2023/02/21 20:00に公開 7分7秒
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ランクイン日時 2023/02/22 14:00
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再生回数 182992回
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2023/02/25 23:30 41位 362464回


Link with &TEAM

Official Website https://www.andteam-official.jp/
Official Weverse https://weverse.io/andteam/feed
Official Twitter https://twitter.com/andTEAMofficial
Member Twitter https://twitter.com/andTEAM_members
Official YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/andTEAM_official
Official Instagram https://www.instagram.com/andteam_official/
Official TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@andteam_official
1: Jana 2023/02/21 20:43
Verlos a todos compartir un escenario y interactuar fue tan lindo
2: Amruta Rasalkar 2023/02/21 20:44
I got goosebumps when K challenged all that he'll come back and perform with them on stage and he really did it 🔥
3: しゅうこ 2023/02/21 20:54
It was such an honor and a happy time for four people from I-LAND and five new friends to perform with ENYPHEN.
I was very happy to see 16 close friends.Thank you, my boys.
4: TrEaSuRe CaN sTeaL YoUr SouL♢ᴥ♢ 2023/02/21 20:06
Them introducing each other to the other group is so cute😭💖
5: 𝚛𝚒𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚞𝚛𝚊. _ 2023/02/21 20:01
6: woosie 2023/02/21 20:54
No puedo describir lo mucho que amo estas pequeñas colaboraciones entre Enhypen y &Team, realmente los amo muchísimo a ambos y me hace feliz ver que su amistad sigue intacta y ahora junto con los demás miembros. No se como los fandom se re tiran hate mientras ellos se llevan de lo mejor. En fin, luné y engene feliz y orgullosa de mis chicos ❤
7: EmeraudeSV 2023/02/21 23:15
Mis niños, lo hicieron genial. Los veo e inmediatamente sé que de aquí soy, luné ✨ y amé que K pudiera lograr lo que dijo en la final de I-land, pudo compartir escenario con Jay y sus amigos.
8: ♡Thay♡ 2023/02/21 20:51
Me encanta que estos dos grupos interactúen!!
9: Valeria Aitana 2023/02/21 20:39
Gracias por subir una segunda parte de la colaboración y ver más escenas adicionales que las de ayer.
Me alegra ver como EJ como el líder y único coreano del grupo se encargó de presentar a los otros miembros y tuvo más participación en este &TEAM Episode, además de colaboración entre liderz✨️
10: Lina Rabia 2023/02/21 20:01
The best colab of all time
11: アレックス ♡ 2023/02/21 20:11
Solo puedo decir que las interacciones son sumamente lindas muchas gracias
12: ria りあ nichoflm 2023/02/21 20:19
It’s been years, it’s so nice seeing all of them performing together again, but now as debuted groups 😭❣️
13: &ROZTH 2023/02/21 21:38
Es una colaboración que esperé por mucho tiempo y sí, me hizo llorar.
& TEAM y Enhypen lo hicieron genial ♡
14: +arlynnnnn+ 2023/02/21 20:09
Amoooo cada interacción de estos dos grupos
15: elzhattalzzie 2023/02/21 21:33
ENHYPEN and &TEAM is one of the best collaborations in the world of K-Pop 🧡💐
16: ev7zev 2023/02/21 20:01
Как же сильно я их обожаю, не могуууу
17: SxmplyV1ntagex 2023/02/21 20:12
18: Roslyn A. 2023/02/21 20:46
Verlos juntos me puso emocional 😭
19: victoria Vargas 2023/02/21 21:22
las interacciones tan bonitas que tuvieron, los amo mucho 🩶
20: Léonie Chevallier 2023/02/21 21:46
C'est vraiment la collaboration que j'attendais le plus ! Voir Enhypen et &Team ensemble :')
Je suis tellement fière d'eux
21: Mi🌸 2023/02/21 20:03
Enhypen and &Team, best collab ever🙏🏻❤️
22: nyangnyang 2023/02/21 20:46
i'm so happy they got to collab like they wanted since i-land, i can't wait to see what will happen in the future
23: Priya Shan 2023/02/21 20:19
Aww they looked so happy to see each other. Harua is such a successful fan. So is Maki. And K finally got his wish granted to perform with them again!
24: kittybel 2023/02/21 22:21
Ni-ki looks so happy with &team. I adore their friendship.
25: Pearl Rocillo 2023/02/21 20:21
I’m so happy and emotional while watching this. Being an i-land stan, to enhypen and to &team. so happy and proud of you guys. to many more collab together ❤
26: KimjiKim88 2023/02/21 20:10
Fact that they're all doing fine together... Relieved ♥️
27: suki dave 2023/02/21 20:31
28: アレックス ♡ 2023/02/21 20:01
I love the &team and Enhypen interactions
29: ch᧑υ. ɘttǝ 2023/02/22 3:42
La 05'z me matará de ternura. Es tan lindo verlos compartir escenario después de tanto tiempo.
30: Zja 2023/02/21 21:32
I can't wait!!! got chills when they performed the I-land theme, Goodluck you guys!! ✨✨
31: xian 2023/02/21 20:10
SO HAPPY FOR THEMM TO PERFORM TOGETHER i really hope &team can get more support and recognition as they are so talented and unique!!💪🏼✨💓
32: ENHYPEN 2023/02/22 4:10
33: Shell ୨୧ 2023/02/21 20:05
se siente muy lindo ver interacciones entre mis dos grupos favoritos 😿💗
34: Jerome Contreras 2023/02/21 20:25
love this friendship between enhypen & &team! more collaboration to come! ❤
35: Bikram Baral 2023/02/21 21:20
K and Ni-ki really has pure bond.i don't know why People portray their bond differently.i am an engene and I am loving their interaction.it was so wholesome to see all of them bonding ❤️
36: Mina Army 2023/02/21 21:19
05z are so cute 😭❤️❤️
I need more of their interactions 😭😭
37: ハリーくん 2023/02/21 20:24
38: Yeonjun Noona 2023/02/21 21:42
My hardworking Wolfies and Vampire babies
Their interactions will always be my fav❤️
39: もちきんちゃく 2023/02/21 20:02
40: yocchannel 2023/02/21 20:20
41: Valeria Aitana 2023/02/21 20:44
I loved this extra scenes. K introducing Fuma to Niki, the 05z line together (Sorry Maki you can't enter here 😭) and the leaderz.

Also I'm glad they showed all the behind scenes of the moment after they practiced when everyone were jumping together. I can't believe some people from that fandom caused a big fuss over that 🙃
42: StayMoaEngeneLuvityLuné 2023/02/21 22:39
I love the interaction Of Jo and sunoo and 05z Ni-ki, taki and harua also others members of each GRP too
43: gogobobo 2023/02/21 21:28
I love, love, love K dancing with Enhypen. And you KNOW why!!! Yes, great collab for all!
44: Lola O. 2023/02/21 20:16
I was smiling throughout watching this, I love &TEAM so much :')
45: アレックス ♡ 2023/02/21 20:02
We can talk about the excellent coordination wow I'm really amazed I love Enhypen and &team
46: Our Universe 2023/02/21 20:57
their interaction is so cute, I want to see more interaction of them and I hope the fandom can get along :)
47: wan tan 2023/02/21 20:18
48: カモメ 2023/02/21 21:55
49: Mina Army 2023/02/21 20:29
Hoping for more interactions between the two teams ❤️💕
ENHYPEN &TEAM Fighting 💪🔥❤️❤️
50: k419 2023/02/21 20:34
하이브 엔터는 같은 소속 팀들끼리 너무 친목이 좋다^^☆☆ 팬들도 기분이 좋다^^
