【全身3D/ #ロボ子爆誕2023】Glory Days 💎今年で7才になったよ!大人可愛い新衣装でアイドルIKZ✨【ロボ子さん /ホロライブ】

【全身3D/ #ロボ子爆誕2023】Glory Days 💎今年で7才になったよ!大人可愛い新衣装でアイドルIKZ✨【ロボ子さん /ホロライブ】

2023/05/23 22:04に公開 59分34秒
# Data
最高順位 12位
最低順位 45位
増加再生回数 +25682回
ランクイン日時 2023/05/24 15:30
ランク圏外日時 2023/05/26 11:00
急上昇継続時間 1日19時間30分
再生回数 276518回
※再生回数, コメント数, 高評価数, 低評価数, 評価数合計, 高評価割合は初回ランクイン時の数値
Canvas not supported
日時 順位 再生回数
2023/05/24 15:30 15位 276518回
2023/05/24 16:00 14位 277375回
2023/05/24 17:00 15位 278192回
2023/05/24 17:45 14位 279427回
2023/05/24 18:30 15位 280621回
2023/05/24 21:00 16位 284240回
2023/05/24 23:15 15位 282918回
2023/05/25 1:30 16位 286387回
2023/05/25 2:00 15位 286932回
2023/05/25 3:45 14位 289399回
2023/05/25 6:00 13位 290467回
2023/05/25 9:45 12位 291807回
2023/05/25 11:30 18位 292560回
2023/05/25 12:00 21位 292753回
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2023/05/25 14:30 27位 293763回
2023/05/25 16:30 29位 294622回
2023/05/25 17:45 42位 295023回
2023/05/25 23:00 44位 297424回
2023/05/26 1:15 45位 299071回
2023/05/26 4:30 44位 300524回
2023/05/26 10:45 45位 302126回
2023/05/26 11:00 45位 302200回

💬 ハッシュタグは
  #ロボ子爆誕2023 で呟いてne!

💎special thanks💎


< 振付 >

作詞 :あの / 真部脩一 作曲:真部脩一
©️2022 by TOY'S FACTORY / YMレコード


< サムネ >
いもけんぴ https://twitter.com/1mokenpLogo
里人B https://twitter.com/satohitoB

< オープニング >
にーえぬ https://twitter.com/2ncooh
飴田 的 https://twitter.com/amedamato/media
Syamo.G-しゃもじ- https://twitter.com/syamoji_0114

< Special Thanks >
まいどん https://twitter.com/FlFo7o
菅野聡志 https://twitter.com/st_pipipi
まつこ https://twitter.com/matuko_dora
KosK https://twitter.com/kosk_mix?lang=ja
Symny https://twitter.com/symny
日南めい https://twitter.com/Hinami_mei
esP526 https://twitter.com/esP_526
犬絵 https://twitter.com/Catpicture_
芝山武憲 https://twitter.com/banzounanodayo
宮内椋太 https://twitter.com/mukudori_971



①12月5日~Xmas voice販売っ!ボクとあまあまな日をすごそ💖
#ホロライブクリスマスボイス2022 #聴いたよロボ子さん で感想タイキッ!


③#ひろがるホロライブ (1)🎊
「hololive SUPER EXPO 2023」 &「hololive 4th fes. Our Bright Parade」

🧸roboco link🧸

Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/robocosan_hololive
Twitter : https://twitter.com/robocosan

🧸member ship🧸


登録 ・・❥ https://t.co/hcjxHtMqOy?amp=1  

🧸roboco goods🧸


🧸original song🧸

1『 FICTION 』https://youtu.be/UXuMSLOUhgs
3『 コトノハ 』https://youtu.be/5A_RqpENxvg
4『 リルビ-little bit-』https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8n-pGOrpzc 


配信用:#ロボ子生放送 切り抜き:#ロボ子レクション
ファンアート:#ロボ子art ファンネーム:#ろぼさー


♥ ホロライブ公式チャンネル


⚡ Promise
・ Don't bother other distributors who don't play homing pigeons.
・ Do not give the name of the distributor who is not mentioned
・ Because new people are in trouble, refrain from inner ring material
・ Do not spam or vandalize. Please do not respond and ignore it in the block report
Please cooperate so that everyone can enjoy watching the distribution!


1: Seele2015au 2023/05/23 21:59
Thank you Roboco for a great concert, happy birthday!
2: Khoon Kit Lim 2023/05/23 22:01
Thank you for the beautiful Live 3D concert and beautiful singing stream with Kanata-chan, AZKi-san, Chloe-chan, Towa-sama and Lui-nee, Roboco-san!

