

2020/10/18 18:00に公開 4分34秒
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再生回数 561918回
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2020/10/21 14:45 49位 1184730回
2020/10/21 17:30 49位 1204139回
ただ 人で在りたい

Bass 白神真志朗
Drums 新保恵大
Recording Engineer yasu(Tinkle-POP)

Music/Lyrics/Mix まふまふ https://twitter.com/uni_mafumafu



Assistant Director : モリカツ(https://twitter.com/KATS_MORI)
Director of Photography : 松浦弘二
Camera Assistant : 鶴原優子
Lighting Director:山本剛 (DOING)
Creative Director : 浅井正明 (ICHIZIKU)
CG Directer : 青木史耕 (ICHIZIKU)
Compositor : 波多柾之 (ICHIZIKU), 矢追裕子 (ICHIZIKU), 雄勝光佑
Animation Director : 畳谷哲也(HOTZIPANG)
Animator : 太田将人(アスラフィルム), Pmats9(COOVO), G子, ZECIN
Illustrater : 茶々ごま
Motion Model:三矢禅晃, 白神真志朗, 新保恵大
Producution Maneger : 井戸雄大 (OKNACK)


気まぐれに鳴り出す君のせいで 笑いたい日々から退場

人もどきは今日も息を吸って 笑えない日々だけ観賞

知らずに開いた 心の穴が痛いよ
気づいたよ 辞書に名もないような


呪って恨んだ世界を 愛してしまった
この心臓が脈打つだけの 覚めない夢を見ている
ボクを ひともどきと呼ぶ

誰にも言えないことを増やした 人らしい心の証明
ねえ ボクはこんなんさ わかってよ

嫌ってもらっても構わないや 恨んでくれないか君も

愛とか未来とか どこかで馬鹿にした

どんなに どんなに 強がって歌ったって

もうどうしようもないくらいに 今日に縋ってしまった
失うことが怖くなるような 優しい夢を見ている
ボクを ひともどきと呼ぶ

気まぐれに鳴り出す君のせいで 笑いたい日々から退場
ならば どうか あのガラクタみたいに
蹴とばして 踏んでくれたならいいのに

呪って恨んだ世界を 愛してしまった
優しい人の人になれずに この命を愛してしまった

心臓よ 心臓よ いっそ止まってほしかった


1: yuu nakamoto 2020/10/19 7:59
I may be "late", and u won't probably read this, but I'm really proud of you, Mafu. You had the confidence to show your face here but that's just something that I didn't really mind, the MV is just so beautiful, I understood the feelings you wanted to express here perfectly, and I as always loved the vocals and music. Happy birthday, my angel, you are the best singer the Earth has. We love you! ♡
2: Astrid Elizabeth 2020/10/19 7:00
Todos y todas conocemos lo tímido que eres, hiciste un gran esfuerzo quitándote o bueno, haciendo a un lado esa vergüenza por mostrar tú rostro cosa que encantó tanto a Asiáticos como Latinos, eres una persona bella, maravillosa, que escribe letras hermosas que sin duda cautivan hasta al más duro corazón, nunca dudes de lo grande que eres. <3

Te amamos. 「:;(∩´﹏`∩);:」💕✨
3: celeste godoy 2020/10/19 5:43
Fuiste lo mejor para este mundo, tu traes alegría junto a そらる y los otros. Enfrenta todo ese pasado y sigue adelante.
Saludos desde Argentina (nvn)/ 🇦🇷
4: Ariana Abril 2020/10/19 4:22


