2021/07/08 14:55
Love how octane is narrating the trailer yet he doesn't have a single legendary skin😀
34: OhDough 2021/07/08 10:01
mirage: sad clown noises
35: FarKrits 2021/07/08 11:57
I saw General Grievous Revenant and that's all I need.
36: 2021/07/08 13:33
Two Events back to back? Now this puts a smile pn my face.
37: Tarkan Birkent 2021/07/08 13:39
Fun fact: they scipt wraith like 10 events since 1 year lol
38: Jordan barrock 2021/07/08 13:05
The only thing I got from this trailer is that octane skin is 🔥that’s it.
39: KingKoffiProductionz 2021/07/08 16:36
Respawn: drops a new even trailer

40: Ͳ 2021/07/08 15:42
And for two events in a row, no wattson skin wooooow
41: Juaquiqui-kun 2021/07/08 16:37
If you show this to dr.disrespect he’s going to literally lose it
42: Dino Ninja 2021/07/08 11:56
So we just gonna ignore that everybody misses every shot on octane
43: Tiggy 2021/07/08 10:30
Finally, octane actually kills in a trailer AND doesn't die.
44: ARX Infinite 2021/07/08 12:33
Why does Rev’s face look like Star Wars General grievous? 🤣🤣
45: Mon-Goose 2021/07/08 13:35
Nobody :

Litterally nobody :

Octane : my money's on the robot
46: Andrew Villa 2021/07/08 14:04
47: Edward 2021/07/08 13:05
Respawn: Cheaters, no ; DDOS, no ; new map yes
48: MafiaTheViper Ent 2021/07/08 9:38
Wait.. another event already?? Is this apex??

All this new content 🔥🔥