Most importantly, Happy Birthday!
3: MaultierColt308 2023/05/23 21:59
Thank you for an amazing 3D Live, with amazing performances 😄👍
Happy Birthday, Roboco-san! 🎉🎂
4: AlphaCentauri 2023/05/23 22:02
Happy Birthday Roboco!!!! The stage, new outfit, new song, everything was so amazing!!
I was really blown away by the duet (or should I say quartet lol) with AZKi! The shadow doubles was such a cool trick!
Seven years old and still our adorable high-spec PON robot, thank you for everything, Roboco!
5: かふぇおれ 2023/05/23 21:59
6: Dean Thomas 😈 2023/05/23 23:20
Happy Birthday, Robocosan! Did I ever tell you that, since I get to know you and realized we share the same birthdate, I no longer hate my birthday? You make me feel like there's something to look forward to, every year! Your PON side, your cute and cool (and sexy) voice, and your mannerism, are something that heals from time to time. I wish you the best, and of course, health included, and I look forward to making more memories with you!
Thank you to all the guests for the fantastic performances too!
P.S. Thank you Rental Papa Towa-sama and Rental Mama Luinee, please don't divorce yet!
7: Benard Löwe 2023/05/23 22:01
Happy Birthday Robocosan 🎉
Thank you for the splendid live, marvellous. The song choices are all awesome

The new outfit model is so cute too, glad Luilui mama and Towa papa also join the fun, they are rental though lol
8: Archdarck 2023/05/23 22:09
Amazing 3DLive! Roboco's song selection is always so good, and the guest parts were fun! Really impressed with the camerawork and transitions, so smooth! Bravo!👏👏👏
And the new outfit and new original song are just perfect! Thank you and Happy Birthday, Roboco!🎉
9: ぼくしーBoxi 2023/05/23 22:00
03:03 ベテルギウス (Betelgeuse)
07:00 新スキントーク (New Skin Talk)
09:59 アザミナ (Azamina)
14:12 ちゅ、多様性。 (Chu, Tayousei。 / Kiss, Diversity.) With 天音かなた💫
17:25 天音かなたトーク (Amane Kanata Talk)
19:50 シャル・ウィ・ダンス? (Shall We Dance?) with AZKi ⚒
24:28 AZKi Talk with 影スト (Shadow)
26:48 悪魔の子 (Akuma no ko, Child of Fiend)
30:43 コールボーイ (Call Boy) with 沙花叉クロヱ🎣
34:19 クロヱトーク (Talk with Chloe)
36:33 可愛くてごめん (Kawaikute Gomen, Sorry I'm Too Cute)
40:22 怪獣の花唄 (Kaijyu no Hanauta, Monster's flower song)
44:11 ミックスナッツ (Mix nuts) with 常闇トワ👾 & 鷹嶺ルイ🥀
47:50 トーク with 常闇トワ & 鷹嶺ルイ(Talk with Towa & Lui)
49:41 セクシーお披露目 (Sexy showcase)
50:42 告知 (Announcement)
54:38 glory days 🤖NEW SONG!
57:44 ED & ロボ子さんからのメッセージ (Message from Roboco-san)
10: coppocup jojo 2023/05/23 22:03
Happy birthday Roboco🎉🎉🎉 our cutest robot ever!
The new outfit is so cute! Roboco is getting cuter each time!
Thank you for the live otsurobo!
11: [TW]ロボねこ 2023/05/23 22:10
3:05 ベテルギウス
10:00 アザミナ
14:10 ちゅ、多樣性
19:50 シャル・ウィ・ダンス?
26:50 悪魔の子
30:45 コールボーイ
36:35 可愛くてごめん
40:20 怪獸の花唄
44:15 ミックスナッツ
54:40 glory days
12: 里人B 2023/05/23 23:56
13: Angel Quiñones 2023/05/23 21:59
Happy birthday Roboco. May you always be happy, healthy and sucessful in life. And thank you for the great birthday concert.
14: Bokuです 2023/05/23 22:04
Happy birthday, Robocosan!!🎉 Thank you for the amazing concert!
15: Mati-kun 2023/05/23 22:54
Once again, Happy Birthday Roboco-san!!! Thank you for the fun Birthday party, your new outfit is adorable!!!
16: Tyjones D 2023/05/23 22:40
Really love Glory Days' choreo, it's so adorable, fitting of Roboco.
17: Light - Space KoroKFBeat 2023/05/23 21:59
Thank you for this beautiful 3D Live, lots of good Songs and really like the new Outfit/Model.
18: jjj 2023/05/23 23:05

