【#つながるホロライブDAY1】hololive 3rd fes. Link Your Wish【チラ見せ】

【#つながるホロライブDAY1】hololive 3rd fes. Link Your Wish【チラ見せ】

2022/03/19 18:12に公開 2時間3秒
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ランクイン日時 2022/03/20 15:00
ランク圏外日時 2022/03/23 10:45
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【hololive 3rd fes. Link Your Wish Supported By ヴァイスシュヴァルツ】開催!
公演の一部をYouTube Liveで無料配信!
ハッシュタグ「 #つながるホロライブDAY1 」で応援してください!

▼本編チケット購入(Ticket Purchase / SPWN or ニコニコ公式有料生放送)
SPWN(日本) : https://virtual.spwn.jp/_events/22031901-jphololive3rdfes
SPWN(Overseas) : https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/22031902-enghololive3rdfes
ニコニコ公式有料生放送 : https://blog.nicovideo.jp/niconews/161864.html
※2022年4月20日23時59分までチケット購入可能 & 4月20日23時59分までアーカイブが何度でもご視聴いただけます。

▼GOODS 通販購入(Purchase merchandises via mail order)
日本 : https://shop.hololivepro.com/pages/hololivesuperexpo2022
Overseas : https://shop.geekjack.net/pages/hololive-super-expo-2022
詳細(Notes) : https://hololivesuperexpo.hololivepro.com/goods/

▼イベント特設HP( #つながるホロライブ Official HP)

1: Nyxnyxnyx 2022/03/19 21:58
YAGOO: "So the 3rd fes. is almost near, what do you guys want to sing?"
Korone: "Did you see my megaman playthrough?"
YAGOO: "What?"
Korone: "Oh, and can I do a cartwheel on stage?"
2: たかし not かたし 2022/03/19 18:52
Korone performing Airman Ga Taosenai was SO HYPE !! AND HER DANCE MOVES TOO !!
3: ボリサムSam★ 2022/03/19 18:02
The full version of the concert will be available in SPWN or Niconico.
After purchase the archive will be available till 21st April 0:00 JST
And tomorrow it will also has a free part for people to watch part of the live concert
4: Fire Blaze 2022/03/19 18:14
*Song* *Timestamps!*
1:03:27 *1.* *SSS!* - Holo JP
1:08:20 *2.* *Happiness* *World* - Fubuki, Marine
1:18:59 *3.* *Special* *Survivior* *Wonder* *Ladder* - Kanata
1:23:47 *4.* *HOLOGRAM* *CIRCUS* - Polka
1:28:30 *5.* *Airman* *Ga* *Taosenai* - Korone
1:33:00 *6.* *Candy-Go-Round* - Subaru , Matsuri, Nenechi
52:15 Announcements by IRyS, Sana, and Fauna!
54:20 Announcements by Ollie, Anya and Reine!

1:00:26 Start!
1:01:04 Member Intros!
1:13:21 Marine and Fubuki host
1:31:07 *Korone 's* *Acrobatics!*
1:37:21 Subaru, Matsuri, and Nenechi Host
Thank you Hololive for this out of this world experience! Congratulations this is Incredible!
5: Alkautsar Lucky 2022/03/19 20:59
It must be hard for everyone who's watching live on stage not to scream lol. I don't think I can hold my scream if I watched Korone live
6: Baalthazzar 2022/03/19 20:05
Korone may not be able to beat Airman, but she sure as hell can do a flip on stage. Love her nostalgic song picks and the energy she puts into her performances.

The rest of the concert was really good too, well worth the price of admission.
7: Squidy 2022/03/19 21:04
Definitely the best hololive event ever.
It's crazy to think how far hololive has come.
Though it sucks that broke gang couldn't witness 3D Myth live, or even at all.
I mean at least we got Korone flip 1:31:07
8: Fight Guy 2022/03/19 18:03
Woah. It was fun. Even though I don't have ticket.. Still glad to see Korone and Subaru perform..
9: Lux el infernal 2022/03/19 18:53
1:31:07 This is the coolest dancing move I ever watched in my life, Korone easily can be considered one of the best dancers in Hololive. All the girls are in fully idol mode today, the dream is not dead Yagoo.
10: Didier Hemlock 2022/03/19 23:24
Omg podría ver la presentación de Korone una y otra vez, una cosa de locos 💛
11: qfeuille3⚓🥐 2022/03/19 18:02
Congratulations on Day1 Live of the 3rd Fes!! AMAZING performance by everyone!! *goes back to watch on spwn*
1:28:32 Korone's Airman ga Taosenai and her cartwheel!!!
12: Jerome The Sheep 2022/03/19 22:56

Future producers of Korone please pay attention to how amazing her voice sounds in this register. 👀
13: deadbob5 2022/03/19 18:16
Korone performing "Airman Ga Taosenai" aka "I Can't Defeat Airman" is something I didn't know I needed in my life..... but I'm so glad it happened
14: Hector Diaz 2022/03/19 18:03
¡AZKI estuvo increíble y su nuevo traje esta precioso! creo que es una mezcla del anterior que uso con su modelo anterior pero aún así le sienta muy bien en su nuevo modelo.
15: Nefiran 2022/03/19 18:20
What a great concert! Paying for the full version was definitely worth it. And man Korone with that cartwheel, great stuff.

