【ブルアカ】4th PV

【ブルアカ】4th PV

2023/01/22 19:03に公開 2分27秒
# Data
最高順位 34位
最低順位 45位
増加再生回数 +391125回
ランクイン日時 2023/01/23 16:30
ランク圏外日時 2023/01/24 12:00
急上昇継続時間 0日19時間30分
再生回数 367020回
※再生回数, コメント数, 高評価数, 低評価数, 評価数合計, 高評価割合は初回ランクイン時の数値
Canvas not supported
日時 順位 再生回数
2023/01/23 16:30 42位 367020回
2023/01/23 17:00 44位 371816回
2023/01/23 17:30 45位 375949回
2023/01/23 18:00 44位 378493回
2023/01/23 18:30 43位 384426回
2023/01/23 19:00 44位 389367回
2023/01/23 19:30 41位 395444回
2023/01/23 20:00 42位 399019回
2023/01/23 20:30 41位 407269回
2023/01/23 22:00 42位 428887回
2023/01/24 2:45 41位 707278回
2023/01/24 3:15 40位 715745回
2023/01/24 4:45 39位 729166回
2023/01/24 9:15 37位 745349回
2023/01/24 9:45 36位 747890回
2023/01/24 10:30 34位 752103回
2023/01/24 12:00 34位 758145回
Yostarより好評配信中のアプリゲーム「ブルーアーカイブ」の4th PVです。


© NEXON Games & Yostar
1: Soul Anime 2023/01/22 19:29
The alternate/previous timeline without us or our interventions is like the bad ending of the game, I guess that's why GSC President send us back to guide the students and prevent that to happen. Seriously, what an amazing game & I'm glad that I played this game.
2: Quacky 2023/01/22 19:43
Sensei's lines translation
1:04 "It wasn't your fault, 〇〇〇"
1:11 "I will bear the responsibilities"
1:13 "Because that's what adults should do"
1:16 "Whatever you want to be, is up for you to decide"
1:19 "The dreams that my students wish from the bottom of their hearts to come true"
1:21 "Thank you for always giving your best"
1:24 "You are no witch, Mika"
1:27 "See you again. When the time comes, i will take responsibility"
1:29 "Because the future that awaits us, has infinite possibilities"
3: Marvey4 2023/01/22 23:33
It's amazing how they always fit so much content within the span of a two and half minute trailer while keeping the right amount of suspense, humour, and overall wholesome and positivity in the face of adversity. And that last part to remind us why Shiroko is the face of the app, more questions than answers! Here's to another year!
4: @Andrewww 2023/01/22 20:27
I actually teared up when the scene of my bloody students showed up, we the Sensei must do everything to protect them.
5: Ac Ze 2023/01/22 20:50
I'm literally teary eyed from this. I will not accept a bad ending! we're back for a reason!

This time, we will win!
We must win!
Our students are not yet lost!
6: satorri 2023/01/22 21:07
Blue archive's story really blows my expectations out of the water every single time. What this PV shows is completely different from anything we've seen in blue archive so far, with the red sky, futuristic air ship like vehicle, and everything else. This PV teases that the next chapter of the story is going to be far crazier than anything we've seen so far, even more so than what vol. 3 chapter 3 was and chapter 4 could have been (which didn't happen because sensei prevented it). The PV hints that the next chapter of main story will heavily develop on the so far barely touched parts of blue archive's lore like adult shiroko and the general student council president, and its probably going to get far crazier than anything we've seen in blue archive so far. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this, and I'm sure that Sensei will be able to find a way to give everyone a happy ending.
7: Gespy 2023/01/22 19:41
tearing up seeing this massive team up by each and every club
proud of these girls

i may be on global but finally being able to see the President's face was rewarding to me atleast
8: Moecalypse 2023/01/22 22:45
This PV actually hyped me so much, I got goosebumps all over my body even if we only got frames instead of an animated PV, it had so much impact one me!! That pretty much shows how much this game created a path to my heart <3
9: kurbeen 2023/01/22 20:06
1:12 is where the goosebumps started. I'm glad we saved those students.