5: Vanessa Carvajal 2020/10/19 5:56
He seguido a Mafumafu hace mas de dos años y sus canciones tocaron mi corazon, aunque no pueda entender lo que dice su voz y su musica te llega, canta con tanto sentimiento que te eriza la piel, era la primera vez que veia a alguien que no mostraba su rostro, al principio me desesperaba queria verle la cara, pero después de saber porque no la mostraba y conocerlo mejor eso ya no importaba por que el es una hermosa persona y tiene una hermosa voz, siempre me alegra el día cuando lo escucho, ahora que dejo ver su cara me siento muy feliz y orgullosa de el.
Amo a Mafumafu y a los otros utaties, ademas me gusta mucho Japón.
Animo Mafumafu!!!
Saludos desde Mexico!!
6: Marion Pravat 2020/10/19 5:08
Eres tan hermoso... como fan después de dos años realmente estoy llorando por todo lo que has crecido y al saber por todo lo que has pasado... te amo aaaa 😭💕💕💕 eres arte! Eres hermosos!
7: Melissa Hernandez13 2020/10/19 1:35
Realmente maravilloso, nunca antes me había encariñado tanto con un artista, sus canciones son latidos directos del corazón ❣️
Agradecida de haber conocido a tremendo ser hermoso física y sobre todo emocionalmente, hace que los adolescentes como yo puedan seguir enfrentando los problemas que pone la vida. ¡Gracias por todo Mafu! uvu
No, no estoy llorando.... :''D
8: Amberry Chan 2020/10/18 23:05
I'm legit crying rn.
Mafumafu finally have enough confidence to show his face through a MV. Specifically to convey his feelings. I'm so frikin proud even though I've only been following his music for 4 years.
Happy Birthday, Mafumafu-san. You deserve the world.
9: Laura Katherine Rojas Pardo 2020/10/19 6:11
Feliz cumpleaños Mafu! Eres sin duda uno de los artistas con más talento en el mundo, y me alegra haber conocido tu canal, eres increíble. Te apreciamos mucho. Saludos desde Colombia!!
10: Zenthia T 2020/10/19 4:09
Hey,, I’m not quite a fan of yours, and I don’t listen to your music often, but I just want to say I’m wishing you well in your musical and life endeavors in general! The way you use your voice is really cool, and you do it with passion. I hope you end up going as far as you’d like to reach with your music, and I believe that you have the ability to do just that too :)
Alsooo it seems like it’s your birthday today? Happy birthday!
11: Sky chan 2020/10/19 3:25
Feliz cumpleaños mafumafu, aunque no me entiendas espero que aún así con un corazón lo entiendas! 💕🎼🎖✨👑💃💃💃💃 , HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU ARE THE BEST AND YOU ARE BIUTIFUL UWU 💕💕💕💕 (nose como se escribe hermoso en inglés sorry :'3)
12: Dana Renfijes 2020/10/19 6:38
La dvd, sigo en shook, quede asi :0 y quedare asi :0 cada vez que vea el mv.

Hablando en serio.
Es lindo, ver como Mafu pudo superar esa etapa oscura que lo atormento.

Espero que se haya sacado ese peso de encima y sea libre de mostrar su cara sin tener que sentir temor! 💖
13: SquishyShadow 2020/10/19 2:33
I never comment on Mafu's music but I cannot help it, today is special. Even though I assume this gets lost in the sea of comments.

I've been listening to music and watching videos since early 2016 and I never left since. I've always enjoyed his music, even if I personally disliked the song I'd still be there to show support. His music always helped me in darker times and always will. Even if I'm a nobody, I'm happy that Mafu has gained the confidence to show his face to the internet. It couldn't of been an easy task to amass that much courage. In ways, I'm speechless.

I speak in broad terms as I wish not to share personal matters on the vast internet.

Keep creating Mafu, the music is empowering. It does so much, putting it into words is a challenge. Though I'm just one person, there must be more like me. "

Thank you for creating the works that you do.

Happy Birthday, Mafumafu!
14: nikylime 2020/10/19 1:51
Omg, only three seconds in I already wanted to cry. I read an article about the interview that he did telling me about this music video. Now that watched omg- I'm speechless this is amazing I love everything about! 💙💙💙💙💙 Happy birthday, Mafumafu!!! 💙💙💙💙
15: Viriandel 2020/10/19 4:04
Solo voy a decir que su rostro fue tallado por los mismo ángeles tanto como su voz ( ^w^)/❤✨

Ha demostrado valor y coraje, todos tenemos miedo a algo y mafumafu-sama lo ha superado estoy llorando de felicidad por eso ;-; ❤.
Lo sigo desde hace no mucho y su voz al cantar me demostró mucho y gracias a él he superado muchas cosas y con este MV que es amazing 7w7.

Mafumafu-sama happy happy birthday!!~~❤ ✨
PD:I love you~~❤✨ xd
16: dely 2020/10/19 1:08
*Pseudo-Human* (1)

_I just want to be a person._

_Bass – Mashiro Shirakami_
_Drums – Keita Shinbo_
_Recording Engineer - yasu (Tinkle-POP)_
_Music/Lyrics/Mix - Mafumafu_

Because of your voice that rings capriciously,
I left those days where I wanted to laugh;
and grabbed onto the ceiling moving away.

The pseudo-human breathes today as well,
merely viewing those days in which he couldn’t laugh.
This is what my life is.

Compared to a deep wound cut with a sharp knife,
this unknowingly opened hole within my heart hurts much more.
I’ve already noticed, that my name exists not even within dictionaries,
and I’m a failure that couldn’t become a human.

