2023/02/13 20:00に公開 5分15秒
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原点回帰を掲げたアルバムのリード曲「NO GRAVITY」は、疾走感あふれるドラマティックでエネルギッシュなトラックに、苦悩や葛藤、ネガティブな感情や制限など様々な重力から解放され、16人が描く壮大な未来へとこれからも歩み続ける決意を込めた、THE RAMPAGEの新たな一面が堪能できる楽曲。


純白空間には “若者は何にも染められていない、これから何色にでもなれる存在である”という想いを込めつつ、もう一方のカラフルなシチュエーションでは、“辛い時にはいつも仲間がいるよ”ということを表現している。



ラストの歩くシーンには“これから先も16人全員で共に歩んでいく”というメンバーの想いを表現。各シチュエーションに込めた想いがあり、力強く、爽やかで、エモーショナルな、様々なTHE RAMPAGEを感じられるMUSIC VIDEOが完成!

<ROUND & ROUND 商品紹介>

CDには、16人が描く壮大な未来へとこれからも歩み続ける決意を込めたアルバムリード曲『NO GRAVITY』など新曲4曲に加え、映画「HiGH&LOW THE WORST X」主題歌『THE POWER』、「2022世界バレー」TBS公式テーマソング『ツナゲキズナ』、映画「犯罪都市 THE ROUNDUP」日本版主題歌『ROUND UP feat. MIYAVI』など全12曲を収録!!

豪華盤のDVD / Blu-rayには"現代の若者たちの「今」を等身大に表現"がテーマの『NO GRAVITY』MUSIC VIDEOに加え、最新ツアー【THE RAMPAGE LIVE TOUR 2022 “RAY OF LIGHT”』から、大阪城ホールで行われた熱いライブの模様を早くも収録!2枚組LIVE CDやLIVEフォトブックなど熱量高いLIVEの魅力を余すことなくパッケージ!!“

通常盤のDVD / Blu-rayにはデビュー5周年に密着したドキュメンタリー映像も収録!
個々の活動が多かった2022 年に彼らは何を得たのか。2023 年に向けてメンバー各々が語った本音にも注目!

“ぐるぐる回る”という意味を持つアルバムタイトル「ROUND & ROUND」


2023年2月22日(水)発売 アルバム

◆THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE オフィシャルモバイルサイト






1: Inthenameofvenus 2023/02/13 23:05
Esto grita SOTY!!!! Demasiado hermoso cómo para comprenderlo, la visual es una locura, ese contraste entre escenas coloridas cargadas de un sentimiento de juventud y luego ese escenario blanco y puro es simplemente genial. La coreografía nunca desepciona, estos chicos saben cómo hacer para hacer sentir que son tan ligeros como el aire cuando bailan, son en verdad increíbles. La parte vocal da ese toque fresh y dulce necesario, con unas notas demasiado preciosas. Todo en conjunto es un 1000
2: Mayline Rosario 2023/02/13 20:12
Beautiful MV, the camera, the outfits, the AIR around the members! PERFECTION

And I LoVE that I can see Takahide's style on the dance! Also Makoto's but Takahide's was there shinning! Then I found out hours before that BOTH did the choreo! Kudos to both!