Edit: Omg the liveband was fire
16: bread 2022/03/19 18:05
1:28:33 just marking this so I can hear korone fight airman on repeat
17: Hide kun 2022/03/19 19:11
18: Zombie Hunter 2022/03/20 0:04
Dude Korone killed it! That song was absolutely amazing!
19: Rhei 75 Or Hi im rhei 75 2022/03/19 18:06
this should be the part 1 somehow but let's keep appreciate this effort that they made
20: JustChiaki [千秋だけ] 2022/03/19 18:04
Thank you for the extended preview! I love seeing everyone on stage! It means a lot to me being able to see Korone perform, so thank you very very much for that! (Did y'all see that cartwheel?!) I hope everyone does great and has fun with the rest of the show!
21: きらキラ顔boom 2022/03/19 22:32
This was awesome! Great work from all involved! Such a contrast to just a year ago!
Loving how far the AR has come, it really pops now and they even managed to get angles out towards the audience working! The physics seem greatly improved too and the stage is really huge! Can't wait to see what it looks like a year from now. Maybe they'll even have a whole live orchestra and not just a band then.
Doggo singing that had me just about hyperventilating or something. So perfect! Dearly surprised by how agile this Gamer God is too!
It's great seeing how energetic Luna has become. Such a hard-working Princess!
And that finale… well, you all can't really be called ghosts any more!
22: 宇理 2022/03/19 22:15
意外にねねちが大きくてびっくりしました 姿が浮き上がってる本当にリアルに感じられる演出はすごいと思いますよ
どこかバーチャルという事で、インターネットにしか居ない存在だと 思い込んでた節があるので
このライブは画期的ですよ 私の中でよりホロメンの存在感が大きくなって、さらにオタ活が捗りそうです
23: Moon'sDeity 2022/03/19 20:23
I had my suspicion that Korone might be the most bodily active member in hololive after seeing her dances and the story of her boxing frequently. That flip just sealed the deal.
24: ideun 2022/03/19 21:20
1:28:30 korone
1:29:50 korone kick
1:31:05 korone tumbling
25: TheRover87 2022/03/20 3:13
The production value was off the charts. Huge improvement in models and animation here. Normally you see clipping especially with hair, but nene's hair was flowing and bouncing so well without any clipping. The AR was simply amazing!!
26: Igloo Igloo 2022/03/19 20:38
Thanks for sharing this free portion! Korone's performance is the highlight here for me
27: シラーズ / Syrazh 2022/03/19 18:23
The quality here compared to the 2nd fes has improved a lot. Good Job COVER and Hololive girls.
28: Niklas Ingvarsson 2022/03/19 18:08
Korone doing a flip totally made my day!
29: スクスキー 2022/03/20 6:21
現地に行けなかったホロファンとしてはチラ見せは有難い!切り抜きでも話題になってるけどLIVE中にサラッとハンドスプリング決めるころさんすげー!後ころねすきーとの恒例やり取りだけど(みんなが痛みに耐えて切り落としてくれた沢山の指ありがとう〜大切にするよ〜)何度聞いても草 かなたんLIVEまでに体調回復して良かった!
30: これはひどい 2022/03/20 2:09
31: とにぃ 2022/03/19 23:43
32: ホロライブ切り抜き【RIN】 2022/03/20 1:36
ころさんのエアーマンが倒せない癖になるwめっちゃリピートしてる_(:3 」∠)_
33: Celia Quinonez 2022/03/19 18:29
Korone is just built diffrent! This why I love her so much.🥐
34: リンタロウ 2022/03/19 18:16
Holy my favorite one is korone's airman ga taosonai that flip was fire tho
35: Gamerman8441 2022/03/19 18:17
I can not thank HOLOLIVE enough for getting em though some of the hardest times in my life, each and every Hololive member has been so amazing to see ! Thank you hololive! I cant wait to see EN on stage!!!
36: ロジロジ 2022/03/20 11:14
37: Kurogami 2022/03/19 20:47
Korone always manage to surprise me sometime lol the perfect spinning cart will 1:31:07 also everybody is full idol mode today hype!
38: Py - 2022/03/20 1:54
Korone's frontflip broke chat lmao! Damn that was so clean.
39: ふゆ【へい民】 2022/03/19 22:28
Seeing all these screenshots on twitter but i'm part of broke gang 😭
But i can imagine how good it was, and i hope everyone enjoyed it! ホロライブ最高!
40: Baked Potato 2022/03/20 3:22
Ok wait wait wait, these performances are live so they are singing while doing the dance moves in real time while not messing up. Damn this concert is awesome and I can’t wait for day 2.
41: shi taka 2022/03/19 19:35
この立体感はまた一段上がったな 運営すごいな
42: 狐春 2022/03/19 19:16
43: 白花 2022/03/20 1:07
ホロライブはやっぱりライブでアイドルしてる時が一番やね 可愛さやアイドル衣装で揃っているときの壮観さはトップだわ。
44: Melissa Joy 2022/03/19 22:54
1:06:09 I don’t know why, but for some reason seeing all those glow sticks almost made me cry tears of joy. WHY DO I FEEL LIKE A PROUD MAMA RIGHT NOW?!?
45: Untamed64 2022/03/19 18:01
Buying the full concert is very much worth it.
I'm having the time of my life!
46: Just Some Guy with a Mustache 2022/03/20 2:23
*wipes away tears* I know this has been a tough year, but getting to see everyone like this...It does the heart good. And there are still more days of this! All I know is...with EN and ID making their 3D debuts here, HoloGRA is about to get a lot more interesting! Live strong, weatherhackers!
47: Theロックアニー 2022/03/19 20:46
48: ukyou 1113 2022/03/20 5:00
49: 3番目のカメ 2022/03/19 18:03
50: はと 2022/03/20 0:49

概要見たら、運営・制作協力 : クリプトン・フューチャー・メディア株式会社 / 株式会社バンダイナムコライブクリエイティブ