How would you possibly know?

Living as a figure of a person, yet unable to become one;
I fell in love with this world I used to curse and hate.
Dreaming of a dream I could never awake from,
where this heart was the only thing beating.
They call me, a pseudo-human.

The things that I cannot tell others just goes on increasing,
it’s almost like evidence proving of the human heart.
I’m just like this, okay? Please understand.

I don’t mind even if people hate me,
aren’t you going to hate me as well?
Have you remembered who I am?

Things like love or the future,
are seen as foolish somewhere;
As merely clamorous words for the ears.

No matter how much, no matter how much I stubbornly sing this song;
What flows out of these perforated eyes are…

“It’s lonely.”
I’ve been relying on “today” to the point where it can’t be helped.
Dreaming of a gentle dream,
where I’m scared to lose what I have.
They call me, a pseudo-human.

Because of your voice that rings capriciously,
I left those days where I wanted to laugh;
and grabbed onto the ceiling moving away.
If that’s the case, then treat me just like that piece of junk there.
Please just kick me away, step on me, it’s all completely fine.

Living as a figure of a person, yet unable to become one;
I fell in love with this world I used to curse and hate.
I couldn’t become a kind or gentle person,
but instead I learned to love this life of mine.

My heart, my heart!
I once wished for you to stop!
They call me, a pseudo-human.

(1) A fraud or imposter of a real human. They may look or play the part,
but they are never actually human in any sort.

*# Please give credit if you are using this for other purposes*
*# Translation made with the help uni_JZLSX’s Chinese Translation:*

Some parts may be incorrect since I am not fluent in Japanese, so please
write a comment if there are any areas of concern. Please keep this in
mind when reviewing the lyrics and making assumptions about the song
17: Nylo Xyloto 2020/10/19 0:59
For someone who has had a crush on mafu-san for a long time, it's getting hard to breathe watching this MV
Ones again, Happy Birthday Mafumafu!!! May you have a beautiful and happy life ahead~
18: Dia 2020/10/19 1:18
Creo que voy a llorar TT
Mafu muestra su cara, y podemos ver expresiones tan fuertes a través del MV, y su confianza al revelar su rostro... Gaaaaah cada imágen hacia que mi corazón se moviera violentamente, esos 4 minutos con 34 segundos se me hicieron increíblemente cortos.
🍭; Mafu es hermoso.
19: haru kataoka 2020/10/19 1:33
Mafu-Chan eres tan lindo y cantas como un Ángel, mi familia dice que deje de escuchar música rara y es que soy de Latinoamérica, pero yo sí sé apreciar tu mayor esfuerzo. Eres el mejor y feliz cumpleaños. Mi mayor ídolo

