

2021/09/15 19:30に公開 1分43秒
# Data
最高順位 12位
最低順位 28位
増加再生回数 +200552回
ランクイン日時 2021/09/16 11:30
ランク圏外日時 2021/09/17 14:15
急上昇継続時間 1日02時間45分
再生回数 484862回
コメント数 5899件
高評価数 非公開
低評価数 非公開
※再生回数, コメント数, 高評価数, 低評価数, 評価数合計, 高評価割合は初回ランクイン時の数値
Canvas not supported
日時 順位 再生回数
2021/09/16 11:30 12位 484862回
2021/09/16 12:15 14位 490619回
2021/09/16 14:30 15位 512784回
2021/09/16 15:00 14位 517119回
2021/09/16 15:30 16位 523380回
2021/09/16 16:15 15位 532499回
2021/09/16 16:30 12位 534377回
2021/09/16 17:00 14位 538713回
2021/09/16 17:15 16位 541325回
2021/09/16 18:00 19位 551755回
2021/09/16 19:15 16位 566769回
2021/09/17 1:15 17位 642786回
2021/09/17 2:45 16位 653354回
2021/09/17 3:45 17位 657882回
2021/09/17 4:00 16位 658795回
2021/09/17 9:45 17位 670619回
2021/09/17 10:15 19位 672378回
2021/09/17 12:00 27位 678069回
2021/09/17 12:30 28位 679453回
2021/09/17 14:15 28位 685414回
Hey! Say! JUMPの山田涼介です!


