TVアニメ『BLEACH 千年血戦篇』PV第2弾/2022年10月10日テレビ東京系列ほかにて放送開始

TVアニメ『BLEACH 千年血戦篇』PV第2弾/2022年10月10日テレビ東京系列ほかにて放送開始

2022/09/11 19:00に公開 2分21秒
# Data
最高順位 1位
最低順位 38位
増加再生回数 +937044回
ランクイン日時 2022/09/12 13:00
ランク圏外日時 2022/09/15 15:00
急上昇継続時間 3日02時間0分
再生回数 917270回
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日時 順位 再生回数
2022/09/12 13:00 1位 917270回
2022/09/12 18:00 2位 1043237回
2022/09/13 15:45 7位 1517472回
2022/09/13 16:15 9位 1523760回
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2022/09/15 13:15 37位 1849481回
2022/09/15 14:45 38位 1853207回
2022/09/15 15:00 38位 1854314回
TVアニメ『BLEACH 千年血戦篇』

テレビ東京系列・BSテレ東 10月10日(月)より 毎週月曜 24:00~
仙台放送 10月10日(月)より 毎週月曜 25:30~
新潟放送 10月11日(火)より 毎週火曜 25:30~
広島テレビ 10月11日(火)より 毎週火曜 25:29~

【『#BLEACH 千年血戦篇』作品情報】
原作 : #久保帯人 「BLEACH」(集英社 ジャンプコミックス刊)
監督 :田口智久
シリーズ構成 :田口智久、平松正樹
キャラクターデザイン :工藤昌史
総作画監督 :長谷川亨雄、小松原聖、高柳久美子
アクション・エフェクト作画監督 :酒井智史、菅野芳弘、鄭泳勲
美術監督 :谷岡善王
美術設定 :天田俊貴
色彩設計 :合田沙織
編集 :三嶋章紀
撮影監督 :山田和弘
CG監督 :佐々木俊宏、後藤和史
音響監督 :長崎行男
音響制作 :ザック・プロモーション
音楽 :鷺巣詩郎
アニメーション制作 :studioぴえろ

黒崎一護 :#森田成一
朽木ルキア :#折笠富美子
石田雨竜 :杉山紀彰
井上織姫 :松岡由貴
茶渡泰虎 :安元洋貴
阿散井恋次 :伊藤健太郎

浦原喜助 :三木眞一郎
四楓院夜一 :ゆきのさつき

山本元柳斎重國 :高岡瓶々
砕蜂  :桑島法子
鳳橋楼十郎 :樫井笙人
卯ノ花烈 :久川綾
平子真子 :小野坂昌也
朽木白哉 :置鮎龍太郎
狛村左陣 :稲田徹
京楽春水 :大塚明夫
六車拳西 :杉田智和
日番谷冬獅郎 :朴璐美
更木剣八 :立木文彦
涅マユリ :中尾隆聖
浮竹十四郎 :石川英郎

兵主部一兵衛 :楠見尚己
二枚屋王悦 :上田燿司
麒麟寺天示郎 :志村知幸
修多羅千手丸 :佐藤利奈
曳舟桐生 :恒松あゆみ

ユーハバッハ :菅生隆之
アスキン・ナックルヴァール :武内駿輔
バズビー  :小野友樹
グレミィ・トゥミュー :花江夏樹
リジェ・バロ :日野聡




そしてついに、シリーズの最終章 “千年血戦篇”のアニメプロジェクトの幕が上がる









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1: ImSofaKingGood 2022/09/11 19:28
I thought the nice animation would be limited to a few frames here and there, but all of the animation's on another level. It looks like a movie, it's so gorgeous! And the passionate delivery of the VAs is perfect! And they got Tatsuya Kitani who made the Bleach EX theme song back with a new song for the opening! And I love the epic remasters of Shiro Sagisu's soundtracks! And I heard Hiroyuki Sawano and SennaRin are making the ending song! I'm so freakin' happy Bleach is back!
2: Tomugetsu 2022/09/11 22:16
"On the precipice of defeat" OST but in Orchestra version gave me GOOSEBUMPS. I just really hope this OST would return as it is an iconic OST.
3: RyanNN 2022/09/11 21:43
I'm almost tearing up 😭 So glad that I have a chance to see my childhood memory coming back with such a quality animation.
4: NUHH 2022/09/11 21:53
from the end of the last arc til now, i was in secondary school, now i’m already married with a toddler. will make my kid relive my childhood together with me
5: プリンは飲み物 2022/09/11 21:52
6: Karl Art Reid 2022/09/11 22:32
This looks incredible, colours, animation, FX definitely going to do a breakdown of this trailers art style and so hyped for the new series betting it's going to be EPIC
7: 優希 2022/09/11 22:18
8: kuro neko 2022/09/11 21:57
9: Raider 21 2022/09/12 7:40
Morita dejándose la garganta con el grito de "voy a protegerlos a todos" piel de gallina.
10: Amina Arshad 2022/09/12 0:36
This was my second anime after naruto
And i was sooo sad when it stopped airing back in 2012 but I believed it would be back and dudeeee i cannot waittt for thisss
Literally goosebumps
Feel soo happy with this 💯♥️🔥🔥🔥
11: もちいぬ 2022/09/12 0:45
原作・総監修 久保帯人の安心感半端ない。先行上映で1話と2話続けてみたのもあると思うけどまじで映画を見てるレベルだった。鳥肌立つ!BLEACHもっと盛り上がってほしいな!
12: Nodarochi 2022/09/11 22:52
This will be anime of the year twice.
13: Ermac Ster 2022/09/11 22:04
1:59 Feels like ichigo's voice actor has been waiting to say those words after all these years
14: Random Passbyer 2022/09/11 20:25
Respect to all Bleach TYBW staffs, VAs, orchestra, Tatsuya Kitani, and Tite Kubo (and any other relevant parties) in advance, it's defo gonna go down as another legendary anime.