Algún día iré a Japón :)
20: Tanabata Studioくろ犬飼 2020/10/19 0:18
Que hermoso video y ver su rostro en este me llena el alma de optimismo y hacerme entender que si el pudo yo también, ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🤩😍👏👏👏 soy Mexicana, del estado de Guanajuato y amo a Mafumafu
21: Alexa García 2020/10/18 23:12
Mafumafu-san me sigues sorprendiendo,y me sigues motivando a hacer cosas que sinceramente tengo miedo de hacerlas. Realmente muchas gracias :'). Además, Feliz cumpleaños, Feliz día de muertos(creo que en Japón no hay día de muertos, pero bueno XD), Feliz año nuevo, Feliz navidad. T.Q.M❤️. Gran canción
22: DI CM 2020/10/19 0:12
We, llore de la emoción :v
Mafumafu es bello y dominará el mundo con su música, se tenia que decir y se dijo
23: YOZORA TV 2020/10/19 0:56
Estoy muy muy feliz, por primera vez en mi vida estoy llorando de felicidad!!!, no puedo creer que Mafumafu-San haya hecho un face reveal. Todo en este mv es perfecto, la música, la escenografía, TODO.
Se que mafumafu nunca lo leerá pero quiero decirle que: Muchas gracias, tu me diste una razón para continuar en esta vida, cada vídeo tuyo ya sea de música, jugando o solo hablando me llena de mucha felicidad y paz. Te descubrí en un punto muy obscuro de mi vida, pero tú llegaste y lo iluminaste. Tu fuiste una de las razones por la cuáles sigo aquí, no puedo expresar lo agradecida que estoy, en estos últimos días no me he sentido muy bien, pero sacaste este mv y fue como un sueño hecho realidad, fue como si de nuevo me dijeras que no me rindiera. Gracias de verdad. Gracias por existir. Te amo con todo Mi corazón. Feliz cumpleaños Mafumafu-San
24: Andrea Ortiz Jimenez 2020/10/18 22:50
a little late but here we are, sorry I'll use a translator ... Happy birthday Mafumafu, from Mexico, I want you to know that I have followed you for a long time, I love your songs and they make my day. Thank you for your effort and dedication, take good care of yourself and a hug
25: Katherine K 2020/10/19 0:46
Happy birthday Mafumafu! Even if you'll never read this, I want to tell everyone that I'm so proud of you and so proud to be a fan of yours. Your creations are beautiful, just as beautiful and sincere as your soul is. I'm really happy to be able to congratulate you on this special day. Thank you for living on the same Earth, and also for bringing your talent all out to cheer other people up. Thank you so much for everything you do. Please stay healthy and happy, and please remember there are lots of people who truly love and admire you just the way you are ❤️
26: Lorena Leite 2020/10/19 4:16
This is the most perfect thing I have ever seen in my life.
HE IS SO HANDSOME!!! Omg, so baby. I wanna hug.🤧
Have a very happy birthday!
We, all around the world, love you so much! And wish you the best! 💗
27: Crying Cabbages 2020/10/19 1:01
I love how much he trusts and is comfortable enough to finally show his face to his fans! Ackkk loving this new mv! Happy birthday Mafumafu!! ❤
28: KKawasaki 2020/10/19 3:25
I love Mafumafu because he shouts the thoughts I’m too afraid to whisper.
29: 夢帝 2020/10/18 23:26
I'm so glad he has confidence on us to show us his face, I really love Mafumafu and I wish the best for him seriously, I love his songs, personality and everything, best wishes for him and -late- happy birthday
30: Ren Ren 2020/10/19 0:51
I'm so proud of him... Looking how he's being more confident, he makes me feel so damn happy. He deserves the whole world.
Happy birthday my dear Mafumafu! 💞💞 Thank you for everything, we love you so much! Wish you a wonderful year full of love and happiness 🥳💞
You're doing great, honey ✨
31: Axtraxia 2020/10/18 23:56
happy birthday, mafumafu! it takes a lot of courage to show yourself, even a little bit, to the whole world. you’re really brave and wonderful, and i hope you know that!

it’s really nice to see how your self-confidence is growing, it makes me very happy because it’s like i’m vicariously living through you while i’m watching the MV and it seems like you really had lots of fun! i love you and i hope you’re doing well. <3
32: Yosr Braham 2020/10/19 7:11
I'm really proud of you , we are all proud of you , you're not running away , you're facing your problems and your inner self head-on and you really are courageous , we've been with you for a quite long time so we can tell that you're doing your best to achieve your goals and overcome difficulties , I hope you'll continue to grow and be what you want to be , we will be here for you so , be happy and enjoy each day !
33: せりにSerene Mists 2020/10/19 6:59
I am so happy i could of seen Mafumafu's growth as a musician even if i never attended his concerts nor have any merch, his music really speaks out to us all. Not to mention that i loved how he made this song, conveying every word with his face, this song speaking of his troubles yet still reaching out to make music and love what he is doing.

Happy Birthday Mafumafu, All of your international fans love you and your work so understand we will always appreciate what you have done for us!!! Your music is an art to be cherished!
34: luz m 2020/10/19 8:06
I was so surprised. I've been following him for 4-5 years already and i never imagined that i would be able to see his face while singing. I was expecting another animated video with a beautiful voice and deep lyrics but this took me off guard so i'm leaving a comment when i'm not used to it. I'm so proud of him, who went through a lot of thing, grew confident enough to reveal his face. Happy birthday Mafumafu, thank you for existing and for blessing us with such beautiful songs.
35: Minamy Jul 2020/10/19 0:08
I know my mafumafu phase went away years ago but I still come around here and there to see what he has been doing
First of all Happh Birthday Mafumafu
At 3:59 that was pretty shocking I must say ( ill wait till someone posts the translation) but wow
Someone who grew up hearing mafumafu, like I know he has showed his face before but seeing him in this mv and then reading the comments it's like seeing him for the first time
36: Ashlly Dayana Torres Montes 2020/10/19 0:04
I don't understand how other people can say that they dislike the fact that Mafu revealed his face, or just didn't wear a mask this time, he looks gorgeous just the way he is and I feel proud of him for being able to trust us and don't hide his face.