I have this feeling that this will end with arona's final sacrifice, leaving us her final letter at 2:15
10: Blackstone_45-70 2023/01/22 19:11
This literally give me so many chills that I'm crying. The stories are about to get sad and depressing but hopefully there will be a happy ending.
11: really? 2023/01/22 20:34
I can't even begin to explain how much I love this, and this is just the PV. Holy shit I'm tearing up... T-T
12: 菱ろの 2023/01/22 22:50
0:00 制作会社
0:04 シロコ、新ボス
0:05 ゲマトリア4人の会合
0:06 クロコ(仮)、黒服
0:07 赤く光るサンクトゥムタワー
0:08 崩壊する街並み
0:09 ニュース映像、シノン
0:10 ニュースを見るフブキ、モブ複数
0:11 ゲヘナ・トリニティ・生徒会合同会議
連邦生徒会 リン、モモカ、アユム
トリニティ ミカ、セイア、ナギサ、サクラコ、ミネ、マリー
ゲヘナ マコト、イロハ、イブキ
0:12 佇むリン
0:13 ももトーク ユウカ、アコ、ハナコ、リン
0:14 眼鏡をかける(はずす)リン
0:15 シャーレ所有のヘリ
0:17 何処かへ向かう リン、ハナコ、アコ、ユウカ、アヤネ、アユム、カヨコ
0:18 参謀会議 リン、アユム、アヤネ、ハナコ、アコ、ユウカ、カヨコ
0:19 虚妄のサンクトゥム攻略戦 計画書表紙
0:20 サンクトゥム攻略戦 最終臨界の予想時刻
0:21 作戦指揮車両 マキ、ノア
ヴェリタス チヒロ、コタマ、ハレ
0:22 特異現象捜査部 ヒマリ、エイミ
貨物室 ネル、アスナ、カリン
0:23 ネル(手袋)、ヒナ(弾倉)、サクラコ(聖徒会制服)、ミユ(装填)
0:24 サオリ、ホシノ
0:25 作戦終了まで残り 24:00:00
0:26 ビナー 対 アビドス、便利屋68
0:28 シロ&クロ 対 ゲーム開発部、RABBIT小隊、ヒナ、万魔殿
0:31 ケセド? 対 ネル、ツルギ、エイミ、チェリノ
0:34 ヒエロムニス 対 ミネ、セリナ、ヒナタ、マリー、サオリ、アツコ、サクラコ
0:36 ホド? 対 ノア、ユウカ、コユキ
0:38 チヒロ、コタマ、ハレ、カスミ、メグ
0:39 ペロロジラ 対 美食研究会、ヒフミ、アズサ、KAITEN FX Mk.0
0:42 飛行拠点?
0:47 空へと昇る光
0:52 連邦生徒会長?(CV:小原好実)
0:57 『あの時の私には分かりませんでしたが、今なら理解できます』
1:05 「あなたのせいじゃないよ、■■■」
『そして、その延長線上にあった あなたの選択』
1:11 「……責任は、私が負うからね」

1:12 アビドス ホシノ
1:13 「それが、 *大人* のやるべきことだから」
1:14 アビドス高等学校
1:15 Key
1:16 「君がなりたい *存在* は、 *君自身が決めて* いいんだよ── 」
1:17 ハナコ、アズサ
1:18 「生徒たち自身が心から願う *夢* を」
1:19 補修授業部 水着
1:20 ヒナ 腹部からの出血、号哭するアコ
「いつも頑張ってくれて *ありがとうって* 」
1:21 風紀委員会
1:23 病室 セイア
「ミカは *魔女じゃない* よ」
1:24 ティーパーティー
1:26 サキ、ミユ、
「いってらっしゃい、いざという時は *責任* 取るから」
1:27 RABBIT小隊
1:28 ミサキ、サオリ
1:29 「───この先に続く未来には、 *無限の可能性* があるんだから」
1:31 生徒会長との写真を見つめるリン
1:32 ストーリー内の挿絵
1:34 微笑む生徒会長

1:35 黒球へと向かう飛行拠点
1:38 衝突
1:40 アリス レールガン
1:42 新ボス 敵拠点へ飛行機突入
1:43 ボス顔どアップ
1:44 ハナコ シャーレ制服
1:45 ハルナ、何かを察するフウカ
1:46 美食研究会、フウカ
1:48 敵機動力源、ハルナのサムスアップ
1:49 ユウカ、ヒマリ シャーレ制服
連結解除要請拒否 CODE:107
多次元解釈抑制限界まで残り 5分
1:50 ヴェリタス
残り10秒 チヒロ
1:51 連結解除要請承認
ユウカ、ヒマリ シャーレ制服
1:52 シロコ 走る
1:54 クロコ
1:56 落ちてゆく光
2:01 それを見つめるクロコ
2:08 浜辺を歩く生徒会長(アロナ確定演出のようなヘイロー)
2:10 血痕の残ったシート
2:12 生徒会室?
2:15 手紙
2:18 PVタイトル
13: Lunk 2023/01/22 19:59
Seeing the PV for the first time, I felt really anxious seeing some of the students hurt or killed. But now I'm just determined to make sure that they're all alright. I'm so hyped for this.
14: Chhuangz 2023/01/22 19:55
I’m getting so many goosebumps. I’m glad i played this game
15: ベル3797 2023/01/22 19:45
16: 96kami 2023/01/22 20:24
first time i watched i paused and observed every frames and then i watched this for the second time uninterrupted
i'm glad i got to know this amazing game
17: EOEZX EOEZX 2023/01/22 20:34
When i saw the announcement for the anime i cried happily but when i saw someone said that this is the final chapter for bluearchive story i cried sadly i hope the story won't end yet i really do love the world of blue archive.
18: じゅん 2023/01/22 20:15
19: Starblight123 2023/01/22 19:06
Time to rise up, Sensei.
Fight for our students.
Fight for our paradise.
Thank you everyone for supporting this game.
20: 青空の鈴 2023/01/22 23:00
1:12 バッドエンド1(対策委員会編 ):アビドス攻防戦失敗
1:15 バッドエンド2(時計じかけの花のパヴァーヌ編 ):アリス人格消滅、世界滅亡兵器として覚醒
1:17 バッドエンド3(エデン条約編 2~3章):補習授業部解散、ハナコ退学、サオリ(またはアツコ?)はアズサのヘイロー破壊爆弾によって死亡
1:20 バッドエンド4(エデン条約編 3章):ヒナは会場の爆弾攻撃によって死亡、アコ絶望
1:23 バッドエンド5(エデン条約編 3章):セイヤはヘイロー破壊爆弾によって死亡、ミカ崩壊して魔女化
1:25 バッドエンド6(カルバノグの兎編):大雨によって装備全壊、全員絶望
1:28 バッドエンド7(エデン条約編 4章):ミサキ自○、サオリは儀式の生贄になる
21: satorri 2023/01/22 19:51
Holy i did not think it could go harder than volume 3 chapter 3, but it seems like somehow, blue archive keeps blowing my expectations out of the water every single time
22: カジャ 2023/01/22 19:51
23: Andy 2023/01/22 19:34
Lovely bgm as always, now I've just been more motivated than ever before to do the best for my students
24: sungahymn 2023/01/22 19:06
One of the best PVs ever made
25: 2023/01/22 20:41
26: Arfan Ramzan 2023/01/22 20:35
im not expecting this game would go so deep, and i dont want it to end😢
27: Stand-Alone-Complex 2023/01/23 1:16
28: Capturelight 2023/01/22 20:39
man so much of the cg got me crying im glad this game is going where it's at and the amount of support its getting
29: 気になるっす! 2023/01/22 19:04