My tears welled up throughout the trailer.
15: MEPSIPAX 2022/09/12 7:16
We have waited 10 long years for Bleach's anime to return. A moment of silence for those we lost along the way.
16: くまごろう 2022/09/11 22:01
17: Swagkia Kuchiki 2022/09/12 9:02
When I heard the "On The Precipice Of Defeat" soundtrack with the hollows at night, it was a blast from the past. The very first OST from Bleach being modernized by Shiro Sagisu is symbolic.

I still can't get over that Bleach has returned.. 10 years of waiting. Watching these trailers is like a wish that came true. I noticed Ryuken has a scene here so the added additional content that wasn't in the manga will be amazing. Welcome back Bleach.
Here's hoping this'll last for many years!
18: givemethesantahatfoo 2022/09/11 21:44
Wow, lets hope they keep this up for the T.V. release. VERY promising so far.
19: Physics Simulator 2022/09/11 19:26
This brought tears to my eyes, my childhood it’s finally coming back.
20: ユウ 2022/09/11 22:40

21: ume chan 2022/09/11 21:42
22: Kenyi S 2022/09/12 0:14
Man that animation, that opening on the background... MAN THEY ALREADY GOT ME EXCITED!!

btw those who already watched those chapters and did a review surely know how to excited me more. Holy crap.
23: もじゃぺ 2022/09/11 23:12
24: Fabyulez 2022/09/11 20:05
That "On the Precipice of Defeat" remix is absolutely a masterpiece!
And also the series 🔥
25: Juan Diego Ramírez Valencia 2022/09/12 3:44
Okay, I didn't see that coming. I didn't think they would upload another official trailer for the final season of Bleach (2004 -), but check us out here, watching another spectacular and amazing trailer for this long-awaited and long-awaited final season of this iconic shonen. And the shonen won again, and in a big way
26: Mátyás Balázs 2022/09/12 1:48
I'm hyped up beyond imagination, almost tearing right here, this will be beyond awesome!!!
27: あま 2022/09/12 2:29
28: a a 2022/09/12 0:50
29: Rizki Pratama 2022/09/12 7:33
This is spectacular. My eyes blessed with such amazing animation quality. I believe hard works and pure heart are put to the production process. Us being fans that waited for 10 years long is nothing compared to the results they offer to us. Dear everyone who takes their part on working on this masterpiece anime, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! 🙇
30: 아이스크림🍦 2022/09/12 0:14
진짜 원피스랑 블리치 너무 좋아하는 애니인데 이렇게 다시 나와서
너무 좋아요 성우분들도 그대로라 더 좋습니다🖤🖤🖤
31: Sandani Wickramathilake 2022/09/11 22:48
This looks soooo freaking good! I have no words! So so worth the wait! That Precipice of Defeat remix 😍 the animation! Damnnnn
32: ellaza39 2022/09/11 23:15
33: Chinar Vartak 2022/09/11 20:43
"On the precipice of defeat" is hitting different after all these years
34: 𝕄𝕠𝕞𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕒'𝕤 ℍ𝕠𝕓𝕓𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 2022/09/12 3:29
천년혈전 나온대서 블리치 정주행한게 벌써 열번째인데 진짜 작화 레전드다 ㄷㄷ 블리치의 매력을 제대로 나타낸 애니메이션 작화 !!
35: Rin 2022/09/11 23:21
36: デニーズ 2022/09/11 21:55
I really want to cry, This is awesome 😭
37: Daniel Rigg 2022/09/12 0:21
HELL YEAH BLEACH!!!! 10 years and now we'II all have the blast of lives watching it once again in its TYBW anime adaptation!!!
38: Ishaan Gupta 2022/09/11 19:15
That Ban-kai and Getsuga-Tensho made tears come out of my eyes.
39: ぽむ 2022/09/11 22:20
40: 紫彩の国民 2022/09/11 21:48
41: Dark7 2022/09/11 22:39
Isso tá tão lindo!!
Isso é Bleach!!
42: KoronaDee 2022/09/12 2:03
Can we also talk about the layering and lighting of the animation? Very angsty yet warm silhouettes. The environment gives off a cyber punk/neo Tokyo vibe, but the characters manage to stay how should I say round and warm? Wonderful stylistic choices being made by the studio and director. Cinema level animation. They are really taking their time with this project, they are not going to disappoint!
43: kristian 2022/09/11 19:48
0:33 when this happened and the violin version of "On The Precipice of Defeat" played, i got huge goosebumps. this trailer is simply looking amazing, and i can't wait for the anime to be released!
44: オーマイゴシゴシ 2022/09/12 5:53
45: 天下御免 2022/09/11 21:50
46: アーモンド 2022/09/12 0:05
47: Treviz Brazil 2022/09/12 3:43
Estou esperando a anos por isso 😍❤️
48: グレムリン 2022/09/11 20:04
49: リトルトーキョー 2022/09/11 23:45
50: まさひろ 2022/09/11 22:17