One more time I said to you Mafu-kun ¡¡¡Happy birthday!!! ¡¡¡Feliz cumpleaños!!! You're doing great and you're working hard, haz estado trabajando duro y lo haz hecho muy bien, desde Perú te mando todo mí amor y apoyo para que sigas adelante, para que sepas también que tienes fans aún más allá de lo que imaginas
37: Zo Zo 2020/10/18 22:42
I never thought i would like seeing is mouth moving while singing so much
I'm really happy he is confident enough to take off his mask this time.

I loved the animation too, not to mention the music.
38: purple melon 2020/10/19 5:10
It's not been a long time im his fan, but im so glad i am. Im truly happy for him. Happy birthday, Mafu ♡
There's an album called *"All my demons greeting me as a friend"* from a norwegian artist called Aurora Aksnes. This phrase fits this MV so much. These black characters seem to represent his demons, and he is playing with them as a band. As if he knows them enough now to be able to coexist with them.
It's just a simple thought i had to talk about.
I wish for all gods to bless the life of this human being.
39: Lixo humano 2020/10/19 8:48
Finalmente eu vi o rosto do Mafumafu, agora posso morrer em paz

Aliás, feliz aniversário seu lindo
40: Sankaku Potato 2020/10/18 22:56
Mafu-san Happy Birthday! Throughout the small times I did get to know you, I was very curious about why you were hiding your face. At that moment, I did a lot of research and I finally knew what had happened. When I saw this music video I was in shock but I also felt SO proud of you for revealing yet another amazing song and even your full face reveal. You've faced so many challenges and so many hardships but together with fellow friends and fans who've been by your side, we were able to overcome the hardships together. Thank you so much and congratulations. You have done so much for us and we are proud of you and will continue to support you every step of the way 💖
41: Foyo Boi 2020/10/19 2:46
I am so happy that mafumafu had the courage to do this considering that many people suffer from anxiety and feel insecure to reveal their true self to people (including me). Mafumafu is a big influence in my life and want to thank him from my heart for giving the courage to be themselves. Thank you so much :)
42: account gaming 2020/10/19 4:22
Omggggggggggggggggggg he actually didn’t cover his face in the mv!!!!!!!!!
43: aKaRi -san 2020/10/19 0:02
Mafumafu-san why are you spoiling us
This is too much for me to handle🤗
44: tonbo chan 2020/10/19 4:32
wait when did he reveal his face? i'm gonna watch this on big screen
45: mora x2 2020/10/18 22:42
Mafu-kun estoy muy orgullosa de ti
Σ(*´◯`ノ)ノ feliz cumpleaños, aunque muchas personas incluyendome te lo dijeron en el live de youtube

46: Nadia Galuh Prameswari 2020/10/18 22:47
So this is it!
Surprisingly i like this song on one play, and the mv... I just stare, 'cause this is so great :))
I'll be waiting for next song
47: Inku 2020/10/19 8:02
Mafumafu-san eres la cosa mas guapa que han visto mis ojos casate conmigo plix
cada vez que montas una cancion quiero abrazarte, estoy tan feliz

Feliz cumpleaños!!!! te respeto, te amo mucho y gracias por todo
48: Tania -Senpai 2020/10/19 1:23
Probablemente los que saben hablar ingles entendieron el resto de comentarios pero no leí uno en español de la razón por la cual Mafu quiso revelar su cara.
La razón es por que como tal vez la mayoría de veteranos saben lo acosaron cuando una vez la revelo, y además le tenia miedo a lo que la gente le podía hacer ya que después de todo el internet es peligroso pero después de mucho tiempo la mascara no le dejo expresarse como era debido :C, así que hizo este MV para poder expresar todo lo que siente.
Un comentario en ingles dijo que por que revelo su cara fue porque a el ya no le da miedo (obviamente siempre le tendremos miedo al internet pero el lo ha enfrentado) el internet, además confía en nosotros.
Ahora una pequeña observación que le hice a la canción fue cuando el estaba en una clase de camilla, creo que eso lo hizo cuando se desmayó y creo que también expreso que se sentía mal como en todo el vídeo, que había algo que lo impedía y el ha logrado salir de eso......
Feliz cumpleaños Mafumafu, tu nos has ayudado a todos en algún momento estamos agradecidos de que estés bien.
Por favor no te fuerces mucho :'3
49: kioki100 2020/10/18 23:16
I see that he's recovered from the stalking incident quite a bit, so proud
50: Carol DG 2020/10/19 3:14
La canción fue hermosa y en en especial porque apareció todo su bello rostro ese le da un toque conmovedor,estoy llorando de alegría ❤y aunque es algo tarde quiero desearle un feliz cumpleaños 💕🎉🎉🎉