Also love how they are on everyday clothes and still look STUNNING like models, all 16! Love it guys and already ordered my album copies!
3: Abril Lamas 2023/02/14 0:01
Hermosa canción nos regala The rampage. El concepto es muy fresco, el baile es genial e impresionante y cada integrante disfruta en el MV, es lo que más e gusta. Muchas gracias por tanto arte #therampage <3
4: Yenni QQ93 2023/02/13 22:34
Me mareado 😅😹😹 , pero estaba muy genial el mv 😻 itsuki 😻😻❤️
5: MJ O O 2023/02/14 1:41
OMG nuevamente nos sorprenden con tremendo ARTE fans de MEXICO los estamos apoyando la canción y el MV son increíbles excelente trabajo chicos xD
6: Ai-chan 2023/02/13 20:10
Oh my god, I just can't put into words how much I love it.😭
All about this is just perfect.
The song, the vocals, the choreo, the dance performance, the outfits, the visuals ...
I'm madly in love with everything.♥
Thank you so, so much for this wonderful song and this beautiful MV.🙏
I can't wait for the new album.🥰
I love you guys with all my heart.♥
7: Hokuto Jerónimo 2023/02/14 0:23
Rampage es increíble, un mv fresco y divertido, me encanta el talento que demuestra cada integrante
8: dianpri 2023/02/13 20:26
I'm speechless. This MV is so beautiful. I love everything about it, the vocals, the performance, the visual. It's perfect. 😭👍
9: Nurul Husna 2023/02/13 20:17
I'm too stunned watching the MV... This is beyond my expectation 😍😍😍 you guys did really great💞💞💞
10: Nana Oshlenia 2023/02/13 20:29
To start this comment I have only one thing to say...Wow!!!
This MV is truly beautiful and moving and warm. (Yes I'm getting carried away, that's how much he touched me)
First of all, I loved the return of the concept of double outfits that I have always loved with them!
We really feel in this clip the whole journey of this extraordinary group.
We can observe the pure rating that there was in silver rain which at the time had already been recognized as a feat on their part.
We also find their group spirit and friendship present in living in the dream!
As for the outfits, I love the contrast between the black and white side (especially white) and the colored side.
To talk about the aesthetics of the clip really like each time they do a crazy job it's simply magnificent.
I also really like the choreography which lets us see the three singers dancing with the performers.
I find that there is a return to the source with this clip which is great and I hope it will cause a sensation!
I can't wait for the English translation to be available to fully understand the meaning of this MV.
11: Sharon H 2023/02/13 22:47
This MV is awesome, I like the vocal, the choreography, the visual and everything ! It's different from the usual Rampage but they're still awesome and fantastic!❤️❤️🤟🤟
Gonna repeat this Mv just like the rest! Big love from Singapore🇸🇬
12: Tamorah Mae 2023/02/13 20:39
it’s a very refreshing and beautiful MV! ..

the style, the concept & the song itself is simple but is very refreshing to the eyes 🥰🥰