このPVの曲「RE Aoharu」が
30: PhantomHaseo 2023/01/23 6:39
The PVs are always amazing and this one tops them all.
Seeing how things went originally and how our actions have changed lives and the world is an incredible thing.
31: FISH TROP 2023/01/22 19:47
32: BlueSea 2023/01/22 19:33
I love Blue Archive so much, everything about it just screams greatness, and it never changes, just becomes better and better.
33: Ina'nis Takodachi 2023/01/22 20:35
1:20 nooooooo hina 😭 this scene really breaks my heart, I've been really loving her since i played this game yet here it comes, it doesn't mean i regret playing the game rather I'm glad I play this game, its been 2 years going on feels train while reading the story and playing at the same time, I'm thankful for yostar and nexon that they created this such amazing game and story i hope this isn't ending yet. Once again thank you 😭🙏
34: FukoSan 2023/01/23 8:47
This looks really intense. It feels like it's finally time for everyone to get together for a similar objective...while also getting more serious, interesting and perhaps even cruel.

I'm reaaaally interested about what will happen.
35: マダラちゃん 2023/01/22 19:58
36: Anun 2023/01/23 0:34
Didn't expect the main story pv is gonna be this great. I'm crying😭😭😭
37: 蒼炎のクローズ 2023/01/22 21:00

大人シロコもやばくて尊すぎる……………( ゚ཫ ゚)ゴフッ
38: Vollie D 2023/01/22 19:09
I'm so hyped for year 3, I'm so hyped for the anime I really hope they put the same love and care into it as they do they game here's to many more years fellow senseis!
Edit: after watching the trailer several dozen times looks like 4 characters get injured or die... my heart isn't ready.
39: Rez Olv 2023/01/23 1:15
What a way to raise the stakes. Good grief the art direction of this game is stunning, never mind the lore implications of each scene.
40: rartin 2023/01/22 20:20
Absolutely stunning. Can't wait to see alternate timeline shenanigans.
41: YUYU_Ziteki 2023/01/22 23:40
42: Jundoun 2023/01/22 20:53
Bro even though I'm new player I'm crying emotionally I can't describe it... this PV hits different especially when the students cry and that haevy stuff around them 😭😭😭
43: 15_alliance 2023/01/22 19:13
個人的には2ndpv を超える感動を与えてくれるPVでした、これまでの2年間の積み重ねと製作陣の努力の全てに最大限の敬意を
44: Deus Inanis 2023/01/22 22:27
1:11 love how it matched between scene and music
45: Alvarnar Onicus 2023/01/22 20:01
As I am a global player, my story progress is far from this (I even didn't finish the current available chapter yet lol) so I'm not quite catch up what is happening and this pv might seems to be a spoiler, But ... man, I'm speechless. Goosebumps. The PV is so interesting and I'm so hyped right now. 100% looking forward to it.
I realized how much I love these students when I saw what will happen if we didn't get to help them and that hurts my feeling.
Thank you to every, everyone who make this game and even localized to my country. I totally love every bit of this world. I'm glad I picked this game up since day 1.
Let's go sensei around the world, we have to save them at all cost.
46: 九桜[JP] 2023/01/22 21:19
47: the scp183 2023/01/22 22:04
I felt that I understand the entire lore by just looking at this pv

good job blue archive!
48: アリエル 2023/01/22 20:11
Here we go bros, Kino Archive, what a masterpiece
49: Sorashi 2023/01/22 20:12
The PV looks absolutely gorgeous. But all I can see is the story literally taking the dark route. Still, I hope we can get a happy ending with everyone.
50: 比良坂爆淵 2023/01/22 19:34