1: Acid-House Moshpit 2021/09/16 1:12
I can't believe how many times I hit the replay button just to make sure that this is really happening! I'm so happy! Looking forward to see his gameplay! Have fun Yamada-sama!
2: fernanda gastelum 2021/09/16 0:00
Alguien por favor deme una cachetada y díganme que no estoy soñando, me siento tan emocionada de poder ver a Ryosuke y disfrutar de esta faceta suya, todos salganse quiero estar sola y llorar de felicidad
3: redcinnamonroll v 2021/09/16 5:16
Que felicidad ver por fin a Yamada disfrutar de algo que le apasiona tanto como los juegos 💖 todo el tiempo que llevo siendo fan de JUMP soñé con este momento, lloro de emoción ❤️❤️❤️❤️
4: himawaritiara_ 2021/09/16 5:21
Acho incrível que a Johnnys está começando a liberar canal para seus artistas,a pandemia fez milagres em relação a isso rsrsrs
5: Vee 2021/09/15 23:42
6: Hi_YaZyoSuke_♡♡ 2021/09/16 1:27
Estoy qué muero aaaaaaaaaaaaa aún sigo emocionada e impactada por que bebé Ryosuke ya tiene su canal de video juegos 🎮 hay feliz por mi bebe, おめでとう🥴🥳🎉❤
7: milkprincess 2021/09/15 23:57
The happiest thing is that we are finally able to WATCH Yamada on his live gamaplay on his own channel!!!!!!! Not only LISTENING to his voice by going to his teammate's youtube channel!!!!! (not even watch T.T lol)
8: Gabriela Alves 2021/09/16 8:53
Yamada vai ter um canal ? isso é sério
finalmente 🙌
não imaginei que isso iria acontecer algum dia 😂
9: María Fernanda 2021/09/15 22:51
Que alguien me pellizque... pareciera que estoy soñando. En todos mis años como fan de JUMP nunca creí que podría ver esta faceta de Ryosuke... soy inmensamente feliz, me siento afortunada y agradecida!❤️ Como siempre sólo me queda expresar mi apoyo incondicional, estoy segura que se vienen grandes cosas!✨
10: Samantha Usui 2021/09/15 23:31
I'm so excited! Although I do not know Japanese that will not prevent me from watching your streams. What a thrill to see this new facet. We will be supporting you without hesitation 💜✨
En verdad estoy muy feliz. Wiiiii (/*w*)/✨
11: Lesly Salas 2021/09/16 0:09
Me encanta, muchas gracias Yamada ❤️ Siempre he soñado con este día, ahora es una realidad. Solo espero que lo disfrutes y duermas bien, por favor. Éxitos 🤩
12: lucia oliveira 2021/09/16 7:05
nos fãs internacionais vamos expressar nosso amor ❤
13: Amy Fang 2021/09/16 0:36
Big congratulations! Look forward to seeing your collaboration with other gamers, members and artists. BTW, I am curious about your view on the possible removal of tap strafing by Apex~Will this bring any impact on your gaming?
14: yamadaShu 2021/09/16 0:33
You look very happy, Yamachan. If you are happy, I'm more happy. Gambarre!!!
15: Acid-House Moshpit 2021/09/16 1:41
The character design is so cute! I want it printed on my shirt!
and the font design reminds me of 鋼の錬金術師 (Hagane no Renkinjutsushi)...
16: Sheru StudioB 2021/09/16 0:24
Finally! Thank you!
Yamada-sama have fun, enjoy your gaming, and hopefully we will see you on battles soon!
Thank you JE, Thank you JUMP, Thank you YouTube!
17: Charlene Mae Gonzales 2021/09/16 1:48
I’m so excited to watch!!! I’m so happy for you yama!!! I cant believe that we can actually see you play and stream on yt!!?! Dream come true for you and for us fans 💞💞
18: Zoey Klinprathum 2021/09/16 3:31
OMG!!!! This thing makes me so happy!!!!! I'm really happy that can have fun with you here. Daisuki! Ryosuke! Daisukida! ,You will always have my support ❤️ From.Thai fan 🇹🇭 🇹🇭🇹🇭✨🥰
19: Nadhifi Putri 2021/09/16 1:56
I hope you will be always happy and healthy yamada kun 🥰🥰. I am happy if you are happy, I am serious 🥰🥰
20: Dian Rahmawati 2021/09/16 0:58
Yama, congratulations for your silver play button 👏👏 I hope you will enjoy and having fun in this channel. Stay healthy and be happy ne ☺️ can't wait to see you streaming again 🙌🎮🙌
See you 👋
21: Jelita Zuhra Izdihar 2021/09/16 1:29
I hope there will be a video playing with chinen too, hehe ❤❤❤
22: Shriya Singh 2021/09/15 20:53
It makes me so happy to see yamachan live out his dream of playing games on YouTube!! Who knew one day I'd be able to see my favourite person on his own youtube channel doing what he enjoys. Love you yamachan and cannot wait for the live stream ❤❤
23: m m 2021/09/16 1:03
24: Masaki Shorty 2021/09/16 6:39
¡Muchas felicidades! Bienvenido 🎉 mucho éxito en este projecto y te amamos mucho ♥️ saludos desde México 🇲🇽 !Te amo!
25: Caritho Kyu 2021/09/16 7:44
Ryosuke!!! I love you!!! Que emoción por fin un canal de YouTube para ti!!!! Aquí voy a estar siempre
26: Yamada Darling 2021/09/16 1:48
We are happy for you Ryosuke kun ❤️
27: nobaHARUchii attempts 2021/09/15 21:47
I still cant believe we are actually going to see Yamachan in his own youtube account. It still feels surreal. I am so excited for you Yama! ♥️🎉
28: Melissa Delgado 2021/09/16 2:54
I’m so happy!! I love you Ryosuke 💕
29: りんりん 2021/09/16 1:05
30: MaryamPlays 2021/09/16 0:25
Oh no way, I was just watching that video of him playing apex. Nice, looking forward to the content, hope someone can sub in english sometime.
31: Yvette Lim 2021/09/15 23:35
ahhhhhh! finally you are here! Firstly, congratulations to you! I'm so happy and proud of you. Yamada Ryosuke, you are the best! keep on fighting!!💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
32: Nita 2021/09/15 23:40
Yamada Ryosuke, Congratulations for your own gaming channel!! I'm so happy for you!! Finally your dreams come true! I love you so much and thank you always for your hardwork.
33: Evelion Kreideprinz 2021/09/16 1:57
Aaa I would like to see your reaction while playing games!! 😳💖💖
34: Sheila Saure 2021/09/16 3:58
Omedetou Yamada-san! looking forward to your gaming videos. Do your best! ❤
35: Shy Pedernal 2021/09/16 8:19
Happy for you, Yamada Ryosuke! Congratulations! We will definitely support you.
36: Weissroy00 2021/09/15 20:44
Excited to see the gaming content that you’re going to bring! Extraordinary Apex player, can’t wait to see more.
37: HSJ Ma 2021/09/16 1:20
Fighting Yamada-kun. ❤️‍🔥
38: ymChan 2021/09/15 23:43
39: Kanyarat R. 2021/09/16 0:07
OMG! Yamachan has his own channel on Youtube!!! Congrats to you! ❤️❤️❤️
40: 88マヤ。 2021/09/16 1:10
41: Thủy Ngọc Trần 2021/09/15 22:06
Never in my 10 years of loving Yama-chan have I thought of the moment he has his own Youtube Channel
Congratulations Yama-chan, and I love u ❤❤
42: Saya Kodu 2021/09/16 7:50
Congratulations Ryosuke 🥺🥺💖💖💖💖 Ahh finally we can watch you gaming without going to other YouTubers 😭😭❤️❤️❤️ now you have your own Twitter account too!! 🤧🤧
43: j 2021/09/16 0:19
44: すぬぴ 2021/09/15 23:30
45: Mel Pal 2021/09/16 6:56
Me alegra que tenga un gran procesó
46: Hikari Gaming 2021/09/16 8:54
Omg it's really happening! I'm so happy for you Ryo-chan ❣️ from philippines 🇵🇭
47: Nadhifi Putri 2021/09/16 1:44
Congratulations for your new youtube channel, yamada kun 💜. I love playing games too :D
48: まい 2021/09/16 1:22
49: かめこ 2021/09/16 4:01

山田涼介 × APEXはもう神以外のなにものでもないです


50: Seth Takeda 2021/09/15 22:29
I may not understand japanese but still, I am happy to see any Jump member's YouTube channel! Keep safe always Yama-chan. 😊😊