the choreo is so nice, makes me feel like i wanna dance to it .. 💕

amazingly done RMPG! .. 💕🔥🥰 .. so proud of you guys 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🔥
13: revalina pian 2023/02/13 20:07
This mv is amazing😭❤️this is probably the most beautiful mv the rampage has done.
14: kk 2023/02/13 20:09
this might be the best MV out of them i love it kazuma hokuto and riku is dancing too 😭❤️
15: mint 2023/02/13 20:19
omg how do i even say it, I LOVE THE SONG SO MUCH
the mv is so beautiful, the dance is awesome,,
i love the part where they are having fun with dogs!! so cute!!
16: mint 2023/02/13 20:25
This song is so beautiful. As expected from THE RAMPAGE!
Not only this is a very nice song but the MV and the choreo is really pleasing to watch💕💕🥺
You guys are the best!! 🥺
17: Riri_ Rinaa 2023/02/13 23:25
18: Dinurhid 2023/02/13 20:17
Good song with meaningfull lyric!! Nice MV and I really love it!! Keep success Rampages!! #RAVERS 🥰🥰😍😍❤❤❤❤❤
19: Pathrecia Viola Napang 2023/02/13 20:34
Lagunya bagus banget. Baru pertama kali dengar langsung terngiang². Suka bgttt.
20: ꦒꦭꦤ꧀ (Galan) 2023/02/13 20:19
AMAZING! I really love this MV! Especially with those white outfit. And also at 4:03 they finally put the vocalists to dance!!
21: GOTHICCHIC4 2023/02/13 20:32
I love the concept and everything. Everyone is so talented. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
22: Natalia Risma 2023/02/13 21:32
definitely on my repeat!!!! lagunya enak banget asli
23: LALA EUREKA 2023/02/13 21:10
The set, the outfit, the hairstyle omg it's all perfect!!
24: Via rmaokt 2023/02/13 22:39
I really like NO GRAVITY since the first time I listened it. This is a beautiful song with very meaningful lyrics. So precious 🤍
25: たろおみ 2023/02/13 20:11
26: Asma Yamato 2023/02/13 21:33
Love the song...😍😍
Everything about this song perfect...
Thanks for this beautiful song and MV
U guys really doing great.. really proud 🥰🥰🥰
27: かずほく 2023/02/13 21:36
This is sooo Rampage love the music,dance,their visuals and everything
28: nami mimi 2023/02/13 20:29
Takahide-kun, Makoto-kun, thank you so much for this amazing choreography🤩😍🤩😍 How clean and fabulous! Can’t wait to see live performances as well.
29: ち みゆ 2023/02/13 20:08
30: あ み 2023/02/13 20:09
え、もうなんか言葉が出ないくらい輝いてて爽やかでみんなの笑顔がたまらなく可愛くてかっこよくて本当に大好きです (;_;) 音源を毎日聞くくらい大好きな曲でどんなMVなんだろうって毎日考えていたけど想像を遥かに超えてくる16人流石です 😭♡
ラストに白ランペちゃんたちが1列でニコニコ微笑みながら歩いてくる瞬間、ウルウルしました ᵕ̩̩ ᵕ♡
31: hokubumii 2023/02/13 21:35
man i love everything about this music video. im so proud i found them myself. im gonna be a raver 'til i die bro
32: ミナト 2023/02/13 20:34
33: Riri_ Rinaa 2023/02/13 19:35
Can't wait for our amazing RMPG!!! ✨🖤 Makochan and Takahide as choreographer! Omg 😭😭😭🖤
34: T S 2023/02/14 0:37
Love the song, the choreography, and the atmosphere! The all white outfit is so cool! Looking forward to seeing you in concert!
35: がおちゃん 2023/02/13 20:12
全員でパフォーマンスとても感動しましたし、特に横一列に並んでのパフォーマンスが私の中で1番印象に残りました🥲これぞTHE RAMPAGE!!!!!!
36: RIKURIN MIKU 2023/02/13 20:10
i wish i can get individual shoot of each members 😭 then colour background was so good ! as always dance and song were so damn good !!!
37: さこぱん 2023/02/12 19:11
MV解禁発表されてから毎日メンバーのメッセージ観ながらワクワクしていました🥰いよいよ明日✨ 🧎‍♀️してお待ちしています😍
38: タケル 2023/02/13 20:08
39: IzU House 2023/02/13 20:07
Thank you so much for No Gravity today
All of white and Colorful,the combination is really beautiful😍😍😍
I really enjoy every second in this MV🫶🏻
40: Jessica 1103 2023/02/14 2:14
Already 6 years follow this group and never get bored with them 😊Rmpg always comeback with fresh & new concept. They all look good in white 🤍 I'm so happy and proud to be RAVERS
41: Decha wahyu 2023/02/13 23:44
No gravity!! MV kali ini keliatan cerah plus dance-nya keren banget🤩
42: 2023/02/14 6:09
43: Nor Liyana 2023/02/13 22:37
it's way too perfect! everyone is dancing in this MV. love the song! 😭✨✨✨ i love every parts in this MV. sending lots of love from Malaysia 🇲🇾✨ ランペのみんなめっちゃ好き!
44: ゆどうふ 2023/02/13 20:07
45: Nadia D 2023/02/13 22:29
Beda dari MV sebelum2nya, kali ini Rampage keliatan cerah banget. Suka sama lagu dan dance-nya. Bagian transisi dari ruangan yang putih ke gelap neon jadi favorit soalnya keren parah. Karena di teaser ada bagian solo dance jadi aku tungguin nih video masing2 member hehe
46: Scorpio07 2023/02/14 3:26
Wow!! Just what I need to ease my heart (going threw alot rn) this is such a masterpiece.. Rampage never disappoints since day 1.. love you guys!! Happy Valentines day Kazuma ❤️
47: y-tion 2023/02/13 20:17
Beautiful mv and great song!!!!love it so much!!
48: natsu 2023/02/13 20:13
49: あみ 2023/02/13 20:13
50: あかね。 2023/02/13 22:02