19: Patrick 2023/05/24 9:01
Wow, first time hearing roboco sing and she’s amazing🎉
20: ikki_asura 2023/05/23 22:03
Happy birhthday!🎉
Love your performance and original ❤ awesome robot more birthdays to come!
21: Long Robosa - KFP AWACS 2023/05/24 1:15
Thank you Roboco for the best concert ever and Happy Birthday
22: brixie ガンメイジ 2023/05/23 23:42
The show was incredible! Thank you for all your hard work, I'm so proud!
Happy Birthday again, Roboco! My favorite idol!
Let's keep having a wonderful year! Love!!
23: ツト ツト 2023/05/23 22:25
24: Rico 2023/05/24 2:10
最高に良かったよ!!! やっぱロボ子さんの声は唯一無二だなぁ…✨✨
25: souls 501 2023/05/23 22:09
Happy Birthday Roboco and thank you for such a wonderful 3D live!!🎉🎉🎂
26: John Davidson 2023/05/24 10:30
Absolute banger! Assets, stage, lightning, camera work - everything is really nice. Roboco voice unearthly good, magical expirience!
27: floppehz 2023/05/24 6:24
Totally worth waking up early for this concert. Thank you, Roboco and Happy Birthday!
28: bunndan 2023/05/23 22:21
The new outfit and hair is SO CUTE!!! Loved the singing and guest list!

Happy Birthday Roboco! Thank you for another year of laughs!
29: A Dude 2023/05/23 22:00
44:13 Never thought I would see a choreography for this song, and it's good
Like for real, they need to upload all of their choreography that they have been doing for 3D live, they did a lot of choreography just for a single 3D live, tons of choreography from all of their 3D live, also there is a lot of good choreography.
30: Chisaki 2023/05/23 23:08
Thank you Roboco for a great time and your sweet voice!!
31: hardcoregandhi 2023/05/24 7:21
Roboco always has amazing live shows
32: Inspecter Mills 2023/05/23 22:00
Happy birthday Roboco!
Thank you for the lovely performance.
Love your outfits, looks really cute.
33: qfeuille3⚓🥐 2023/05/23 21:59
Happy Birthday, Roboco!! Thank you for the really fun live!!
40:16 Kaijuu no Hanauta was really nice~
34: Ant the Fool 2023/05/23 23:22
Thank you for the Live Roboco those performances were amazing
35: 陳冠學グァン♡シュェ 2023/05/23 21:59
36: lolololol lolololol 2023/05/24 1:07
Happy birthday Roboco!!! I don't understand Japanese but love your song and voice. Your birthday concert is great, new song is healing and new outfit is shinning. Love you.
37: Raithe Batou [•_•] 2023/05/23 22:00
roboco お誕生日おめでとうございます!🎉🎂🎉 素晴らしいコンサートをありがとうございました!
38: マイン 2023/05/23 22:13
39: 12 (じゅうに) 2023/05/23 22:01
Happy 7th birthday Roboco! Thank you for always being there for us. Watching your little face peek out at the start of your streams makes me feel like everything is going to be okay.
40: Bandori 2023/05/23 22:54
HBD Roboco!
I love all your costumes and the setlist was amazing
So precious, so many different emotions~ Continue to stand by your side
41: OneWayOnlyHim 2023/05/24 6:17
Happy birthday Roboco ! Your singing is as lovely and beautiful as always !
42: DeAtHeReSt D. 2023/05/24 2:35
Happy Birthday Roboco🎉 Thank you for the concert
43: Pro Gamer. 2023/05/24 6:18
Happy Birthday , Roboco! That was an amazing 3D live!
44: レイ 2023/05/23 21:59
45: 237 2023/05/24 8:38
Happy Birthday Roboco! Thank you for the concert and have fun!
46: BerserKing the Astartes Chaplain 2023/05/24 5:32
Happy birthday Roboco-San! That was super fun! Love the new original too.
47: Zefryn 2023/05/23 22:14
Otsurobo! Once again Happy Birthday! An absolutely amazing 3D live and loved every second of it! From the singing, the dancing, New outfit and even a new song, it was a live that just kept giving, thank you so much! Looking forward to continue supporting you! Love you Roboco!

Some Timestamps:
2:00 - Start (and Opening)

3:05 - Song 1

9:58 - Song 2
8:01 - Roboco pointing to the wrong area lol

14:11 - Song 3 (with Kanata)
18:10 - comparing sizes (and Blessed Roboco Wheezing!)

19:52 - Song 4 (With AZKi)

26:50 - Song 5

30:44 - Song 6 (with Chloe)

36:34 - Song 7 (and Reveal)

40:21 - Song 8
44:01 - Roboco almost falling off lol

44:14 - Song 9 (with Lui and Towa)

50:45 - Goods!

54:38 - Song 10

57:44 - ED Credits
48: Deadhead 2023/05/23 22:45
Thank you for the amazing 3D Live performance! May the coming year be your best one yet, wish you all the happiness in the world! Happy birthday, Roboco!! 🎉
49: Senator Kusa 2023/05/23 22:30
🎉Happy Birthday Roboco-san!!!!🎉
50: demitasse 2023/05/24 10:43
